HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0081 .....-.~ ,- ------. L _ -- ~~ .- ~ - - -~ ~~~-" ~1 I , t _:-.a."'_..---.,po; __ 9~~~ ..- ~~ - -- - .._ __.__1 ----~- - 1 'l'\)G'~TlnR with all and singular th6---"-'-- - -----tebemonts, hereditnr,ents and appur- tonanoes thereunto bAlong!ng, or In anywiso appertAining, ond the rnverslon and roveraions, remainder and rema1.ndero, rent" issues and profits thereot; ,hIm ALSO all tho estate, right, title, interest, homestead, di:lwer nnd right of dower. separate estate, property, possession. olaim and demand whatloevar, at law and in equity, eithor and both, of the said p&rt168 of the tiro t port. of. in, alid to the some, and every part ~nd parcel therel'f; '1'0 HA v:~ AllD TO HOLD the above desoribed premioes. e~oh Bnd every, unto the said party ot tho seoond part, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple, ab.olute. indofeas1"oly, forever. AHd the suid parties of the first part, for thOl4selves And their heirs, exeoutore ar.d administrotorv, jointly and several11, covenant, promise aud agree to and with the said party of theseoond part, his heire, exeontors, administrators and assigns, thnt tl:e said parties of the t"irst part, at the time ot the sealing and delivery of these pres~mts, Ylere lawfully soized in feo simple of a good, absolute ~ld infefeasibll estate of inheritance of und in all und singulnr ti,e tlbove desori.bed premises, eooh al1d eVdr~'. and havo good right, full pOYler and lawful authority to convey the S&:le in mOliuer and form aforesoi d; tho t t~.e said party of tLe second port, his heirs (did assigns, shall and may, at all times hereafter, peaoeablj' tlnd quietly r.ave, hold, use, ooo'uPY. POSS\}SS oud enjoy the above 'described prem- i94.s. and every part and parcel thereof, without ~ny let. suit, trouble, molestntion, evic- I I I t l 1.1,'1 f: ; , I I tion or disturbance of the said porties of the :first part. their heirs or assigns, or of any otht>r person or persons lawful1~' claiming or to claim the same i th!, t tl:e sHn~, all and singular. are free, clesr. disoharged and ulllncUI:lbered of llnd from all former and other ti tIes, clouds ['11d inoumbrnnces of what noture and "ind soe'lar; that the said parties of tl:e first part their l.eirs. executors and ndl:linistrotors, each ,nud every, shall oa~~e, execute and ack- nowledge such further and other deeds and assurances as by coun3el learned in the law may be ;Ol1sidered J'easonnbly proper to eff.ectuate the full intsllt and moani:lg of this instrument. And the said parties of the first part for t}:emsolv~<J (,nd their I: irs, ti:Q obovtI des- oribed premises, ~ld every part oud porcel tr.er~of, unto tho said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against the said parties of th~ first port bnd their heirs, ar.d agab~st all a:ld evury person or persolls whomsoever lawfully clai&1illg or to claim the some, shall m~d will warront and by these pres::llts forever defend. '1'his alienation is wi th the joint C'JllScnt of hUSband m;d wife, where thut relution :i1gned, sealed and delivered , 8LL~O c. P~T?:; 3 '.~AI, ) exists. m WI?H':S,j ','I! 3lE'')? , the said porti es of the firat part have hereunto sat their tanus alld seule each in the presenoe of two subsoribing witnesses. in presence of us; L<:liAH P.. P3T?3 (S":AL ) lula z. ::>tewart I I I I I f~,' I 0 I r J I , I I I I I :'rod Scni ven ,>'I';",B OF Ir'LORIDA VOUlITY OF VnLUSIA I H3!BBY C~RTIFY, tht::t on this 6th day of :Deoember A.Ii. 1924, befor~ mo, an officer ~.uj.y authorized to edminister oaths and ta}~e L\oknowledgements peraonally appoaxed Slrn,o C. Pettea Bnd Lenah E. ~ettee his wife, to co well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who exeoutod the foregoing oonveyartca to Riohard H. Bunoe and severally acknowledged the exeoution thereof to be their free aot and deed for the usee and purposee therein mentioned; and the 86id LenaIl H. Pettee the wife of the 8ald 31mo C. ~ett6e. on a , eeparate and private examination taken and JlI8de by fWd before me, and sepe.retel)' all~ apart from her said husband, did ~&knowledge thnt ehe made bexel! a party to the 8aid deed ot ----- of renounoing. relinqu18ping and aonve in 11 h i'+ ti+l '. ,--, .. ,)' ,:,.' ,\<~<'[~~mll~