HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD DENSITY TEST-Jensen.Beach, -FL 34957 :: •. `.: .Prootor-Method: - AST •D- 557:. :. Test .:: . :.' TEST LOCATLQN- P�ob'e ': . Elev Moist ."Dry • : Density-- Proctor Value` _ -Optimum: : Moisture ... � , . • .: ; . Compaction • Pass PCF : .. 1. NW Corner of-Buildiii :Pad :12":: FL.:.'7..3.. - 104:3 ; ::1Q8:0` : 10:0 : `96:6% :.. ll'es• 2 NE Corner'&SUildin 'P.ad.:.' ::..' 12 FL 5:8: . 106.7: 108.0' . 10:0'.: . 98:8%. Yes 3 : Center of-Buildili :Pad .. :: :: 12" :FL . -•:6.2 : `105 8 :.108:0:: : 10:0 :98:0%.'. Yes' 4, SVV Corner of Buildin :Pad: I. T.'. -'FL :: -6.9 • • : -103.9 - ' :1.0&0. 10:0 :. 96.2°lo Yes' 8' 10 :-12:..... ,. :.. :.. ' . 1.3 emams:.. See Reverse Side (Page 2 of 2) for Additional Information for Disclaimer -. This: is:a Compaction Test only on the'top 12":of.tFie pad.and is nofa yeiifcatid .Sol Bearing Capacity. • :. Legend for -Elevation::` Pit- Protifroll- ' 1,2.3 =.1st, 2nd, 3�d:Lift Submitted by:_ SL = Springline .: = FL =Final.Liift -' Keith•LeBlanc,'P:E. SG =;Subgrad'e BG.= Below Grade - -'; -Federal Eflr&edging iiesting, .Inc:.-r:� - : BC = Basecourse: BOF = Bottom: of Footiing,' . _Florida Reg .No. 59394 T^,o.= Top: of Pipe• FG:='Finished: Grade Celtificatt of Aufhorizaticin,#5471: - nutual-proteetion.to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidentiatpro�erty of.clients, andtauthggzatlon for publication'of statements,: . ,___sfons or extracts•from or regarding our reports is reserved pending our written approval: A density test deierrrHnes:the deg�de,6f cor66,ps 'dn:of the tested layer of material only. A density does riot replace a soil bearing capacity. determination. These density tests do riot certify the undrd,nng scil'rnaterials belowlhetiproposed structure. The results do not preclude or.guara-niee that. future settlement and cracking will not occur; A soil bodrig.test is required to ;h rtrfy i{lat the underlytnq,snilswill support the proposed structure without settlement: If.no soil -borings have been, performed: to verify the undedyfng soils, we recommend that soil bcnngs-be p.ttfonned to evaluate the suitability of.the undeilying poll to support the proposed.stnicture., After laying dorimant'for a period of 90 days crafter Heavy rain/storms; retesting;riiust baperfoirried on this work... olinpac a oils :Nietho.d .D-6938: D.iselailmer. Pursuant to your, request; Federal Engineering • & Testing, - Inc.. (FET) has performed a compaction test, at -the. referenced project .on the reverse :side:. The purpose of our test was. to :determine the degree • of compaction: of -the tested: layer of material only, :In no. way shall: a compaction test replace.a soil bearing cap'acity determination: A soil boring test rriust be performed by the. client.prior .to construction to verify subsoil conditions., :Our scope of services only included testing: the:top ; 12" of added:fill material.; FET-was: not. contracted to perform. supervision of the building pad preparation.:. This testing ofthe. ' added fill material 'does: riot include an arialysis,of the underlying.soil material.s.to determine if they:are capable of supporting, . the proposed structure without settlement. This density compaction test does not warranty any uriderlying,soil materials -or. conditions below the tested to' :1'2 inch' of material:..If no soil: porings have: been performed -in. the location of the proposed structure,:we recommend performing soil borings below.all foundatiori.areas.of the proposed.structbee to. verify the underlying soil conditions:. - Environmental. analysis: of the: soil ,materials: is not: part.of .'the scope., of services: 1f environmental, analysis of the. soils .is; required, we can:provide: a proposal for perforinin�g.an environmental analysis:bf.the soil' ' ate.riats: The scope of services is for determination of the'degree,of compaction of the -tested layer of trip rial.only..No other analysis is implied orwarranted: Job project specifications were, not available at: the time the work was.perfornied. Determination. of. the: passlfail..compaction results' are -based -on.'durrent common industry. requirements of: 95%.bf the. ASTM D=1557: standard- for building .foundations . and :98% :of the AASHTO: T-180 .standard =for paved: areas such. as. roadways and: parking: lots. If different :specif cations are required; Federal Engineering&'Testing,.Inc, shall `be notified.' Our fndings•are relative to the.date and areas:.of.our site.work:.and should not be relied upon .to represent conditions on other. areas:or: dates 'Any' subsequent.site-disturbances due:to water erosion,: rain. waters, construction activities,:utility, or footing..' .excavations; overgrown vegetation,: traffic and other disturbances will void this:test and'the site must be.re-compacted and re. - tested prior to .construction.. - As'a :mutual :protection -to: clients, the: public and ourselves; .all .reports •are: submitted as. the .confidential: property of our .client :. . s and authorization -for - use; - publication: of statements,' conclusions : or' extracts. from or. regarding :our ;reports. is , reserved pending:ou.r written: approval: - - t has been'a pleasure working with you and•we-look forward'to doing so in the near future. . lJ ` j ,'p - Page-2-of2 07/99/2009 16:44 772229QAag PAGE 02/06 ederal er �sriwal riKc. V SW INI Alva Pompano &Wh. R mom l bq`�� Tests of Compacted RECEIVED MAY 0 8 7018 Phone 954.784 2941 8{1tf-84$-1919 Fax,954 784-7875 www:Fod-ong.com Project: Pro sed Single Farrifly Home Date:, . May4, 2018 Address: • 4044 Nettles BIVd., Jensen reach, FL_34957 _-- - Order #:. 18CMT1.293 Araa Tested: - -8tidding Pad Permit #: Materlaf Type: Brown Sand Tech; TS . Client: Mei-Ry. CoristttiGtiot'1,.Ihc. _ _-- -- ' Address: 109678. Ocean [hive - Compaction Req.: - - 950/0 _-- Jensen Beach, l=L 34957 Proctor Method; AM D-1557 Test TEST �LQCATICN Probe ProbeDepffi Elev. Moist Dry Density PCF Proctor Value. 'P.CF Optimum Moisturess Compaction Pa 1 NW Corner of Building Pad IT R 7.3 1'04.3 108.0 10.6 96:6% Yes 2. NE +C.orher•of Oullding Pad 12" FL 5.8 106.7 108.0 10.0 98.8% Yes 3- Center of Building Pad 12" FL 8-2 105:8• 108.0 10.0 98.0%. Yes 4 8W Comer of Bui . Iding Pad. '12" FL 6.9 103.9 108.0 10.0 96.2% Yes 5 ' 6 .7 8 ' 1'0 11 . 12. 13 14 ���►�t►r i ftmarks' See Reverse Side Pa 2 02 for Additional tnforitiation for i?tsclWITiet �`' �w` low W This is'a Corliipactlon 'fast only an the -top 12" of the pad and W not a verificatioh of Sai , !�'•� %, Legend for Faevation; PR' T Proofroll 1,2,3 =1st, 2nd, 3rd Lift Submitted by: • ., . ' sL = Springune' FI m Final LM Keith L• eBlane, P.E= -` SG = Subgrade' RG = Below Grade Federal Engineefinia,ins,. hTjA SOm 6asecourse BOP m Bottom of'1 noting Florida Reg. No. 5t .t��-�� �bRli3�;' (:jam` ' tOP -Top of Pipe FG.- Finished Grade Ce00Ai%te of Attthotizatfi t t �.�e\ As•a mutyal protection to distm, the publie and outselwe5, all reports are submitted'as the cordiiddiW61, proporly Of clients, •end auft&Qti nutar couslbns or extrade•imm or regeeding our reports:rs iwerved oehding ow written approval, A density fast deteunlA "-the dagr66 of comooctlon oil only. A•der qy tines not Fepla ee a.eou beating copaaity determination. Thm density tests do 661 certify tha undedyloB Holt mawals below the plMSOMA. -The results do not preclude or guaraMae tint future'savlament and cracking wtO not occur: •A soli boiing feet ls- required to tangy ifrsi •ttie undedying soft will Ruppert ft propoattd.9hucwro wtthout.settlemem If no sog bd6ngs have tb8an pertomted to verity the underlying foils. we recommend that•soll borings bs.paformed to evaluate the wltabillty of U*undodying sod to Support 4+p propde id-Mrucbrro. *After Raying domtoht for a imhi d -if 9� or, or aftr.h20"Y r irifatpfe7a, riM611ng 1ptrPt b0 p6rfenned en•zilJO wYvdS. PAGE.1 of 2 07,/09/2009 16:44 7722299429 PAGE 03/06 .MERRIL wderal TitST-jur. INC. Dawft=h. R. nM NiD. 200 Wash Sieve Analysis Phone 054-784-2941 800-846-19.19 Fax 954-784-7875 CLIENT: ES1 .-l�.y Cona wwdoz, -Inc. —DA 5/2/2018 PROJECT, ORDERM 18CMT1266 ADDRP-SS-.- 1044Nett1cs Blvd., Jensen Beach, FL 34957 SAMPLED -BY; BIB REPORTED TO; client RESULT OF TESTS Location: Bi&iLn&-Pad- -Bro!nSand Weight-, .618AS #200 626.1 g 19% Tested By: SJ LZIN # J3237808 I-00QL Checked By: KL Respectfully Submitted, ox I 111N., JoffkP.. Z- ip- A. katli 1&131ane, Flofida Regis' E10 construction Material American Concrete M19m) Dado• f4mida oapartment Evneefirto council Insottito Cwty ofTranspGnatlon 07/09/2009 16:44 7722294q�9 ed e-- ral Organic Content Tftt (AASOTO T-267.) PAGE 04/06 Phone 954.704..2941 800-848-1919 Fax 954.784 7875 CLIENT: &l-R�. Codstruction, Inc. DATE: 5/2/2018 PROJEC -.Proposed $ingle PamilyHome• ORDIW: 18CMT1256 ADDRESS: 1044 Nettles Blvd., Jewen Beach, FL U4.957 S,ANIPLED BY- BIB REPORTED TO: Client RESULT OF TESTS Location: 13,'wildi ng Pad Sample Descriptioh: Brown Sand •��-";�t�r���k:��•��>�� v:h• �• .:�•• -k� '•-+ate::.,'„'�� �:: 25.4 612 62.9 0.7 T.ested By: : SJ CM.1,32318081-000) Checked By: JCL, Respectfully Federal Engir. Florida Regis Ccate of (Mg-fMMM Construction Wde'iial Eagintering Council. American, Concrete InHtttute NOW Dada County Florida Department oi'rraropottatlan 07/09/2009 16:44 77222?4439 PAGE 05/06 Phone 954-784-2941 -800-1348-1979 ' ederal Fax 95&78477875 & ESTING INC. fed.-eng.com �50•SH413�IhPompano Beach. FL 33W PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST DAtE SAMPLED: 5/2/2018 DATE TESTED: 5/7/2018 SAMPLE-M. 18CMT1.266 CLIENT: Mel-Ry C6nstructio i, Inc. .ADDRESS: 10967 S. Ocean briye; Jpnseh Beach, FL 34957 PROJECT: Pro osed Single Family Home. LOCATION: 1044 Nettles Blvd.,•Jensen Beach, FL,34957 Sampled from Building Pad MATERIAL DESCRIPTION:' Browi):Sand MATERIAL #: N/A SAMPLED. BY: BK TESTED BY: jCL TIN #: J32378081-000 SPECIFICATION GOVERNING: ASTM D.-1557 LAB NO.- 104035 RESULTS, OF TEST: The folloWing.compacdon test Was conducted. in accordance with the Standard Methods.oi Moisture Density Relations of -soil One a 10 lb: Hammerand an 18"'drop as per the.above speciflokd method. MOISTURE % WET Q9NSIiY (PCF) DBY DENSITY (PCF) 8.4 114.9 .106.0 9.3 117.6 167.6 10.3 129.0 107.9 11.2 118.2 106.3 10.8.5 108.0 '106.0 i 105.5 8 9 .10 11 12 Moisture (%) Optimum Moisture (Percentage) • 10.0 % Maximum Dry Density (lbs./cu. Ft:) 108.0 PCF Respectfully Submitte \011�//ry 0�, Keith LeBlanc, P.1= w •U s W"" p Federal Fngjneeri.rj r ...sv4T,4 QF Florida Reg. No 593W,10' . ; ORtDP••.`, r`�� Certificate 4f'Authoriz i /� 4' Construclfan Materiel En®ineering Council American Concmk! 14fitute Mtaml Cade County Florida Department Of Tierieporwlgn 07/09/2009 16:44 7722299439 PAGE 06/06 r- h Compacted Soils Method .D-6938 'Dis,ctlaimer Pursuant to your request, Federal Engineering. &• Testing, • Inc. (FET) has performed a compaction test at the referenced -project on the reverse side. The purpose of our test -was to determine. the .degree of compaction of itze tested layer of material only: th no, way shall a compactions test• replace a soil Oeadng capattty determination. A soil boring test must performed by. the client prior'to constriction to verffy'subsoil conditions. Our scope of services only included testing the top 12° of added fill materiat 'FEE was not contracted to•porform•supenriston'of the building pad preparation, 'This testing of the added fill mated9l does -not include ar, analysis of the und0fing.igoil matonaig."to'deiermine if they.Pfe capably Of supporting the proposed structure without sattlemsnt. ' This density compaction test does not Worranty•anyr'Undgrlying•soil materials' or conditions below the tested top 12 inches of material, if no soil bbrings Have been performed 1h the location of -the proposed structure, we reco' ' Mend performing•sail borings below all foundation areas of the proposed structure to verify the. undedtft sail conditions. gnvironmental analysis'of the soil materials is not part of the scope of services. if environmental analysis- of the soils is required, we can -provide a proposal for performing an• environmental analysis, of the.soit materials. The scope of services Is fot-determ1hation of the degree of compaction of the tested layer of material drily: No'other analysis Is implied .or warranted, Job project• specifications were not available at the time the work was performed. Determination of the paWfail compaction' resuits are.based on cinrrent ,common industry requirements of 95�o of the ASTM D-1557 standard for building foundations- . and 98% b# .tile AA£HTO T-180 standard for paved areas such .as roadways and parking iota.. If different specifications are required, Federal Engineering & Testing; ins, chill be notified. Our findings are relative to the date and areas of our site work and should not be •relied noon to represent cortditianb on other areas or dates. Any subsequent site disturbances due to water erosion, rain waters, construction acfivtties, utility or footing excavations, c vvergrown vegetation, traffic and other disturbances will vold this.test -and ttte. site must be re,,compadad and rep tested prior to construction. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of our client and Whorizatfon for• use, publicatioh of statements, 'c:oncluslons or extracts from pr regarding our .reports is reserved pending our written approval. It has been a pleasure working with you and'we loots forward to doing so in the near future. Page 2 of 2