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TO HAV3 AlID TO HOLD the same, togethor with all and singular the appurtenanoes thel'e-
unto belonging or in anywise appertaining. and all the estate, right. title, interaet and
olaim whatsoever of the said part~f the first part, either in law or 6quity, to the only
proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of tho. seoond part. heirs and assigns
I1l \'IIT1l3SS \'IH3R30F, the said parties of tho first part has hereunto sot thsir hands and ,
seal the dny and year first abl)ve written.
Signed. selled and delivered
in prosenoe of
A. H. YlARU3R (S~AL)
AU::A C. WA.llU:';R (33AL)
J. W. \li3?:D
A. D. !,t:.~R\'1 III
OOmlTY 0:<' ST. LUcn
I IBR3BY C3RTIFY, tho t on tl,is day personally appeared before me, an officer duly
authorized to administer oaths ~nd take ,6cblowledgments. A. H. Warner to me well D10MI ~
well MR~~ to be the person desoribed in ROd who exeouted the foregoing deed and aoknowledged
before me thot he exeouted th~ saIne freely and voluntarily for,th9 purposes therein expressed.
;'HD I FllRTE:m .:}3RT1FY, that the sai d Anna C. \Varner blown to be the wife of the sai d
A. H. Warner on a separate and private examinotion taken and made by and before me, separatel;r
and apart from her said husband. did aoknowledge that she executed the forogoi:lg deed for the
purpose of relinquishing, alienating and oonvey!ng all her right, title and interest, whether
of dower. homestead or of separate property, statutory or equitable, in and to the lands
descr ibed thereII1. and that she exeouted soid de-:1d freely OJld voluntnri1y L:nd wi thout any oom-
pulsion, oOIlSliraiJlt, ,apprehension or fear of or from her said husb&nd.
\'lITllt;JS my hand and offioial seal at Rio County of 3t. Luoie and ;:;tote of ?lorida
this 23rd day of Ueoember A.D. 1924.
". D. Jd3RWIU
to lIotary rublic ;>tate of ~'loridaat large
II. P. seal) ~~ I.!y commission expires September 6, 1927
?iled and rec:orded this 2~ day Of'~~,oember 1924.
:;) , ~~ p~ C. 3LD?3D. Clerk ~ircuit ~ourt
Ct. Ct. S 1 ' ~ By D.C.
..... ....... ...... ..... ...... ........................... ....
i' 2762
V:~RO PlilA!lC3 &: IMP. COP.P.
:?HIS IUD31ITl'RE. l.<ade this l.~th day of Deoember A. D. 1924 between .1.. U. Dellerman and
3110 Dellerman, his wife, of the COWity ot st. ~uoie and state of Florida parties of the
first part. and Vero Finance ~ Improvement Corporation a oorporation existing under the
laws of tho ~tate of ?lorida having its principal plaoe of business in the ~ounty of st.
Luoie and State of ' Florida party of the aO(l\)nd part, Witnesseth, that the said porties of
t~o first part. for and in oonsideration of th9 sum of nine hundred dollars ,to them in hand
paid, the reo&ipt whereof it) he:n~by aoknowledged, have granted, bargrined., sold, aliened,
remised, released. enteoffed. oonveyed and confirmed and by these presants do gr~lt, bar-
gain, sell, allen, remise, release, enfeoff, oonvey WId oonfirm unto the sald party of the
seoond part aud its Buooe8S0r8 and asQ1gns forever, all that oertain paros1 of land lying ond
being in the county of ~t. Luoie and state of Florida mora partioularly de80ribed as fol-
lows; A strip of land 8taattng at a set pine stake 'one hundr9d seventy-three and four tenths
(173.4) feet west of 0 point nine hundred nlneteen wld nine-taAih (919.9), f8e\ north of the
southeast oorD6r of tho north.oat quarter of tho 80~theaa\ qUArter o~ seotion thirteen 113),