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# 2767
FRJJIC1$r L. lICCORJ.!]:}l{
THIS IND3?1TURR, made tha 12th day of .)eoember in the year ot our Lord nineteon hundred
and twenty-four be~ween John MoCormiok of the County of Los Angeles and state of ~alifornia
the party of the ~ir8t part and Pranois L. UoCormiok of the County ot Los Angele9 and state
of California the party of the aeoond part, "ITH3SSETH: that the sald psrty of the 1irst
part, for and in consideration of the sum of !-'our Fundred ($400.00) dollars, gold ooin of the
United States of Amerioa. oash in hand paid b1~the said party of the seoond part. the reo9ipt
whereof is hereby aoknowledged, does by these presents. grant, bargain. sell. oonvey and oon-
firm. unto the said party of the seoond part, and to his heirs and assigus torGver, all thRt
oertain piooe or paroel of land situate. lying and being in the Co~~ty of Jt. Luoie and state
of rlorida and bounded and partioularl.Y.d~8oribed as foHows, to-wit;
Ten (10) aores, more or less, oomprising allot Lot thirteen (13), in Block three (3),
of Seotion one 11), in township thirty-seven (37), South of Nange forty (40) 3ast; seid traot
being desoribed acoording to a map or plat of that subdivision known as "st. Luoie Gardens"
reoorded in Book 1. page 36 of the public reoords of soi1 3t. Luoie County.
TOG3TH~~ with all ODd singular the tenements. hereditaments and appurtenWloes there-
unto belonging. or in' anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and
remainders, rents. iS8UOS and profits thereof.
70 HAV3 ~rJ TO POLD, the s~ to the said Franois L. ~cCormiok his heirs and assigns
forever; and the said first party ,does heY"oby covenant with the said party of the seoond part
and his legal representatives, that the soid real estate is free from all enoumbranoes of
what kind or nature whatsoever and that he will and his heirs, executors and administrators
shall warrant and defend the same to the said par ty of the ,seaolid part, heirs and assigns
forever, against the Just and lawful olairJs and delll8nds of all persons whomsoever.
1H W!TH~SS WHZR30F. the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand ond
seal the dey and year first above written.
Signod, sealed SlId detivered
JOIDI }J~CORlll '~K (S3AL)
in the presence of
;;lement :.. Allen
IDoo stamps oalle >5.60)
~arry ~. Holcroft
COUnTY O? LOS A!',}3L';;~
011 THIS twelfth doy ot .....ecember A.D. 1924 before me H. 3. !l1ghtingale a notary Public
in and ror 8aid county and ~tate, residing therein, duly comoissioned and sworny personal:y
appeor3d John lioCormlck, known to me to be the person whose name is subsoribed to the wi thin
instrument, and &&knowledged to me that he exeouted the s~e.
and Jear
1U W IT1l3S3 VlH3R30F.1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offioial seal the day
above written.
1<'lled and
of ~e~bar 1924.
notary J:'ublIo luana-for 9aid county 8l d state
~,y c01DDission expires July 10. 1926
P. ~. ~LDR3D, Clerk Cirouit CoU1'~,
B, /(A~l ~
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I 2766
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