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} t and Pro)eries Rec— EI�E� -- INSTALLATION AND 1 OPERATION MANUAL FEB 12 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting ENGLISH I FRAN9ES I ESPAIVOL . SCANNED St Lurie Product may differ from image shown Jandy Pry series VS FloPrOTM series Variable -Speed Pumps FOR YOUR SAFETY - This product must be installed and serviced by a contractor who is licensed and qualified in pool equipment by the jurisdiction in which the product will be installed where such state or local requirements exist. The maintainer must be a professional with sufficient experience in pool equipment installation and maintenance so that all of the instructions in this manual can be followed exactly. Before installing this product, read and followall warning notices and instructions that accompany this product. Failure to follow warning notices and instructions may result in property damage, personal injury, or death. Improper installation and/or operation will vold the warranty. Improper installation and/or operation can create unwanted electrical hazard which can cause serious injury, property damage, or death. ATTENTION INSTALLER -This manual contains important information aboutthe installation, operation and safe use of this product. This information should be given to the owner/ operator of this equipment. y Page 2 Jandy°1 Pro Series VS FloProTM' Series Variable -Speed Pump I Installation &Operation Manual Table of Contehf§` Section 1. Important Safety. Instructions .. �.....: 3 Section 5., Service;and Maintenance.............17 1.1 Safety Instructions.......................................I .... 3 5.1 Routine Maintenance.......................................17 1.2 Pool Pump Suction 5.2 Winterizing the Pump.......................................17 _ ...__.Entrapment.Prevention Guidelines..'.' ........... 5 Section 2. General Description ............:......... 6 6.1 - Service Technician Maintenance...................... 20 2.1 Introduction .......................... :....:.................. ....... 6 2.2 Description..................................................!...... 6 Section 7. Product Specifications and Technical Data ....................... 21 Section 3: Installation Information ..:...................6 7.1 Replacement Parts List and Exploded View .... 21 3.1 Plumbing............................................................ 6 7.2 Exploded Views................................................ 22 3.2 ElectricalInstallation........................................... 9 7.3 Performance Curves ........................................ 23 3.3 VS FloPro Pump Dip Switch Seffings....:.:.... ... 43 7.4 Physical and Operational Specifications .......... 23 3.4 Auxiliary load Operafion .............................. ...14 3.5 Remove Pump Lid ....................................... 15 3.6 Conduct Pressure Test ................................. 15 Section 4. Operation........................................15 4.1 Start-up.........................................................I...15 EQILIIPMENT i INFORMATION RECORD DATE OF INSTALLATION INSTALLER INFORMATION ` INITIAL PRESSURE. GAUGE READING (WITH CLEAR PUMP MODEL NOTES: FILTER) HORSEPOWER I , Jandya Pro Series VS FIOP O Series Variable -Speed Pump I installation & Operation Manual Page 3 Section I. Important Safety Instructions READ AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS 1.1 Safety Instructions All electrical work must be performed by a licensed electrician and conform to all national, state, and local codes. When installing and using this electrical -equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed; including the following: A WARNING RISK OF SUCTION ENTRAPMENT HAZARD, WHICH, IF NOT AVOIDED; CAN RESULT IN SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. Do not block pump suction, as this can cause severe Injury or death. Do not use this pump for wading pools, shallow pools, or spas containing bottom drains, unless the pump is connected to at least two (2) functioning suction outlets. Suction outlet (drain) assemblies and their covers must be certified to the latest published edition of ANSI®/ASME®Al12.19.'8, or its successor standard, ANSI/APSP-16. A WARNING To reduce the risk of injury, do not permit children to use this product. A WARNING To reduce the risk of property damage or injury, do not attempt to change the backwash (multiport, slide, or full flow) valve position with the pump running.. A WARNING Jandy Pro Series pumps are. powered by a high voltage electric motor and must be installed by a licensed or certified electrician or a qualified swimming pool service technician. i A WARNING • Due to the potential risk of fire, electric shock, or injuries to persons, Jandy Pro Series pumps must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code® (NEC®), all local electrical and safety codes, and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Copies of the, NEC may be ordered from the National Fire Protection Association, 470 AtlanticAve., Boston, MA 02210, or from your, local government inspection agency. . A WARNING RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, FIRE, PERSONAL INJURY, OR DEATH. Connect only to a branch circuit that is protected by a ground -fault circuit -interrupter (GFCI). Contact a qualified electrician if you cannot verify that the circuit is protected by a GFCI. A GFCI should be provided by the installer and should be tested on a routine basis. To test the GFCI, push the test button. The GFCI should interrupt power. Push the reset button. Power should be restored. If the GFCI fails to operate in this manner, the GFCI is defective. If the GFCI interrupts power to the pump Without the test button being pushed, a ground current is flowing, indicating the possibility of electrical shock. Do not use the device. Disconnect the device and have the problem corrected by a qualified service representative before using. ® WARNING _irtconac,tly_install--ed-equip ment_mayJail,-causing_severe_injury-or_property-damage.---..-- Page 4 Jandy® Pro Series VS FloProw Series Variable -Speed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual A WARNING • Do not connect the system to anunregulated city water system or other external source of pressurized water producing pressures greater than. 35 PSI. • Trapped air in system can cause the filter lid to be blown off, which can result in death, serious personal injury, or property damage. Be sure all air is out of the system before operating. To minimize the risk of severe injury or death, the filter and/or pump should not be subjected to the piping system pressurization test. Local codes may require the pool piping system to be subjected to a pressure test. These requirements are generally not intended to apply to the pool equipment such as filters or pumps. Zodiac® pool equipment is pressure tested at the factory. However, if the WARNING cannot be followed and pressure testing of the piping system must include the filter and/or pump, BE SURE TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: • Check all clamps, bolts, lids, lock rings .and system accessories to ensure they are properly installed and secured before testing. • RELEASE ALL AIR in the system before testing. • Water pressure for test must NOT EXCEED 35 PSI. • Water temperature for test must NOT EXCEED 100°F (38•C). • Limit test to 24 hours. After test, visually checjC system to be sure it is ready for operation. NOTICE: These parameters apply to Zodiac equipment only. For non -Zodiac equipment, consult equipment manufacturer. A WARNING Chemical spills and fumes can weaken pool/spa Eequipment. Corrosion can cause filters and other equipment to fail, resulting in severe injury or property damage. Do not store pool chemicals near your equipment. A CAUTION Do not start pump dryl Running the pump dry for any length of time will cause.severe damage and will void the warranty.. - A CAUTION This pump is for use with permanently installed pools and may also be used with hot tubs and spas, if so marked. . Do not use with storable pools. A permanently installed pool is constructed in or on the ground or in a building such that it cannot be readily disassembled for storage. A storable pool is constructed so that it may be readily disassembled for storage and reassembled to its original integrity. A CAUTION. i Do not install within an outer enclosure or beneath the skirt of a hot tub. The pump requires adequate ventilation to' maintain air temperature at less than -the maximum ambient temperature rating listed on the motor rating plate. 1 SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS Jandya Pro Series VS FloProlm Series Variable -Speed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual Page 5 1.2 Pool Pump Suction Entrapment Prevention Guidelines A WARNING SUCTION HAZARD. Can cause serious injury or death. Do not use this pump for wading pools, shallow pools or spas containing bottom drains, unless the pump is connected. to at least two (2) functioning suction outlets. A WARNING Pump suction is hazardous and can trap and drown or disembowel bathers. Do not use or operate swimming pools, spas, or hot tubs if a suction outlet cover is missing; broken, or loose. The following guidelines provide information for pump installation that minimizes risk of injury to users of pools, spas, and hot tubs: Entrapment Protection - The pump suction system must provide protection against the hazards of suction entrapment. Suction Outlet Covers -All suction outlets must have correctly installed, screw -fastened covers in place. All suction outlet (drain) covers must be properly maintained. They must be replaced if cracked, broken, or missing. Drain covers must be listed/certified to the latest published edition of ANSINASME® All2.19.8 or its successor standard, ANSI/APSP-16. The pool must be shut down and bathers must be restricted from entering the pool until any cracked, broken, or missing drain covers are replaced. Number of Suction Outlets Per!Pump - Provide -at least two (2) hydraulically -balanced suction outlets, with covers, as suction outlets for each circulating pump suction line. The centers of the suction outlets (suction outlets) on any one (1) suction line must be at least three (3) feet apart, center to center. See Figure 1. The system must be built to include at least two (2) suction outlets (drains) connected to the pump whenever the pump is running. However, if two (2) suction outlets run into a single suction line, the single suction line may be equipped with a valve that will shut off both suction outlets from the pump.. The system shall be constructed such that it shall not allow for separate or independent shutoff or isolation of each drain. See Figure 1. Additional pumps can be connected to a single suction line as long as the requirements above are met. Water Velocity - The maximum water velocity through the suction outlet assembly and its cover for any suction outlet must not exceed the suction outlet assembly and its cover's maximum design flow rate. The suction outlet (drain) assembly and its cover must.comply with the latest version of ANSI®/ASME® A112.19.8, the standard for Suction Fittings For Use in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas,and Hot Tubs, or its successor standard, ANSI/ASME APSP-16. Testing and Certification - Suction outlet covers must have been tested by a nationally recognized testing laboratory and found to comply with the latest published edition of ANSI/ASMEA112.19.8 or its successor standard, ANSI/APSP-16, the standard for Suction Fittings For Use in Swimming pools, Wading Pools, Spas, and Hot Tubs. Fittings - Fittings restrict flow; for best efficiency use fewest possible fittings (but at least two (2) suction outlets). Pool cleaner suction fittings must conform to applicable International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) standards. CUT RIIAT Tu""R age ti - "1lIlJJg J1Hq k9pJJJklii, Jandy° Pro Series VS RoProrl Series VadableSpeed Pump I Ins(allation & Operation Manual At Leas 3 Feet Listed/certified to the latest published version of ANSI®/ASME®A112.19.8 or its successor standard, ANSI/APSP-16. 1..-- --1-11 .. I Anfi.onfranmonf--_= I - 1:-: __.._-.- -•.;=r.:; Cover/Grate or Suction I Fitting, securely fastened to I Main Drain Sump a) E E Suction Outlet —> Co (Main Drain) Valves permitted only Figure 1. Number of Suction Outlets Per Section 2. General Descri 2.1 Introduction This manual contains information for the proper installation, operation, and maintenance of Jandy Series VS FloPro variable -speed pumps. Procedu in this manual must be followed exactly. To obtai additional copies of this manual, contact Zodiac® Customer Service at 800.822.7933. For address information, see the back cover of this manual. 2.2 Description The VS F1oPro. is a variable -speed pump that can 1 run from 600 RPM to 3450 RPM. When connecter the JEP R. controller, up to eight (8) speed settings be programmed and recalled. This .allows you to sf the most appropriate speed for your application. E more versatile programming is possible when you an AquaLink® RS, AquaLink PDA, or AquaLink 2 controller. The pump is driven by a variable speed ECM (Electronically Commutated Motor) directly atta the pump impeller. The.motor spins. the impeller forces water to flow through the pump. As the sp the motor is varied the flow through the pump is varied. The adjustable flow rate allows for optim of flow during the varying pump cycle requiremc a result the energy efficiency of the pump is max resulting in cost savings to the pool owner while helping to save the environment. No valves between Tee and Main Drains tee Listed/certified to the latest published version of ANSI/ASMEA112.19.8 or its successor standard, ANSI/APSP 16. n::fr-i'..,fr,-kis..f`c_.---- _- — .. ... - coverivrate or suction Fitting, securely -fastened to Main Drain Sump <— Suction Outlet (Main Drain) Pump Section 3..Installation Information 3.1 Plumbing Preparation Information 1. Upon receipt. of the pump, check the carton for damage. Open the carton and check the pump for concealed damage, such as cracks, dents or a bent :base. If damage is found, contact the shipper or distributor where the pump was purchased. 2. Inspect the contents of the carton and verify that all parts are included, see Section 7.1, Replacement Parts -List and Exploded View. Pump Location to 1. .. Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc. recommends installing nay the pump within one (1) foot (30 cm) above water ect level. The pump should not be elevated more than en five (5) feet above the water level of the pool. Ise NOTE The pump is NSF -certified as being able to prime iTM ' at heights up to 10 ft above the pool water level, at sea level. However, to achieve better self -priming, install the pump as close as possible to the water level of the pool. i to 2. If the pump is located below water level, isolation . valves must be installed on both the suction and ch ch return lines to prevent back flow of pool water Of during any routine or required servicing. on A WARNING As A check valve can interfere with the proper :ed operation of certain Suction Vacuum Release ' System (SVRS) products. To avoid possible en- trapment hazard, serious injury, or death, make sure to review the operation/owners manual of your particular SVRS product before installing the check valve. Jandy° Pro Series VS FloPro7m Series Vadable-Speed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual Page 7 POOUSPA PUMP 3 WAY VALVE FILTER HEATER a' r->•x;• ::>yx. '`'' ' t ^:;;cs;.. ,r i.'l• ..,:ry . �I'� ^i}Y4?,_ ;:jj,r. : , :• ��iCA'-� obi?;:i: •;, `I• �L r 5 � - 2 ' y''�r :�SKIMMER�r�• _ ` t C ALVE r HEC V ii3• �. K � ,r. • a ar' Y (check Valve rcwmme tied .�.,,.., _ :cl<;�:•_ far temslnsteu sys edwilhFfasloAFeeders Afi:• ''T�� �;. }! -- — rAquopuln•soft r7ltolG,oOonsystem) - �:i.. ., > 5?:;rC'�_ _-.r,;-� 5:3_•,.•,;;:r:::.:.::::;.,.. 3 "IIiIA ND • RAINS •�.;:'�>• �:i''�'=:. ' ' p4,E �, ,�.�� , •, � } (Suwon Oullet) - Is'' � � � - •, sue" c r r 4 Op4onal , ' , : I t .., ; t � CleanerSuclionPort; r �3, : n 5 -f•'r Syr ,4 ' t 1 i i 1 } ''. , .� , SPA DRAIN (Sudtonoutlet) SPA RETURN MANUAL BYPASS VALVE POOL MANUALBVPASS DETAIL - RETURN O - RETURN USE WHEN FILTRATION RATE EXCEEDS 12S GPM FOR ZODIAC HEATER.REFERTOTHEMANUFAG TURENS RECOMMENDATIONS IF USING A DIFFERENT BRAND HEATER. Figure 2. Typical Piping Installation NOTE When the pool equipment is located below the pool surface a leak can result in large scale water loss or flooding. Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc., cannot be, responsible for such water loss or flooding or damage caused by either occurrence. 3. Install the pump such that any disconnecting means and/or junction boxes for power connection are within sight of the pump and at least five (5) feet horizontally from the edge of the pool and/or spa. Choose a location that will minimize turns in the piping. NOTE In Canada, the minimum distance maintained from the edge of the pool and/or spa as noted above must be 3 meters (10 feet), as required'by the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC, CSA C22.1). 4. The pump must be placed on a solid foundation that will not vibrate. To further reduce the possibility of vibration noise, bolt the pump to the foundation, or place it on a rubber mat. NOTE Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc. recommends bolting the pump directly to the foundation. 5. The pump foundation must have adequate drainage to -prevent the -motor -from -getting -wet. —Protect -the pump from the rain and sun. 6. Proper ventilation is required for the pump to operate normally. All motors generate heat that must be removed by providing proper ventilation. 7. Provide access for future services by leaving a clear area around the pump. Allow plenty of space above the pump to remove the Iid and basket for cleaning. 8. If the equipment is in a potentially dark area, provide adequate lighting. Pipe Sizing For assistance with suction and discharge pipe sizing, please see Table' 1. Installation Recommendations To help prevent difficulty in priming, install the suction pipe without high points (above inlet of pump - inverted "U"s, commonly referred to in plumbing as an airlock) that can trap air. For installations of equipment up to 100 feet (30 m) from the water, refer to Table 1, the pipe sizing chart. For installations of equipment more than 100 feet (30 m) from the water, the recommended pipe size must be increased to the next size. Jandy'B Pro Series VS FloProw Series Variable -Speed Pump I Installation &Operation Manual =III! �mr •.L �. III 1 I No Base Required I -T Option HaywardsSuper Pumps Pump 1 PentairsSuperFlos -Height Sta-Rites SuperMa)P I side . Side Small Base Option Hayward Super IlTm . 2 JandyPlusHPbyZodiacs Jandy Max HP by Zodiac . Option Small Base with Spacers Pentair WhisperFlos , 3 Sta-RiteDyna-GlasN I Small Base* Large Base I Sta-Rite Max E-Pros Option Sta-Rite Dura-Glass 4` Sta-Rite Duna-Glas II Sta-Rite Max•E-Glass L Optional (Order R0546400) Figure 3. VS FloPro Pump and Base Optioi Table 1. Pipe Sizing Chart for Schedule-40 �'�- rervt PipeSize.� � i ^2..•'-.•. •::!-�.Si.S� ^ �:zMaximum,Fiow +,' � _ r3TSt9'a',cea!;-- ::•e,l:.�o�;iy .�:���MaxrmumtFlow�ww, ��ram.{.' i•�' '��r �-Tlz.i� � "!i .sY! •i`1v' .�: �+�::: .9 �, •• � ��iSirbiton;�;;:�_ , •; -iv :�:.\•-:ffn:.i�a .. pl n ��.'.�;;, ;•Drschar9e���: �.�:._ r_Ja- °.sl S:t :...s._.......::v .Y "_-7C.`.a ]x:J•.a2:c:•..'a:.:... 1'/" . 37 GPM (140 LPM) 50 GPM (189 LPM) (38 mm) 2" (51 mm) 62 GPM (235 LPM) 85'GPM (322 LPM) 2'/" 88 GPM (333 LPM) 120 GPM (454 (64 mm) LPM) 1 3" 136 GPM (515 . 184 GPM (697 (76 mm) LPM) LPM) J. 4" 234 GPM (886 313 GPM.(1185 (102 mm) LPM) - . LPM) 2. VS F1oPro Pumps come equipped with unions on both the suction and discharge ports. This feature simplifies installation and service and eliminates the possibility of leaks at threaded adapters.' 3. The VS F1oPro Pump must be connected to at least two (2) hydraulically -balanced main drains for each pool pump suction line. Each drain (suction outlet) assembly must be provided with covers and must be listed or certified to the latest published. edition of ANSI®/ASME41Al12.19.8, or its successor standard; ■ 1111011111 IIII /fill !IIII1 ■Illl0101�0111l ANSUAPSP-16. The suction fittings of the main drains must beat least three (3) feet-(1 m) apart or at different planes. The suction fittings cam be a drain and skimmer; two (2) drains; two (2)'skimmers, or a skimmer with an equalizer line installed. Check the local codes for proper installation. NOTE To prevent entrapment, the system must be built so it cannot operate with the pump drawing water from only one (1) main drain. At least two (2) main drains must be connected to the pump when it is in operation. However, if . two (2) main drains run into a single suction line, the single suction line may be equipped with a valve that will shut of both main drains from the pump. 4. - The piping must be well supported and not forced 'together where it will experience constant stress. 5. Always use properly sized valves. Jandy Pro Series Diverter Valves and Ball Valves typically have the best flow capabilities. 6. Use the fewest possible fittings especially 90 degree elbows. Each additional fitting or length of pipe increases resistance to flow which makes the pump work harder. NOTE If more'than ten (10) suction fittings are needed, the ,pipe size must be increased. JandyO Pro Series VS Floft7l' Series Variable -Speed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual AAMM11WiW Page 9 7. Every new installation must be pressure tested according to local codes. Replacement of Existing Pump Jandy Pro Series VS FloPro pumps can easily replace several other pumps: the Hayward® Super Pump®, Hayward Super IITm. Pentair' SuperFlo® Pentair WhisperFl&, Jandy Pro Series, P1usHP (PHP), Jandy Pro Series MaxHP (IvIFIP), Sta Rite® Dura Glas, Sta- Rite Dura-Glas II, Sta-Rite Dyna-GIasTM, Sta-Rite Max-E-Glas® Sta Rite Max-E-Pro®, and Sta-Rite SuperMax®. To replace the Pentair WhisperFlo, Jandy Pro Series; PHP, or Jandy Pro Series MHP, use the VS F1oPro's ' adjustable base. The VS. FloPro base (and its spacers) increase the total height of the pump -and the height of the suction side of the pump. See Table 2 and Figuref3. NOTE Adjustable base comes with FloPro models VS-FHP1.0, VSFHP165JEP, VS-FHP2.0 and VSFHP270JER If adjustable base is required for VSFHP270AUT or VSFHP165AUT please see item 18 in section 7.1 "Replacement Parts List and Exploded View" Table 2. VS FloPro Dimensions =t'�t'"=``_t�;;'i:',�S;":}:.`!:a;A_;•• :^c?iij;_sit -":>,�',(p Mnt nfguratron: r`-m' ~ y I. Pump without Base 7 3/4" 12 3/4" (197 mm) (44 mm) 2. Pump with Base 9" 14" (229 mm) (356 mm) 3. Pump with Base and 91/4" 141/4" Spacers 235 mm) (362 mm) 4. Pump with Small + Large 10 7/8" 15 718" ` Base 276 mm) (403 mm) Install Spacers into Small Base 1. Using a hand cutter tool, cut the plastic bars connecting the top and bottom sets of spacers, as shown in Figure 4. 2. Push the two (2) top spacers and two (2) bottom spacers out of the base. 3. Align the pins in the four (4) spacers with the holes in the base and snap the spacers into place, as shown in Figure 5. Cut C� spacers at X. Figure 4. Cut Sets of Spacers Out of Base Figure 5. Snap Spacers into Place 3.2 Electrical Installation Voltage Checks The correct voltage, as specified on the pump data plate and Table 3 on page 10 is necessary for proper performance and long motor life. Incorrect voltage will decrease the pump's ability to perform and could cause overheating, reduce the motor life, and result in higher electric bills. It is the responsibility of the electrical installer to provide data plate operating voltage to the pump by ensuring proper circuit sizes and wire sizes for this specific application. The National Electrical Code® (NECK', NFPA-70) requires all pool pump circuits be protected with a Ground Fault Interrupter (GFCI). Therefore, it is also the responsibility of the electrical installer to ensure that the pump circuit is in compliance with this and all other applicable requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and any other applicable installation codes. A CAUTION Failure to provide data plate voltage (within 10%) during operation will cause the motor to overheat and i. void the warranty. Bonding and Grounding 1. In addition to being properly grounded as described in Electrical Wiring section, and in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NEC), or in Canada the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), the pump motor must be bonded to all metal parts of the swimming pool, spa or hot tub structure and to all electrical components and equipment associated with the pool/spa water circulation system. 2. The bonding must be accomplished by using a solid copper conductor, No. 8 AWG or larger. In Canada No. 6 AWG or larger must be used. Bond the motor using the external bonding lug provided on the A WARNING Always disconnect the power source before working on a motor or its connected load. SUN RAC Off' Page 10 Jandy® Pro Series VS FloPron" Series Variable -Speed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual Table 3. Recommended Wire Sizes for VS FloPro Pumps t':.l `: .'1" ...t„_ -.:vet •iY� sF.�w �.V^i+.:•ii>:1•>�I!L•iSq�.Y_t+Y:t`1L"Y:}:: '+'-."1 e: � �r.T,.cz'•:gt=•yT-�• ::.Si:_•l,: :T:-:i�7.=f.:. 'Zt.� .•:e �.i ..ty�w.:f:f'- - ::J;'Y:Ir: fir):.• - '�j:S;: •-:.)`. .":i::'^�:y:..• `S• ( i:� '''' 'ii.",Yf�zt.... �•' �RO�:PU.MPS._=.... :R_E_COMMENDED�MIIVIMUMrWIRE�SIZE=FOR�/S:FLOP_ - 0-150 Feet Distance from Sub -panel (0-45 metres) Branch Fuse AMPS Gauge of Wire Model Class: CC, G, H, J, K, RK, or T Voltage 230 VAC 230 VAC -VS-FHP1.0i VSFHP165AUTiVSFHP465JEP . _ ... .::.:1 . _._ : 15A VS-FHP2.0, VSFHP270AUT, VSFHP270JEP I 20A 10 *Assumes three (3) copper conductors in a buried conduit and 3% maximum voltage loss in branch circuit. All National Electrical Code® (NECO) or the Canadian Electrical Code (GSA) and local codes must be followed. Table shows minimum wire size and branch fuse recommendations for typical installation. A WARNING Make sure that the control switch, time clock, or control system is installed in an accessible locat so that in the event of an equipment failure or a plumbing fitting, the equipment can be turned of location must not be in the same area as the pol pump, filter, and other equipment. 3. Insulate all connections carefully to -prevent I NOTE When power alone is supplied to this pump, Will not operate. It requires a digital command sent to it by either a variable speed controller (JEP-R), an AquaLink® RS controller, an AquaLink Pool Digital Assistant (PDA), or The pump must be permanently connected to a an AquaLink Z4TM', to operate at a chosen speed. dedicated electrical circuit: No other. equipment, VS FloPro Controller Options lights, appliances, or outlets may be connected to the • The VS FloPro um can be o erated b one 1 pump circuit, with the exception of devices that may pump p y ( ) be required to operate simultaneously with the pump, of four (4) controllers: the JEP-R variable -speed such as a chlorinating device or heater. controller,•the AquaLink RS controller (Rev O or later), the AquaLink PDA (Rev 4.0 or later), or the AquaLink Z4. The VS FloPro variable -speed pump communicates with the controllers via a four -wire RS-485 interface. Breaker Panel • -•GROUND ••' m A CAUTION Lug grounding or short-circuits. Sharp edges on �n� terminals require extra protection. For safety, and to pose prevent entry of contaminants, reinstall all conduit This and terminal box covers. Do not force connections into the conduit box. Block Controller Installation Options, The VS-FHP1.0, VSFHP165JEP, VS FHP2.0, & VSFBP270JEP pumps come pre -configured for the JEP-R variable -speed controller with DIP switch settings pre -configured to work with this controller. The VSFHPI65AUT and VSFB P270AUT Pumps come .-_ pre -configured for installation with the AquaLink RS, AquaLink PDA, or AquaLink Z4. To install with an AquaLink RS controller (Rev O or later), an AquaLink PDA (Rev 4.0 or later), or an AquaLink Z4: 1. Remove power from the VS FloPro pump by Variable -Speed disconnecting the high voltage lines or by turning Pump (230 VAC) off any breaker to which the VS FloPro pump power is connected. Figure 6. Bonding the Motor Electrical Wiring 1. The pump motor must be securely and adegi grounded using the green screw provided. G before attempting to connect to an electrical supply. Do not ground to a gas supply line. 2. Wire size must be adequate to minimize vole drop during the start-up and operation of the See Table 3 for suggested wire sizes. A WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Turn off all switches and the main breaker in the variable - speed pump electrical circuit before starting the procedure. Failure to comply may cause a shock hazard resulting in severe personal injury or death. 2. Remove the access cover to complete electrical . connections to the motor. Jandy® Pro Series VS FloProlm Series Vadable-Speed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual Page 11 � a oom®o®oa ®0 ©ooc0000 ocooa oo Figure 7. Wiring AquaLink RS Controller or Aqual-ink PDA 3. Slide dip switches 1 and 2 down to the OFF position. If applicable to your pump model slide dip switch 5 up to the ON position. See Figure 7. 4. Select the desired address(es) for the pump by setting dip switches 3 and/or 4, as shown in Section 3.3, VSHoPro Pump Dip Switch Settings. 5. If short RS485 cable or JEP R controller is pre installed: 6. Connect the RS-485 connector on the AquaLink-0 RS (or multiplexer interface board), matching wire colors with connector positions as follows: 1-red, 2-black, 3-yellow, and 4-green. See Figure 7. 7. Restore power to the pump and verify the operation of the controller. Refer to the appropriate manual for set up and operation of the pump: AquaLink RS Owner's Manual, 6593, AquaLink PDA Owner's Manual, H0572300, or AquaLink Z4TM Owner's Manual, 110386600. JEP-R Remote Mounting The variable -speed controller may be remote mounted onto a vertical surface that is protected from the elements. Follow the directions carefully to maintain the ability to reinstall the variable -speed controller onto the Pump. Reverse these instructions to complete the reinstallation. See Figure 8. A WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Turn off all switches and the main breaker in the variable - speed pump electrical circuit before starting the procedure. Failure to comply may cause a shock hazard resulting in severe personal injury or death. a. Disconnect the RS485 cable from the 4-pin Figure 8. Disconnect Variable -Speed Controller header on the pump drive. from Pump Note: Do not cut the cable, or you will lose the ability to return to-the-defaultfactory-configumtion.--"---' — -- -----�- -- b. Connect the new RS-485 cable from the AquaLink through the available compression fitting and route the 4-conductor cable through the motor drive threaded port closest to the connector. Figure 7. opv 2 Jandy® P'10 Series VS RoPro7m Series VadableSpeed Pump IInstallation & Operation Manual A WARNING When determining routing and protection for the variable -speed controller cabling, ensure that all National Electrical Code® (NEC®) and all local cc requirements are met. NEC code requirements prohibit the routing of signal cables in conduits o raceways that.are used for branch, feeder, or se to -building routing of signal'cables, with regard lightening protection. . At the pump: 1. Remove power from the pump by disconnec high voltage lines or by turning off or deacti any breaker to which the pump power is con 2. Lift up the controller cover on its hinges to z the variable=speed controller. 3. Remove the six (6) screws to disconnect the 'variable -speed controller from the controllei on the Pump motor. 4. Detach the RS-485 cable connecting the vari speed controller user interface to the control on the motor. Do not over extend the cable v raising the controller away from the motor. 5. Unscrew the four (4) connector terminals and disconnect the wires of the motor cable asseir Note: Do not cut the cable, or you will lose the al return to the default factory configuration. 6. Bundle the loose wire into the pocket of the controller base. This wire will be used if reinstalling the variable -speed controller oni Pump. 7. Secure the pocket cover and gasket with six screws to the variable -speed controller base motor. 8. Remove the one (1) screw ifid access cover, complete electrical connections to the motor 9. Insert the free end of the new RS-485' cable the available compression fitting and, route jji 4-conductor cable through the motor drive tl port closest to the connector. 10. Prepare the cable and attach another 4-pin connector, ensuring the wire colors match F 11. Insert the RS45 connector onto the corres RS-485 connector on the motor PCB. 12. Secure the compression fitting nut around to secure the motor. 13. Verify the DIP switch settings match Figure 14. Reinstall the access cover with the single sc removed in step 8. Follow the instructions in the Variable -Speed Co User Interface Installation/Owner's manual (H04 to complete the remote mounting of the controll th To install the JEP-R variable -speed controller: IMPORTANT The installer must TURN ON switches 1 and 2 at the VS-FHP2.0 pump when connected to the. variable - speed controller. ice NOTE The variable -speed controller part no: is JEP-R. � _ _ _._ .. ....:... the base base to the on the igure 7. ponding e,cable 7. rew ntroller 12200) .. r... ... ......, r.....r ..J ...,....�-....b the high voltage lines or by opening any breaker to which me pump power is connected. A WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD turn off all switches and the main breaker in the variable - speed pump electrical circuit before starting the procedure. Failure to comply may cause a shock hazard resulting in severe personal injury or death. 2. Remove the cover of the junction box and feed the RS-485 cable into the fitting. . 3. Unplug the RS-485 connector. 4. Attach the four (4) wires in the RS-485 cable to the RS-485 connector. Match the wire colors with the positions on the connector: I- red, 2- black, 3- yellow, and 4- green. See. Figure 9. 5. Insert the RS-485 connector back into the pump. 6. Slide dip switches 1 and 2 up, so they are in the ON position, and slide switches 3 and 4 down, so they are in the OFF position. See Figure 9. Jandy' Pro Series VS FloProlm Sedes Variable -Speed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual _ Page 13 Figure 9. Wiring Variable -Speed Controller (JEP-R) 7. Connect the other end of the cable to the controller. Match the colors, of the wires with the appropriate connector positions as follows: 1- red, 2- black, 3= yellow, and 4- green. 8. Restore power to the pump and verify the operation of the controller. 9. Refer to the Variable -Speed Controller Owner's Manual, H0412200, to operate the pump. . r,yury w. ulr owrtcn access cover on vs-rnri.0 VSFHP166JEP Motor 3.3 ' VS FloPro Pump Dip Switch Settings The 4- or 5-position dip switch is located at the rear of the VS F1oPro pump. This dip switch serves two (2) functions: it selects the pump address, and it determines what type of controller will be used with the pump. Table 4. VS-FHP1.0, VSFHP165AUT & VSFHP166JEP DID Switch Settinas ?Switcl%; -.;?Wii` n- - Sw qnN - a'. L . fCo `' ° r` "''K j 7.+ t�:CC2Cp 7 i t��tii� • ` ;'�.:,�J` �.z �12�;7,13 li.A _r:: ctti 1:' ...-.�.. s,,, ~ 'Cr..{vw' :. a=�: J_rl4w..1:: �1:40:��•���.•;�:1:: GL OFF OFF' ON AquaLink RS, Aqual-ink PDA, orAquaUnk Z47m ON ON 'ON Variable Speed Controller y$,WItCh ~ - J ;Switc.Iit : 5 y{K a ins• :: •:a: '�; :.r�, r kr.: s_s, a PumpAddreI i. `'` {:��5 u:i�t :5 x {i:•G. •:'[ ::o._ l • 4�s .. _ :S :kt :.i•%;L;. •.tc.� ti:? !,1 kii:,.•:� ;:.�r5ii'�; . .±f';i2: _ %.;� t 'i.Y:�.: ��:;,5 :tea: �::T t:�r';riL...: i..:t S't.: .t3wt• �..:i. `L:�-.�:'�'r�;. �. ;:G� .:e}"Ji:�::; ...u'w�.'i ON OFF PUMP 2 OFF ON PUMP 3 ON ON PUMP Table 5. VS-FHP2.0, VSFHP270AUT & VSFHP270JEP DID Switch Settinas ' t:�".'.-'f ., i. kS•wtch 3�'M4 L:' �Swi%h� 'T=kti.::w :�.`J::`.�. :5!T: r_s. �.....•..v''i`••L' S': ;Cot �•.J;.,:. �,:�':.., a.::`�.:.?. n holler„-�•� :.� tf ;• 1.' :r �.•.3 s'I�S.ie _t: La. .4` .!iv{L.. �:=*ri:`-: ,._ _ 4t:� Y.!x %'�L2':::'}lci� .y.rr::.ri.`.' __ s: • �c.u....^; u.�r..z": �{ =� y'�ss.• 5�' �i�.i::��46;:ti':ti: 7:- .,ri..ru 'Cn.�`.!.2`•'•'- i :�.°._�F �.'Jr.'�3•.f•6':: I."•'.F?tti:a:ir," ': sis ii7, ^:'r¢ ' OFF OFF AquaLink RS, AquaLink PDA, or AquaLink Z4 ON ON Variable Speed Controller "LSY.'LY' t Swlict 1. :,!.•• Switch; tad: i !i'•z1:'•• '7s.:.� [�_::� ,�r••s• PumptiA`ddress `a ..ifSr�•x.:-•... _.q.:., sa.r�i:,l:�€, c•'i ON OFF PUMP 2 OFF ON PUMP 3 ON ON PUMP 4 CONTRACMCopy r- Page 14 Jandy° Pro Series VS FloProl" Series Variable -Speed Pump , I Installation & Operation Manual 3.4 Auxiliary Load Operation Certain pump models are equipped with a terminal bar that provides user access to a built-in Auxiliary ' ' oa Load relay contact. This normally -open, dry contact e L1 _ Ll is activated under certain operating conditions and is , e c (Brack) Power . primarily intended to be used to, control external devices & L2 source that require system water flow for proper functioriing, ' (sit ek) such as heaters _booster um s .salt water chlorinators,,::. -- - _..,._... _. - p- p � i YLV. See Figures 9 and 10 for compartment's location d An access cover with -Phillips -head screw must be removed before proceeding. Auxiliary Load Connection Requirements A WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Due to the potential risk of fire, electric shock, or, injuries to persons, Zodiac® Pumps and any auxiliary loads must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code® (NEC®), all local, electrical and safety codes, and the occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Copies of the NEC may be ordered from the National Protection Association, 470 AtlanticAve., Boston, MA 02210, or from your local government inspection agency. In Canada, Zodiac Pumps must be installed in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC). • The Auxiliary Load relay contacts are rated at 230V/11A RMS. Please ensure the requirements of the equipment to be connected to the Auxiliary Load do not'exceed this rating. Earth I0 p C t2 L1 NL1 • (Black) 1230V L2 (Red or Black) Earth L2 (Red or Black) 230V EXAMPLE Auxiliary a`# lOTRepn;se Load wimgconri Note: In this connguraaon, it Is Important to verily the shared powersoutce is adequately rated to service both the pump and the auxillaryequtpmenl. Figure 11. 230V Auxiliary Load, Shared Source Wiring Diagram Llne 115V (Black) Power Source I Neutral (White) EXAMPLE ONLY 115V NOTRepresentaftef Auxiliary ' Load all wrifngccnrigaralions Figure 12. 115V Auxiliary Load, Separate Power Sources Wiring Diagram Q L2 L1 0 9 L1 0 0 (Black) 230V � o � LL C Power g L2 Source w (Red or Black) Earth L1 — 230V (Black) Power Source4aith EXAMPLEONLY NOTRepnesentafteof all wTringconfiguraGons . Irce Figure 13: 230V Auxiliary Load, Separate Power Sources Wiring Diagram Auxiliary Load Operation Characteristics Auxiliary Load relay contact activation is speed - dependent, and behaves as follows: Contact Closure From'a stopped condition, there is a three -minute delay Y before the Auxiliary Load contact is closed when the aor motor speed reaches and maintains a speed of at least Tons 1725 RPM. From a.running condition at below 1725 RPM, there is a five -second delay before the Auxiliary Load contact is closed when the motor speed reaches and maintains a speed of at least 1725 RPM. Jandy° Pro Series VS HoPrOm Series Variable -Speed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual' ' Page 16 Contact Opening If the pump speed is below 1725 RPM, the Auxiliary Load contact is opened. Contact openings are always immediate. 3.6 Remove Pump Lid 1. Make sure that the pump is turned -off. 2. Make sure that the switch to the circuit breaker that powers the DumD motor is turned off_ - A WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Turn off all switches and the main breaker in the variable , speed pump electrical circuit before starting the procedure. Failure to comply may cause a shock hazard resulting in severe personal injury or death. , . A WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Due to the potential risk of fire, electric shock, 4 or injuries to persons, Zodiac® Pumps must be installed in accordance with the National Electrical Code® (NEC®), all local electrical and safety codes; and the occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA): Copies of the NEC may be ordered from the National Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Ave., Boston; MA 02210, or from your local government inspection agency. In Canada, Zodiac Pumps must be installed, in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code i (CEC). 3. Make sure all necessary isolation valves are closed to prevent pool water from reaching the pump. 4. Following the markings on the locking ring, turn the ring counter -clockwise until the `START' markings align with the ports. See Figures 14 and, 15. 5. CarefuIly remove the lid with locking ring. 3.6 Conduct Pressure Test A WARNING When pressure testing a system with water, air is often trapped in the system during the filling process. This air will compress when the system is pressurized. Should the system fail, this trapped air .can propel debris at a high speed and cause injury. Every effort to remove trapped air must be taken, loosening the pump basket lid while filling the pump. A WARNING Trapped air in the system can cause the filter lid to be blown off, which can result in death, serious injury, or property damage. Be sure all air is properly purged out of the system before operating. DO NOT USE COMPRESSED AIR TO PRESSURE TEST OR CHECK FOR LEAKS. A WARNING : ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not pressure test above 35 PSI. Pressure testing must be done by a trained pool professional. Circulation equipment that is not tested properly might fail, which could result in severe injury or property damage. A WARNING When pressure testing the system with water, it is very important to make sure that the pump basket lid Is completely secure. 1. FilI the system with water, using care to eliminate trapped air. 2. Pressurize the system with. water to no more than 35 PSI. 3. Close the valve to trap, pressurized water in the . system. 4. Observe the system for leaks and/or pressure decay. 5. If there are lid leaks, repeat this procedure. For Zodiac Technical Support, call 800.822.7933. Section -4. Operation 4.1 Start-up A CAUTION Never run the pump without water. Running the pump °dry" for any length of time can cause severe damage to both the pump and motor and will void the warranty. If this is a new pool installation, make sure all piping is clear of construction debris and has been properly pressure tested. The filter should be checked for proper installation, verifying that all connections and clamps are secure according to the manufacturer's recommendations. To avoid risk of property damage, severe personal injury or death, verify that all power is turned off before starting this procedure. I Page 16 JandyO Pro Series VS RoProTm Series Variable -Speed Pump. I Installation & Operation Manual ' I 1. Depending on the location of the pump, do one of the following: Lid with - If the pump is located below the water level of the Locking pool, open the filter pressure release valve to prime Ring the pump with -water. \ - If the um is located above the water level of the pump pool, remove the lid and fill the basket with water - --- -• --h a ore startm--the=..um.-,..__--------------- Prior to replacing the lid, check for debris around the lid o-ring seat. Debris around the lid o-ring seat will cause air to leak into the system and will make it difficult to prime the pump. 3. Hand -tighten the lid to make an air tight seal. Do Seal not use any tools to tighten the lid: hand -tighten Figure 14. O-ring in Lid Assembly only. Make'sure all valves are open and the unions are tight. 4. Restore power to the pump. Then turn on the pump by following the instructions in the appropriate l manual:'Variable-Speed Controller Owner's Lid with >i I . manual, H0412200, AquaLine RS Owner's Locking Manual, 6593, AquaLink PDA Owner's Manual, Ring — H0572300, orAquaLink Z4TM Owner's Manual, H0386600. and 5. Once all the air has left the filter, close the pressure Seal release valve. 6. The pump. should prime. The time it takes to prime will depend on the elevation and length of pipe L CCused on the suction supply pipe. See Installation Recommendations in Section 3.1 for proper Pump DDI elevation and pipe size. Debris The default priming speed is 2750 RPM. The pump Trap will take approximately 14-15 minutes to prime at Basket this priming speed when the:pump is located 10 feet above the pool water. If priming speed is adjusted (Inside ® to 3450 RPM, the pump should prime within 6 Pump) minutes at 10 feet above the water level. m NOTE The pump is NSF -certified as being able to prime ° at heights up to 10 ft above the pool water level, at sea level. However, to achieve better self -priming, install the pump as close as possible to the water level of the pool. ° 7. If the pump does not prime and all the instructions to this point have been followed, check for a ® suction leak. If there is no leak, repeat_Steps 2 through 7. Figure 16. Exploded View of Pump 8. For technical assistance, call Zodiac® Technical Support at 800.822.7933. I Jandy° Pro Series VS FloProlm Series Variable -Speed Pump I Installation & 0peralion Manual Pag e i 7 Section 5. Service and Maintenance A CAUTION To avoid damage to the plastics, do not use lubricant or sealant on the o-ring. Only soapy water should be used to install and lubricate the o-ring. 5.1 Routine Maintenance Inspect the pump filter basket for debris by looking through the clear pump lid. Remove any debris, because as debris accumulates, it will begin to block the flow of water through the pump. Keep the basket clean to improve the performance of the pump. 1. Turn off the power to the pump. If the pump is located below the water level, close the isolation valves on the suction and discharge sides of the pump to prevent backflow of water. 2. Turn the lid's locking ring counter -clockwise until 'START' aligns with the ports. Carefully remove the lid. A CAUTION A misaligned basket will cause the' lid to be improperly seated, allowing an air leak, which could result in pump damage. 3. Lift the basket out of the pump. 4. Dispose of the debris and thoroughly clean the basket, making sure all the holes are open. Using a garden hose, spray the basket from the outside to help clear the holes. Remove any remaining debris by hand. 5. Replace the basket in the pump by aligning the opening with the suction pipe. If aligned properly, the basket will drop easily into place. Do not force it into place. 6. Remove the lid seal and remove debris around the lid seal seat, as this can allow air to leak into the system. Clean the lid seal and place it on the lid. 7. Replace the lid with locking ring. Hand -tighten the lid to make an air -tight seal. Do not use any tools to tighten the lid: hand -tighten only. 8. Verify that all valves have been returned to the proper position for normal operation. 9. Open the pressure release valve on the filter, and make sure it is clean and ready for operation. 6.2 Winterizing the Pump A CAUTION The pump must be protected when freezing temperatures are expected. Allowing the pump to freeze will cause severe damage and void the warranty. A CAUTION Do not use antifreeze solutions in the pool, spa, or hot tub systems! Antifreeze is highly toxic and may damage the circulation system. The only exception to this is Propylene Glycol. For more information, see your local poollspa supply store or contact a qualified swimming pool service company. 1. Drain all water from the pump, system equipment, and piping. 2. Remove the two (2) drain plugs. Store the drain plugs in a safe location and reinstall them when the cold weather season is over. Ensure drain plug o-rings are not misplaced. 3. Keep the motor covered and dry. Do not cover the pump with plastic, because this will create condensation that will damage the pump. NOTE Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc. recommends having a qualified service technician or electrician properly disconnect the electrical wiring at the'switch or junction box. Once the power is removed, loosen the two (2) unions and store the pump indoors. For safety, and to prevent entry of contaminants, reinstall all conduit and terminal box covers. 4. When the system is reopened for operation, have a qualified technician or electrician make sure all piping, valves, wiring and equipment are in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Pay close attention to the filter and electrical connections. 5. The pump must be primed prior to starting. Refer to Section 4.1, Start-up. -10—Turn on tfie powar to the pump. —Once all the air has — - been evacuated from the filter, close the pressure release valve. 4� Cpv Jandf Pro Series VS FloProlm Series Vailable-Spead Pump I. Installation & Operation Manual Section 6. Troubleshooting and Repair Zodiac® strongly recommends that you call a qualified service technician to perform any repairs on the filter/pump system. To locate a qualified technician, check your local yellow pages or visit www.zodiacpoolsystems.com or www zodiaqpoolsystems.ca and -click on "Dealer Locator." AE B, Nil R N VON The cI6anlng/drculaf1rjg-1: nlf'Nirih�_: system is not operating necessary. correctly. Check .filter and clean as necessary. Check valve positions. Adjust as necessary. NOTE. Multiple'pieces of equipment operating at one time (for example, waterfalls, spa jets, and surface e returns) will affect the proper operation of the cleaning system. Check the cleaning, system manual to ensure that the system Is adjusted according to the tnanufacturees.,,redommendafions. Bubbles are -present in the AI Is in the system] Check the pool or spa water level to ensure that it is at the proper pump basket. level and air is not Being drawn into the suction piping. If the water is at the normal level, turn off the primp. Turn the lid's locking ring counter -clockwise until 'START' T' aligns with the ports. Remove the lid and do a visual inspection of the lid seal looking for cracks or gaps.on the rubber surface. If none are observed, use a clean rag to wipe the surface dean (note: the rag may show black material that came off the lid seal). Use the rag again to clean -the mating surface of the housing. Using a very small amount, of silkone lubricant (no Vaseline) will help make a proper seal and protect the lid seal. Align'START with the ports and turn the locking ring clockwise until 'LOCKED' aligns with -the ports. Hand -tighten the lid to makean air -fight seal. ' Do not use any tools to fighten the lid. Turn the pump back on. If problem is not resolved lid seal replacement may be necessary. Air leaks are still present. Check the suction side piping union. While the pump is running, try to tighten the union. If this does not stop the air leak, turn off the pump. Loosen both unions and slide the -pump out o I f the way. Remove, clean, and re -install both union, o-rings. I Reposition the pump next to the piping and secure the union nuts to the pump. With , clean union o-rings, hand -tightening of the unions should create a seal. If the unions I - still do not seal, gently tighten with a large pair of tongue -and -groove pliers. I Do not over-fighteq. There is no air in the It is possible that debris is caught in the pump impeller. The - pump impeller moves the water, system, but the pressure is and the vanes in the impeller can become blocked with debris. See Section 61, Service still low. I Technician Maihtenance and Blocked Impeller, in this manual for more information. There is no debris blocking The pump impeller and diffuser are showing signs of normal wear. Have a qualified the impeller andthe service techhidan check the impeller and diffuser and replace as necessary. pressure is still low. If the pump is part of la relatively new installation, it could be an electrical problem. Contact a qualified service technician. Have the technician check for loose electrical connections and check the voltage at the pump motor while it is in operation. The voltage must be withi6l 10% of the motor's data plate rating. If the voltage is not within 10%, contact a qualified electrician and/or the local power service provider. Pump seal is leaking air. Have a qualified service technician replace the seal. The pump is leaking water This is caused by a damaged or failed mechanical seal. Replace the seal. between the motor and pump body. Jandy° Pro Series VS FloPro7m Series VariableSpeed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual _ Page 19 �::5tj}=f::y�- :a .'V -, J:N:. - _1,f �''Gi. .'l•' -:°aya•ti•::. q: =:i S%m„toin_,,>-•<<:•:�. Yiriv_ :?.w •s�-. i. ' 1%. ,./ i.c � a:v ..Qi' ,::ra..,,..! - •:>, 29. ..1i ..•G�. J-..7,y : /.1vz..a��Ci'ziu'• 'iar��.n:- - •.:ttl.s 7�9a d. .Y�tij.u.. lj;;iY.,.... �!-...rw:•h'1•:I•.7. :_X•_ iTir, . : jo �j�j:.. 4.i'^_ :.R+..eY •iric. JY :r_;'.::C. (r:•;-w}''f �'� M� ": Zz:::.,}i..y..� :i;:S -�r �,:aa.;t„-;-;a.,.: r=rw��cP,o_ssrlile:Cause/Solution' -.� i}:""•. ��.r.L.y._.p. ..Z• .xr 'i< ef'.. i--_ - _ - �Y:v :Y. ...�.;k..:,k..o:f. i}v- ,:ia?:iii-",'.L:`''i :✓rr ,��'r++•:.^, :. :ti: .:n_ ..T:i`:. .r : �.: :-v:. . i:• �. ss- , ::.:: "t:• ::i'i::, . 1!'r: S"=•_:r3. . - �.}w". - s,�r :t• Y- :+', 't'i,? ^' y::: dt` - :ti _���% .�i. .4.'rSte. .R-.. ..i ..•rr•>�. e�-f- ._�;_��. 4, [•;?FP:.:u;.,•�1::?...1..�..-...,.,...r..::r:t.L.....:....kS:r..�...Le.<r .: The pump gets hot and Make sure that there is adequate room around the motor to circulate air and keep the shuts off periodically. motor cool. Have a qualified electrician check for loose connections and check the voltage at the pump motor while it is in operation. The voltage must be within 10% . of the' motor's data plate rating. If the voltage is not within 10%, contact a qualified electrician and/or the.local power service provider-. Pump will not start. No power to pump. Make sure pump is properly connected to high voltage. See Section 3.2, Electrical Installation, in this manual.' Improper low -voltage, wiring. Check low voltage wiring between pump and controller. Correct if necessary. See Section 3.2, Electrical Installation, in this manual. Improper pump address setting. Make sure that pump; dip switches 3 and 4.are set properly for the installation. Both should be OFF for use with Variable -Speed Controller or set to the proper address when connected to anAquaLink®RS controller, an AquaLink PDA, or an AquaLink Z47m. See Section 3.3, Pump Dip Switch Settings, in this manual. Note: VS-FHP1.0 & VSFHP165JEP should always have dip switch setting 5 set to ON for both controllers. Fault condition exists. View fault message on controller and correct fault before proceeding. If unsure how to correct fault, contact Zodiac® Technical Support at 800.822.7933. Variable -Speed Controller Incorrect dip switch setting. ' LCD is not displaying Make sure pump dip, switches 1 and 2 are both ON if the controller is the JEP-R and information both are OFF if the controller is a PDA, AquaLink IRS, or AquaLink Z4.-See Section or 3.3, Pump Dip Switch Settings, in this manual. Note: VS-FHP1.0 & VSFHP165JEP pump LEDs are not should.always have''dip, switch setting 5 set to ON for both controllers. Improper low -voltage wiring. illuminated. Check low -voltage wiring between pump and controller. Correct if necessary. See Section 3.2, Electrical Installation, in this manual. Controller displays "Pump Improper low -voltage wiring. not connected". Check low -voltage wiring between pump and controller. Correct if necessary. See Section 3.2, Electrical Installation, in this manual. Improper pump address set. Ensure pump dip switches 3 and 4 are set properly for the installation. Both should be OFF for use with Variable -Speed Controller or set to the proper address when. connected to an AquaLink IRS controller, an AquaLink PDA, or an AquaLink Z4. See Section 3.3, Pump Dip Switch Seffings, in this manual. Note: VS-FHP1.0 & VSFHP165JEP should always have dip switch setting 5 set to ON for both controllers. Page 20 JandyO, Pro Series VS FloPWm Series VadableSpeed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual .L �._' r?Ck :`sn�"_"��-wi-S�.iVi1_a`i^S'^�.�'.-3:.Fa7is_=Slc�!Sii<'1c_f!-::k:;lG•la:..etii:rt.^.:kK:r.,�_.iCe^q�'its-�,r::r:�zasatnpnc.r.rr....a..a.:e.r.:,ra:...,x_:.��_..,....,. _...-.,-.........r.._.. . Fault message appears on Fault condition exists. controller display.. View fault message on controller and correct fault before proceeding. If unsure how to correct fault, co' tact Zodiac To Support at 800.822.7933. In Canada, call 1-888-647-4004 -. CAUTION This pump must be serviced by a professional service technician qualified in pool/spa installation. The following procedures must be followed exactly. Improper in'nstallation and/or operation.can create dangerous electrical hazards, which can cause high voltages to run through the electrical system. This can cause property damage, serious personal injury, and/or death. Improper installation and/or operation will void the warranty. Blocked Impeller WARNING Before servicing the pump, switch off the circuit breakers at the power source. Severe personal injury or death may occur if the pump starts while your hand is inside the pump. 1. Turn off the pump. Switch off the circuit bre ier to .the pump motor. . . 2. Remove the lid and basket. 3. Look inside the pump for debris. Remove'any debris found inside. 4. Replace the basket and lid. 5. Switch on the circuit breaker to the pump motor. 6. Turn on the pump, and see ifthe problem is solved. 7. If the impeller is still blocked with debris and it is not possible to remove the debris using Steps 2 through 4, the pump will need to be disassembled in order to access the inlet and outlet of the impeller. Jandy O Pro Series VS FloftTm Series Variable -Speed Pump I .Installation & Operation Manual Page 21 Section 7. Product Specifications and Technical Data 7.1 Replacement Paris List and Exploded View To order or purchase parts for Zodiac® pumps, contact your nearest Zodiac dealer. If the Zodiac dealer cannot supply you with what you need, contact Zodiac Technical Support at 1.800.822.7933, or send an e-mail message to productsupport@zodiac.com. In Canada, 1-888-647-4004, customerservice PSC@zodiac.com Key No. Description Order Part No. 1 Motor, Drive, VS-FHP2.0 & VSFHP270AUT R0562201 1 Motor, Drive, VS-FHP1.0, VSFHP165JEP ;: R0571000 1 Motor, Drive, VSFHP165AUT R0670400 2 Backplate, (Backplate w/Hardware, Backplate O-ring & Mechanical Seal) R0479500 3 Impeller, (Impeller, Screw w/O-ring), VS-FHP2.0 R0479605 3 Impeller, (Impeller, Screw w/O-ring), VS-FHP1.0 R0479603 4 Diffuser, (Diffuser w/O-ring, Hardware & Backplate 0-ring) R0479701 5 Mechanical Seal,, Carbon and Ceramic (1 Set) R0479400 6 Pump Body, (Body and Backplate O-ring) R0479800 7 Motor Mounting Foot R0479900 8 Lid w/Locking Ring, (Lid w/Locking Ring & Lid O-ring) R0480000 9 Pump Debris Filter Basket R0480100 10 Drain Plug w/ 0-ring (Set of 2) R0446000 11 Tail Piece, 0-ring & Union Nut (Set of 2) R0327301 12 Lid O-ring R0480200 13 Backplate O-ring R0480300 14 Tailpiece 0-ring (Set of 2) R0337601 15 Diffuser/Impeller Hardware (Diffuser O-ring, Screws (2), Self Sealing Screw) R048040D 16 Backplate Hardware (Backplate Hardware & Backplate O-ring) R0480500 17 Motor Hardware Kit R0446700 18 Pump Base Kit . '.- R0486700 19 Cover Fan, GEN II Replacement Kit (Hardware, Cover) R0562400 20 Hardware Speed Drive, GEN 11 R0562500 21 Connector, Speed Drive, VS-FHP Pump (4-Pin Connector) R0660900 22 Cable, RS485, Replacement Kit R053510D 23 Screw w/O-Ring R0516400 24 Cover, Large, Speed Drive w/Gasket; GEN 11 R0562300 25 Base Spacer, FHP, VS-FHP, Replacement Kit R0546400 26 Data Cable, feed Thru R0501100 27 User Interface Kit, Variable -Speed Pumps JEP-R 28 Cover, Controller, VS-FHP 1.,0 R0571500 29 ' Fan'Cover, VS-F_HP_1.0 R05.7_1300— 30 Access Cover, VS-FHP1.0 R0571400 31 User Interface Screws, VS-FHP1.0, R0571600 32 Conduit Fitting, 1/2 NPT, VS-FHP1.0 R0501101 33 RearAccess Cover Screw, VS-FHP1.0 R0587600 LOBIRACT�� MW Page 22 -N= 7.2 Exploded Views Jandf Pro Series VS FloProlm Series Vadable-Speed Pump I, lnstallaft & Operation Manual 1- = ,:.--.-VS-FHP2:0,VSFHP270AUT& VSFHP270JEP Motor (R0562201) R0670400 11 10 16 (Qty 6) 14 ,5 ii,a<n 24 20 _ v I I 1 (Qty 4) J� 1 17 (Qty 4) 19 19 (Qty 3) 20 (Qty 4) - 28 1-VS-FHP1.0 &VSFHP165JEP Motor (R0571000) Figure 16. VS FloPro Series Pumps Exploded View �12 ' 14 ii Y� 6 4115 4 (Qty 2) 15 (Qty 2) \ 3 - 2, 3, 4,13 2 7 *18 Optional 2! — 1-VSFHP165AUTMotor — (110670400) Jandy° Pro Series VS FIAO' Series ValiableSpeed Pump I Installation & Operation Manual Page 23 7.3 Performance Curves Jandy Pro Series VS FioPro Series Pump , VS-FHP1.0, VSFHP166AUT & VSFHP166JEP Performance Curves 0 `o m ti x 0 E A G H 0 v x u E C OO ►uu 43 90 ---- ----------------•39 80 ----- ----- -------35 70 30 60 26 50 I�RPI 22 40 ---- --- 2 0 RP ! — — -------17 30 ----- -- -- ----- -- 13 20 9 17 0 RP to•---- 100)RPIV --' -- --- ---- 4 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 6D 70 80 9D 10D 110 120, 130 140 150 160 170180 190 .200 Flow Rate, Gallons Per Minute, (GPM) JandyPro Series VS FioPro Series Pump VS.FHP2.0, VSFHP270AUT & VSFHP270JEP Performance Curves 43 70 -------- ---- —•30 50 60 26 50 --- — -------22 40 17 25 Orpm 30— -- -- --•13 20 9 1 50orp f0•---- ------ -------- 4 600 m 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 9D 100 110 120 130 14D 150 160 170 180 19D 200 Flow Rate, Gallons Per Minute, (GPM) 7.4 Physical and Operational Specifications Specifications •-r-t.� " .:.•y^...•i-,aY�:,.•:_ tµ2.r': .u�t.i_' :• �.•L. :ModelNo::: a :.HP< 'e'f.. _ •-C.- — � .:Volta e : :r90 "__i4^-..�::Tt: =MaxWatts ^ �ti:_fiV Pi a :Size: •--e -.. `� :.Calton:; �:��'_•�'v�^-:::C,S Overalh°^:. =`3• - .2T�'•-• ::t.7 (•]e` .f.• e:ti"t.r .•t .i '?ia: ::fir•: .:c's*...at. .: vv� _ �.b.: r.,. ;lf i_'.•.l•. :�. ':y.., t. n.:i ..].. �a:':b P+ •1Y J �i�..-.::,.. .•4:itii �:�. .�3'n••' «-.yf'.•Y: .1 e.:.-...^ l'•`,,i; • :.is.. yam'•.• -.Y. LY.�Y i = _ ~1.0 :'✓ .. 4 .. t. We`i'" fi '•:vim, r.. �64 VS-FHP1.0, VSFHP165AUT & 230 VAC 1,600Wy+ 2 - 2% 46 Ibs. cm (25.2") VSFHP165JEP VS-FHP2.0, VSFHP270AUT & 2.0 230 VAC 2,400 W 2% - 311 561bs. 69 cm (272) VSFHP270JEP I I - 7.4.2 Dimensions NOTE When installing a pump, leave a,minimum of two (2) feet (30 an) of clearance above the pump for removal of the strainer basket. 641 mm 25'/4" 264 mm 283 mm 10" 11-w- Attached JEP-R Enclosure (VS-FH131.0 Models only) I 324 mm 197 mm I 7'/4" 16d mm .- 276 mm 6%a" I 10%" Bolt Holes, Front Edge of Union Center to Center to Center of Bolt Holes Figure 17. VS-FH131.0 & VSFHP1tiSAUT Dimensions 691 mm 27'3116". 283 mm 254 mm I 111fe" Nown RON 1 �165 mm -j I , 276 mm 6112" 10718-- Bolt Holes, Front Edge of Union Center to Center to Center of Bolt Holes Figure 18. VS-FHP2.0 & VSFHP270AUT Dimension's' Inc. Zodiac Pool Systems, y ADUS ErLLISTED CONFORMSTO 2620 Commerce Way, Vista, CA 92081UL STD 1091 1.80D.822.7933 I wwwZodiacPoolSystems.com Inter'tek Cediriedto CANiCSAC222 Zodiac Pool Systems Canada, Inc. ', No.108 A15 South Sehilce Road West, Unit 3 Oakville (ON) UL M +1(888)647-4004 ( wwwZadiacPoolSystems.ca. ZOD/ACo Isanglslered6ademarkofZodraclnlemational,SA.SII.,usedunderGcense. � All bdemadtsreferencedherefn an: tftepmp*oftlherrmspecfive owner;: 02015Zo<riacpaolsyskw, fnc. H0420400REVF