HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHANGE OF CONTRACTORPLANNING � � � ���v���s ��®� � BD»G &.ZONING DMSION RECEIVED 2300 VIRGMA A '��y� V FEB 16 2018 F09TT� PIERCE, FL34982 (772) 462-1553 FAX 4624578, ST. Lucie County, Permitting CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION. OF PIERMT , PLEASE SELECT ONE -,Or THE FOLLOWING: CHANGE OF CON -RACTOR— Change of Contractor is to be signed and.notarized by, the property owner, and the new contractor of record for the current permit. -A new permit application must also be completed with new contractor information and signature. A new Notice of Commencement must be filed in the new contractor's name for job. values greater than $2,500 .($7,500 if AIC Change-out)A recorded copy must. be submitted prior to conpia,encing any work There is a S50.90 fee for't4e Change of Contractor. CHANGE OF SUBCONTRACTOR— Subcontractor changes are to be completed by the 'general contractor. The new subcontractor must:fill out a Subcontractor Agreement Form. There is a $50.00 fee for the Change of Sub - Contractor. "IN'S CANCELLATION OF PERAHT — The cancellation of a permit. is ..acceptable only if no work has been done. Cancellation of permit is to be signod and notarized by both the owner and qualifier of record. There is no fee for cancellation of the permit. Date: 2/15118 Site Address: 12394 Harbour'Ridge`Blvd, Palm City, FL 349,90 Permit Number: 18g1-0350 Aqua Dimensions -State License. CFC057526 SLC License Original GC, subcontractor or owner/builder South Park Plumbing State-License-CFC1426656 SLC License New GC, subcontractor Reason for Cancellation The undersigned does hereby agree to indemnify and hold.harmless St Lucie County, its offtcers,:agents and employees fron costs, fees or damages. arising from any and all claims of-acfion for any reason, whibli.may arise as.a result. of this change of contractor/s b-contractor or cancellation ofpermit. A permit cannot be c.19goW if work ins. en p rforime& SIGNATURE OF OWNER ((orr'ovvne /builder) S R.E CON-1-RACTOR Carr ne%v'GC; as appiicablYe)j PRINT GAME Vy > �� PRINT NAME Stateofplorida, County of St. Lucie County The following instrument was acknowletgedrbefore me this ay of z0� by _ whai cr all' known Brie br who has d i e8 as ID; J Si hture of Notary ate 'Revised ti�r 'SHERRIKELLEY " Commission"#FF999218 4WExpiresOctober4,2020 �'mP „'P BondedThruTroyFainlnsurance600385-7019 State bf Florida,. County of St. Lucie County ving ins�rt�ment %vas ackng fledged before�me thi$t -)fil h., �Gkt i, to 1t c-en , me or Notary Public•• GPM ofFlorida -Commission0 GG';06222.0 My Comm. Expires Agar 18, 2021 Booded throug1tNalional Notary Assn