HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL METAL ROOFc ,.j ( Product;Approval db rI,,d',,USER:Pubhc User Prcc;uct,�ta�sl Mena{ >.cr..g�:t.w Pci�(ca6on .$�{tj.�>.PaNicvy, {�,;I'?'ADPIicaHori Detail FL Application: Type Code Version Application Status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone%E mall Authorized Signature Technical Representative AddressW2h on e/E mall Quality Assurance Representative Address%Phone/E mail Category Subcategory Compliance, Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida' License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance. Contract Expiration Date Validated By' Certificate of Independence FL17022-R7 ev'sIon 2017 Approv 08/18/2017v, date reapply Extreme Metal Fabricators, 2160 SW Poma Drive Palm City, FL 34990 (772) 872-0034 fivalidation@yahoo.com Richard McKuhen flvalidation @yahoo,com_ RECEIVED JAN 3 0 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting r17 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIVISIO r-OR COMPLIB REVIEWED BY DATE 'Z- _c PLANS AND PE r MIT FyiUS (©Ir KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPt-:0TION WILL UE MAnE THFSE PLAANS AND AL(, ?P1)PORM WO Richard McKuhen 2160SW Poma Drive ARE S(It`IF(::1 U �, t I , (�(1R�r1,101W9 iPc,. . f,!FI Palm City, FL 34990' 872-8034 LL��CI� L� fIEI�IJ�RED I T F,�I+�� ��E'r� I'j , s THAT(772), 'richaid@timfab.net MAY bEIqE6A;V�(ij C00W WITH ALL1(eriO1 Sr r CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACI)1fjEyS Roofing ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE Metal Roofing CONTRACTOR of pgognp Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer I .i Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received LOCKE BOWDEN PE-49704 Keystone Certifications; Inc. 04/22/2024 Zachary R. Priest, P.E. cG Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL1,7022 R7 COI FL 17022,'15 V CRIMP ssr:odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Stan'dard). Standard. TAS 125 U,L'1897 U L 580 Year 2003 2012 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By KV Sections from the. Code littp://m,ww floridabuilding org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx7param=wGBVXQmtDgv2aBQplipQQe... 1/8/20.18 Florida Building. Code Onlir Page 2 of 4 Product Approval.Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/:18po17, Date Validated 08/25/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/28/2017 Date Approved 1000/2017 Summ'ary of•Products FL # Model, Numbergr„Name, Description 17022.3 i - "SV Crimp" CR6), 26 Gauge steel, 3/6"-rib height, 24" wide lapped roof.panel mechanically'attached to 15/32" plywood or Wood Deck with fasteners Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL17022 R7 II FL 17022,1 S.V CRIMP ssr.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 Impact Resistant: No 'Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-TableA Evaluation Reports Other: Refer'to evaluation repoitfor conditions. Instaltthe assembly In compllance with the, Installation method listed In this report and applicable code sections of`FBC. Refer,to. FL17022 R7 AE FL 170ZZ.1 5 V CRIMP ssr.ndf Created byjndependent,Th.ird Party: Yes manufacturer's Installation ;Instructions. 17022.2 2 - "5V Crimp" C,R6) 0.032" Aluminum; 3/8" Rib height, 21` wide lapped roof panel, mechanically attached to 15/32" plywood or Wood _ — --------- — -- - — -- -- — -- -- - --- - - ...._. Deck with exposed fasteners ..__,....,.....� -------- ----- ...._..-------- _....------ - - Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:, No f1.17022 R7 IIOL 17Q22,2 5 V CRIMP 0.032 ALUM ssr,odf Verified Byi Locke Bowden; P.E. 49704 Approved For use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: -Yes Design pressure: +N/A/ -Table A. Evaluation Reports Other; Referto•evaluation report for conditions:Install the FL17022 R7 'AE FL 17022.2, 5 V CRIMP 0,032 assenbly. in compllance with'the installation method listed In ALUM ssr,pdf this report and.applicable code sections -of FBC,'Refer.to 'Created by Independent Third Party: Yes manufacturer's Installatiominstructions. . _. �_ .:::_ 17022.3 3 - "13' Mechanical' Seam"'(115) 1,5" rib height, 16" wide, 2.4 gauge steel, standing seam roof panel mechanically attached to 15/32" plywood,or wood deck with clips and fasteners. Limits of Use. Installation Ifisifuctions Approved for use in HVHZ: No is I7022 R7 II Fj I]�22hlf OygLI�C$l Approved for use outside HVHZ:'Yes seam 24oa ssr,odf Impact Resistant: No Verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E: 49704 Design. Pressure: +N/A/;Table A Created by IndependentThlyd Party: Yes' Other: Refer toevaluation rep'ortfor condltlonsand Evaluation Reports limitations of -use -Install the assembly Into mphance.with FL1702Z R7 -AE_PL 17022.3_1.5 MECHANICAL the Installation method listed in this report and applicable seam_Z4_qa sr,pdf code,sections of FBC. Refer to manufacturer's Installation Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Instructions, 17022.4 14 "1.5" Mechanical Seam" (115) 1.5:'rib height, 16" wide,,0,032' aluminum, standing seam roof panel mechanically.attached.to 15/32",plywood or Wood Deck with clips andfasteners. Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressured +N/A/ -Table A: Other: Refer to evaluation report for conditions.and limitations of.use..Install the assembly In compliance with the Installation method listed In this report and applicable code erto manufacturer's`Installation 17022,5 15- "11in. Nall'Strip" (RS) Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +N/A/ -Table A Other: Refer to evaluation report'forconditions•and limitations of use.'Install,the assembly in compliance with Installation Instructions Verified By! Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 Created by-IndependentThlyd Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17022 R7 AE_FL 17022 4 MEL"HANCIAL SEAM ALUMINUM sz1:.p.0f Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 1" rlb,helght,'i6" wide; 26 gauge steel, standing seam -roof panel mechanically attached to 15/42" plywood or wood deck withfasteners. Installation Instructions fL17022 R7 11 'FL 17022 5_1_0NAJLSTRIP g;rpcL verified By: Locke Bowden, P.E. 49704 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL17022 R7 AE_FL 17022_5_1.0 NAILSTRIP.ss_rpdf Created by Independent Third Party:'Yes: fittp://www.floridab,uildingiorg/pr/pr_app, dtl.aspx?paraln=wGEVXQWtDqv2aBQpHpQQe... 1 /8/2018 2160 SW Poma Drive Palm City, Fl. 34990 Compliant with Florida Building Code 2017'(61h ed.) Compliant with Florida Product Approval Rule # 61G20-3 Compliant: Keystone Certifications Product: 1" Nailstrip 26GA Steel Roof Panel FBC Sec.1507.4.2 Yield strength: 50 ksi min.; Attached to min.15/32" plywood or Wood Deck w/ 0.42 specific gravity with 16" Coverage (Max.) Rib Height 1" Corrosion Resistant Compliant: FBC Sec. 1507.4.3 .Fastener 1: #10 x 1" (min.) Pancake Head Wood Screw to penetrate 3/16" (min.) thru bottom of support. Adhesive/Sealant : Bostik 915"1 Chem -Chalk one component, polyurethane adhesive with 3/16" continuous bead application "along base of male rib vertical flange at each panel seam. Underlayment: To be compliant with FBC Sec 1507.1.1 Slope: Shall be in compliance with FBC Sec. 150 i.lnstall Details: Table A Allowable Loads . . _a _r. METHOD 1 METHOD- 2 3 t DESIGN PRESSURE* -86 PSF Main field -97.25 PS F Perimeter FASTENER SPACING % 6" O.C. 6" O.C. SEAM ADHESIVE Not required 3/16" continuous bead (see details Reference Data: ARCHITECTUR TESTI T ID#: 1527 UL 580-06 & UL 1897-04 TEST REPORT D8133.01-450-18 06/30/15 Specimen #1 & #2 EQUIVALENCY UL1897 04 is equivalent to Test Standard UL1897-12. *Des n_P_ressure .mar, in -of safety 2:1 _. Certificate of Independence: Locke Bowden, P.E. does not have, not will acquire a financial•i "Mgt 'bn y Wmpany manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. �� f� Locke Bowden, P.E. is not owned, operated, or controlle r � mR� 06nyctuier, or distributing products under this report. ?I/• /:�. � seal q STATE OF `155 'Vi "ANAL. V�,;., r•a;;;:at)11 Limitations: 1. Underlayment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code (FBC)2017 6°i ed.. 2. Minimum slope to be compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 60' ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61G20-3. Compliance Method:1-D 4. Engineering analysis for "project specific approval by local authorities wfjurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report. 6. Support framing in compliance w/FBC 2017 6t' ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Structural Loading. 7. This report does not imply warranty, installation, recommended product use outside of this report. FL 17022.5 1.0 Nail Strip (26GA Steel), 16" Wide Roof Panel - Details 16" �— 3/4—� Panel Profile 16" o.c. Deck: -15/32" or greater Plywood, or - Wood plank Snap Lock For METHOD 2: Apply 3/16" Bead Bostik 915TM Sealant Continuous Along Male Rib Vertical Flange Fastener #10 X 1" Min. per Table "A" Pancake Head Wood Screw (Typical Fastening Pattern Across Width) 1" FL 17022.5 1.0 Nail Strip (26GA Steel),16" Wide Roof Panel - Details y15/32" or greater Plywood, or - V\bod plank FastPnar Isometric View rur wwwou c Apply 3/16" Bead Bostik 915TM Sealant Continuous Along Male Rib Vertical Flange (Refer to Table "A")