HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0108 ]_U~ I ~- I .L ~_~ ~L' t. .. , . r"'~~ ~.~ _.~ . _.__"-"CoIW~ - N. P. Seal H. A ~Ci' AIITZ ITOtnry i'ubl1o. ....y com:nias1on expires }.'eb. 21 1927. STAT3 OF P!l:lfllSYLVAllIA OOUNTY O? L~HIGH, ss .~ I, W. A. Wert, Prothonotary of the ,~ourt ot ;}or.\r.l'n PIcas of said Coun t1. do hereby '- oertify that Baid Jourt ia a '::ourt of Reoord; that Hnrold A. Sohantz, waa at tho'tLne of taking the foregoing aoknowladgaent a Ilotary Publio in and fOl\ said ;Jounty and state, duly commissioned and qualltled, bnd as suoh authoriaed by the laws of Buid Commonweal1.h to ta;:e affido\'i ts, ackuowled8mants end proofs of deeds or couveyanoaa of lar.da, ten6ments ond here- ditaments situate, lying alld being in sold state of Pennsylvania, and thnt 1 am well aoquain- ted with the handwriting of the said HaroldA. Bohantll and thot his signature subsoribed to Boid 'lOkllOwledgment Is genuine. m T3S~I!.[OHY YlH:~!~Ef)F. I have hereunto set my bond and the !Janl of the 8aid iJonrt, at the -.;ity of Allentown, in said County and stots, this 5th day of jJaoember A.D. 1924. VI. A. \'i3RT, pro thono tory. Court Seal. por A. B. S31A3L. Depu~y. STAT3 OF IlT:l YORl: JOU!I'lY "\ F l!O:IR'~ I IB:t33Y C3RTl?Y, That on this 2nd day of :Jecenber A.D. 1924. bdfore me porsonnlly appeared Alioe J. Zneath alid Watkin \1. Kneath, her husband, to me known to be tho persons described in arld who exec~tad the foregoing conveyance to George S. Saylor w1d Jennie M. Soylor, his wife, and severally aoknowledged the exeoution thereof to be their free bct and deed for th3 uses orid purposos therein mentioned; and the said Alice J. Kneath. th~ wife of the said 'iiatkin W. "'neath, on a separate aud private exaoination tu~en and modo by and before ] me, and separately aud apart from her said' husband. did aoknwlledge thfit uhe made harstlf a party to the said .iieed of ,Jonveyw,.Je, for the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing c.nd conveying all her right. title Wid interest, whether of dower or of separate property. statutory OT equitoble inaud to t1::e lands therein described, sHd that she e~e~!lt9'.! eel!! deed freely and voluntari).y and without any c.>nstrsi!lt. fear, apprehension or .:ompulsion of .)r from her said husbwld. WIT1l3SS my signature and offioial seal at ~ochester in tho .;ounty of :.!,)nroe ui.d ~t6te of UdW York the day and year last aforesaid. STAT1 ~:? rl:~\Y YORi: DAVID GAL33. notary i'ublio, - lio tar;; ?u"ol 10. t!y cOlmnissi)n expires Uarch 1, 1926 UOlm03 CQUli'l'Y ::r;In7.' 3 0F'FI:}3 . I, JA1!3S L. HOTCHZIS3, Clerk of Boid County and ot the Supreme and county ~ourt8 thereof. the 8(,oe belng';ourts of Rocord, do hereby certify that David GaleB,.is a 1I0tary Puoli;:, in and for YODroe CoUiity, state of Hew York, duly cODlllissioned, sworn and authorized to aot as such; that his Official Oath and 3ignnture are now on file in this office. I1f T~STn:OUY ffiBR:X>F, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed tho .jeal ot said JAM33 L. HOTCRtISS, Clerk. ~'-'. i ] ~ County end ~ourts, at . this 2nd day of Dec. A.D. 1924, 3TAT3 01 ?LORIDA CO~l3TY OF ST. LUCIE .. I H3RP;gy C3RTU'Y, That on this 26th day of llovember ".D. 1924, before me personally appeared 11ary 5. Jennings, a frae deoler, to me known to be the person desoribed in and who exec~t8d the toregoing oonveyanoe to George s. Saylor and Jennie ~~ Sayl~r, his wife,