HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0112 f f "' L____ I 1.l~ c *- -~ ,~ ~ .~ ~pllf' - -~ - l!. C. NULSBll eta!. to B. C. ROSE as ~gt. for O. J. i'ried.rnl:ln. }.G;':{E:~.!EllT 1O'!t DEED. .~. A~TICLES O? AG'!tEE!$NT. !rade this 6th day of Deoember in the year of our Lord, on. thous~nd nine hundred and Twenty four BETWEEN M. C. llielsen and Uarie Niel8~n, his wife parties of the first part. and B.C. Rose as Agent for O.J. Friewnan party of the second part. WITlffiSSETH, That if the said part, of the seoond part shall first make the pa~~ents and. perform the oovenants hereinafter mentioned on his part to be mnde and performed, the saia pnrties of the first part hereby covenant and agree to convey and assure to the said party of the second part. cis heire, exeoutors, administrators or assigns, in fee simple, clear of all inc,~brnnce6 whatever, by a good and sufficient deed, the lot. pieoe or paroel of growld, situated in the County of St. Lucie, State of?lorida known and described as follows to-wit: . All of the So~th east quarter of the southeast quarter of the liortheast quarter of section cne (1), Township Thirty-throe (331, south of Range Thirty-nine (39) Eest, containing ten acres, ~ore or less. It is also agreed by and between the parties of the first pert and the party of the second part that the crop of citrus "fruit now on the trees of said property is to be retained by the parties of the first part and to be sold subject to their order. . and the said party of tha second part hereby covenants and agrees to pay. to the said parties of the first fart the s~~ of Nine Thousand ?ive H~~dred Dollars, in the mariller following: tsoo.oo in cash. the receipt of which is hereby aoknowledged; nfter delivery of abstract; $2000.00 to be paid June 1, 1925; $5200.00 to be paid oixty days $2000.00 to be paid/~n .June 1, note for $1000.00 s~cur\d by ~ ;J 1926. Parties of the second part also agree to assume and pay mortgage deed. ,held by l.C. Prange and being the only mortgage now outstanding agei~~t said prop~y. with interest at the rate of eight per centum per o~um, payable semi-annually" annually on the whole sum remaining from tiffie to t~me unpaid; and to pay all ~axes, Bsse~s- mE'nts or impositions that may be legally levied or imposed 'lpon said la1".d subsequent, to the lIear and to keep the buildings upon said rremises insured in some company satis- factory to the part of the first part. in a sum not leBs than Dollars during the ~erm of this agreement, And in case of failure of the said party of the second part to ~eke either of the payments or any part therefor, or to perform any of the covenants on his part hereby oade ane entered into, this contract shall, ut the option of the parties of the first pert, be forfeited and terminated. and the party of t!.e second part shall forfeit ell pay=~nts mace by him on this contract; and such payments shall be retained by the Baid parties of the first -part in full satisfaction and liqui6a.tion of all damages by them sl:,stalned. end said party of the first part shall have the right to re-enter and take possession of the premises aforesaid without being liable to any action therefor. IT IS till?Uhl-LY AG~:';3D, 3Y lJ;D B3T":~EicTH:; PA3Tl&3 lS~:;TC~ IJ.'fUT '::a::: time of paY-il.ent shall be ai,d essential part of this'contraot, and ~hat ell covenants and agree~entB herein contained shall extend to ~nd be obligatory upon the heirs, executors, administrators and essi~s of the respective parties.) t' III WITll":33 ~?H~EOl!', the ~~ first above written. The parties to theee presents have hereunto set i Ii. C. laeleen~ Marie Nielsen' B.C. ~ose O.J. Friedman their hands and seals J 1. 1. Knight, Hoyt E. !Jorrie. (3eal) ('!eal) (Seal) (Seal) Signed, sealed and delivered in 'presence of: t~r~~)i~~f&~Irj~ .: :.. 'I~-<:~\~:::~t.~