HomeMy WebLinkAboutROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVITBY PlaifirQUAWPevrill OlWm4ni Services Ruilding & C-pelb Re 'lation Qivisio 9ki P, Division 2300 Vkginla,Avenue .Fort,.Pierce; L3092 772-i462-7165,,or 77'.1, "462-2.. 1*72 Fakim'172462-6W ROOF INSPECTION AFFIDAVIT RECEIVED 18 FEB 2 7 20 ST. LUcle county, Parmittinq 4 Re: Perm Larry Neese J licensed as,a(n)C6ntt8ctor'*/Er)gineer/Arch itect (Pie print name,&,citrcle,kehs' t-'O,�) (Please, e'y *F546$ Yul1dihg1Mp6ct6r Buliding,,-6951OW01 or Roolfii7-o,,Co'n'trd'etb'�'or,dhy.lhdiv?dLiaiceq�fieq undCr-468)7.-S.Jd mdke 3uch'ciii inspection: Ohoribout 02/23/18 1,di&pfersonally inspect the roof deck nail , 1'ng ;(bate) -work-at,- 928 FRA MAR PL .(Job. site,add-r6ss) Based :upon that examination I have h6.6cqordlngtothecurrent edition eFloridaedition-.of N: , Exiistihg Buildibg,'Code 56.cfion, 611-or, the (Whichever is prodUct:apprbval submitted: m6As stp'<e —nt—) 0 Seal STATEOHLORIDA COUNTYOF cb,cl 33060&, License # Sworn to.and subscribed before rnOthis'23 day of, February m- 18. Who is personalty khovUn to me!or,who has produced at ld6fitification., .Aco.y..Publlc'Stafe,o lotlgnature of Notay- .�'' =ATrR,RNG \lyJo#M405291� Commission ,Number: =j'y10"0 En 01/19/2011