HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0119 -L.l.lJ ~- - -~ .... - -" ..- .- ~~ .~.A_ ~~... VT -- - -- - f RQD10wlodged that sha exeouted the Baid agreement freely and voluntarily, and wltha~t any ootlstrcint, oompuloion, apprehension or feer of or f,'om ht:r saici husband. hand and sesl this 18th d~y of December 1~24. Il ~ lieUle H. Babb, ~ ~ot6ry Public, state of Florida at Lar~o, ~ l!y oommission exnlres Uay 9, 1~28. ~ . t~ 18th day of December 19~4. ~ 1 :Jz:.:e~d~ D.C. , ~ i ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A.~.TRA~?r~D, & ~U3SELL A. PI~Lt, etal. to 3. D. BOA~I~HT. AGR3}::.rSlt~ ST1T~ 01 PLC~IDA T~JS AG~E::;!'EI:'l' mude end entered into this the ~2nd day of December, Ln. 1'.:':":4, bj" and between A. ~. Trafford and Pearl H. 7r8.i."~ord, hIs wife, and Russell A. Pield and !.aul'!l ','1. ?ield, tis wife, parties of the first part, e~nd 3.D. 30atright of the other rart~ WIT N E S S ~ T H. I ~ COmITY O? ST. LUCIE ./ ~hat if the said ~arty of the second Fort shall first ~ake tte paJ~ents end perform the covenants hereinefter expressed on his part to be made and pcrforL1ed, the said porties I i of the TirRt ~Ar~ h~T~b~ ~~Ye~ent end agree to ~O~'€J and aS3ure to the said party of t~e second pert, hie heirs, executors, administrators or esmgns, in fee simple, by e €ood end ( sufficient warranty deell, taat certain piece, I'8rcel al:o lot of ler.o si tnate in the COU.i-,ty of st. Lucie, state jf :?lorida, ar.a beLle more -particularly del:lcribed as f.:..llows, tc.:..fd t: . . 3eginning at the water's edge on the west line of Indion ~iver on ti:e south line of land now or formerly ovmed b:i Vina ~.:cCor~.ic;':; ther.C6 r1A.n sO'.lth 01 degrc-es 30 minutes 7lest 920.5 feet along thee, so.... th line o~ the sei d Vir.a ::cCor:::ick's thence south 27 degrees 13 minutes east 754.3 feet along the east lil:e of said right-of-way to the north line :)f lends forberl;; owned b'y :.ass l~e.rsh; thence north 66 degrees 28 minutes eest 298.6 feet; thecce run north 23 degrees 32 , ! . I t I I i ! land to the east line of tte right-of-way 0; the Florida ~ast Co~st ~ailw8:r; minutes west 130 feet; thence north 66 degrees 29 minutes e&st 152 feet to a point on t.he weat line of the church let; thel~ce nort13 degrees ~2 cinutes v:est 20 feet along west line of church It:>t to the north west corl:er of said church lot; thence run north 66 degreea 28 minutea eaat 436.5 feet along the north line of the church lot to water's edge of Indian !Uver; thence run 696 feet, mere or less, in a north westerly direction along the water's edge of Indian ?iver to rlace of beginning; containing 16.50 acres of land more or les.', located in Section 4, Township 37 South, ~ange 41'Bsst; the courses, distances eno area as herein given being in accordance with the Plat and survey made by Elmer ~obb, C.E., April 1922, " , ,~ and recorded with the deed hereil~fter mentioned; together with all riparian rights incident or appertaining thereto, and being the same lands doscribed in that certal~ deed from W.V. ?aunoe and his wife P. Belle Faunce, to A.~. Trafford, by deed dated tae 18th day of August A.D. 19~4, and recorded in L~od Book 57, at page 1u4 Public Records of St. Lucie Co\mty Florida; mid aleo the same lands described in that one other certain deeci from the said A.R. ~rafford end Pearl H. Trafford hie wife, to the said Russell A. Field dated the 14th day ot October, 192{, and reoorded in Deed Book 57, &t pngs 368, Publio Raoorde of st. Lucie County, Florida, wherein the said A.B. Trafford end his wi~et Pearl H. ~rafford, oonveyed to the 881d Russell A, Field, ~1i~i.~1~i _.. - -- ...... -~ ----~ ..-