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of the first part hereby oovenant and agree to oonvey and assure to the said party of the
sec~nd part, his heira, executors, administrators or asaigns, in f~e sl~~~,~, clear of all in-
c\\mbrano8s whatever, by a good and sufficient deed. the lot 7, pieoe or parcel of ground, eitu-
ated in the County of Saint Lucie state of ~~orida known and desoribed 8S followa. to-wit:
Lot 110. 7. of the Vero Land Co. a\\bdivi~ion made by J.~~. Swain, recol'ded
in platt book 3 page 19, Public recorda of Saint Lucie CO\Ulty 11oridn.
.,/ . '
Containing ten acres moore or leas being in aection (12) ~owr.8hip 33 Rango
39 East.
and the said party of the second part he;eby covenants and agrees to pay to the said parties
of the first part the suo of One Tholmand Dollara in the ~ar~er following On or before 3 years
e.t the rate of 8~ payable semi-alUlUally Parties of ti:e first agrees to furnish 260 ci trus
tree's valued at 50~ each, second party agrees to plant and care for tree's snti9facto~y to
firat parties. If p~'e is sold all, abo\"e ~lOOO.OO shall be eqtl8~ devided between first
end second parties, and shall not bring leas than $2500.00 ?irst pertiea shgll heve the right
of maJmging the citrus tree planti~g. with interest at the rete of, ~ per centum per annum
payable annually on the whole SI1m remeini~g from time to time unpaid; and to pay all taxes,
,,'ase~ents or impositions that may be leg&lly levied or imposed upon said lend subsequent to
the year l:ineteen 'l""enty fo\~. end to keep the buildir,gs upon said prer.:ises insured in sor:;e
C0mpan:r satisfactory to th~ parties of the first part, in a sum not less than Tnree Eunored
Dollars, ~olfars d\rring the term of this af,r3ement~ And in cese of failure of the said r-erty
~~ the seoond part to make either of the pa:rments or any part thereof, or to perform an:r of
the covenants on his part hereb1 made end e~tered into, this contract shall et the option of
the parties of the first part, be "forefeited and teroinatec, and the f'arty of the second part
shell forfeit all peJ~ent8 made by Him on this contract; and such pay~en~s shall be reta:ned
by the said parties of the first part in rill satisfaction and liquication of all dam8Ees by
them sustained, and said parties of the first part shall"have the right to re-enter and take
possesaion of the premises aforesaid without bein~ liable to an:r action tr~ref0r.
I? IS l~TUALLY ~G~EED, by and between the parties h~reto, that ti:e time of payment shall
be an essential part of this contract, and that all covenants and agreeoeuts herein contained
shall extend to end be oblieatory upon the heirs, executors, a~~inistr8tors and assigns of
the respective parties.
IU ?lIT:i:;C:;S Vi1E:::30?, The parties to these presents heve hereunto set their hands er,c, seals
the day end year first above written.
Signed. sealed and delivered in presence
Anna ~. Gollnick
~. ::. GOllnick
l.11. .Darker
l:amie Bari.:er
Wm. B. Osterhout.
~ra. Wm. B.OSterhout.
the \th
day of December 1924.
, F11 ed and recortied thiB
P. C. Eldred, Clerk Circuit Court.
7JH0l.! IT trAY CClIC~N.
CCt.'1fTYOF ~'1' . LUCIE.
c~ this da; personally appeared before me J.G. Coats, who being by m~ first d\uy sworn,
~." q'.'.~,,;\h~i~i~J'1