HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0132 132 .. ~. , L- r'~- I I I I I I ....~r. 1 ~~~ .- . ...... --- - ~- '....".,. .-y- -- "WlIE~ - -.\......... ..oond part, hie heire,exeoutore , a4mdn1etratore or a.eigne, in fee ai.ple, olear ot all in- . oumbranoe. whate!er, by a gooa ~a euftioient a..6, the lot, pieoe or parcel ot ground, situatea in the County of St. Luoie, State ot Plorida known and d.eorib.d ae tollows to-wit: Allot Block eeTen, oontaining tourteen loti, Original fown ot Vero, Plorida. 1.3.: ~1. ~,. and the said party ot the eeoond part bereby oOTenante and agrees to p~ to tbe 8aid party ot the tiret part the .. of 'lfIfft:e tboueand fiTe hundred DOllare, 11., the manner tullowing 'our hundred dollar. on eignlng ot thie Agreement and 13,766.67 on or betore 46 4qe from dato, and $4,166.66 on or before on. year from date end $4,166.67 on or betore two yeare from dato. n tb int.red at the rate ot 8 per o.nt\DI p.r amnrm, payable e.-i-annually lUUluall)' on tho whole eUlll reaaining trOll tim8 to time unpaid; end to Pll)' ell taxee. aeBe8emente or impoei tion. that ~ be legall)' l'Tied or imnoBed upon 8aid land eubeequent to the year 1924 and to keep th~ bu1ld1~e upon Baid premieee insured in e... oompaD1' Batietaotol7 to the Jart ot the tiret put, in a B1DIl not lee8 than Dollars during the te1'll ot thiB agre.ent. And In 08se ot tailure of the Ba14 part)' of the 8eoone part to make either of the P87Dlenta or 8n7 part thC!l." e-, ot, or to perform aDT of the oOTenante o~e part hereb.J made and entered into, this oontraot Bhall, at the option of the part)' of the tirBt part; be forfeited and terminated, and the part)' ot the Beoond part ahall torteit ell pa1Jllenta made by hill on th1e oontraot; ani. Buoh pay- mente shall be retained by the 8aid party ot the tiret part in tull aatiefaoUon and liquida- tion of ell damagee by him auetained, and Baid party ot the tiret part shall heye th~ight to , \ re-enter and take pOBseeeion of the premi.e. aforeeald without being liable to aD7 aotion theretor. It IS WftJ.U,LY AGRElD, b.J and between the paru;s here-r., that the t1me of pa1Dlent 8hall be an eeeential part of thiB oontraot, and that ell oovenantB and agreements herein con- tained 8hall extend to and be ~bllsator.J upon the heirs, exeoutors, a~niBtr&torB and a8signs of the re8peotive partie.. IX WlTIBSS WHEREOP !he parties to the.e preeent8 have hereunto eet their hand. and .eal. the de, and year first above written. : "\J:. I, Signed, .ealed and delivered in P?ee.noe of ..... WA. B. Sohmidt, Jr. (Seal) B. C. ROB', (leal) (Seal) A.'.!. Hill, Benaan L. Cohen A.W. Young. SUTB OP PLORIDl ST. LUCIE COUBfY. Onth~. de)' personally appeared before me, an offioer .uthoriaed to tate aokllowled8lllents of deea. eto. B.C. Roee, agent, .e s.ller and Herman L. Coh.n a8 purohaser to me well known and known to be the personB who exeoutacl the wi thin agreement, and .&omovle48ed that the)' exeouted the 88111e for the purpose. therein 8X})1'....4. And the .at d wife of the sa14 .L.----- upon en examination taken b7 lIle separate and apart trom her said husband aoknowle48ed that she ex.outed the ..i4 agreement fre.l, and TOluntar1l7, 8I'1d wi thO!1 t a07 oon- oOllpul.10n~ appreh8118iora or fear of or from her said hueband. a:r hand and geal thie 11th 4v ot Deo. 1924. . Xellie J(. Babb, Botar.r.publio State ot J10rida at Larg., .'117 o~s8ion expire. Il&7 9, 1928. )' . . ~ '. ~ f t ~c < I . ! !~ 4&7 ot Deo.-ber 1924. P.c~~,_~erk Cirouit Court. B1 C7r~~ ..J D.C ~-' ... '",'? Y~:Xli~i~~~