HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0133 lo~ ~-"i'~~ ~ - ~ ~..,.- ~ -- CRAS. C. BURRY, to A.~'IDAVI~ WHO)( If M.l Y COHCmuI. 'ii StATE O' lLORIJ).l COUBn O' SIf. LuelK. On this da7 ~.rsonallJ a~peared betor~ me C.C. Burr.r, who being bl ~e first dull s.orn depoee. and -&7s: that he 1a the C.C. BurrJ who took the aomMed8lllent ae Bota17 Publio In a d..d of oonyeJ'&Iloe hom C.C. Cabow, and wife 11l11an S. Cabow, and A.B. CritobJ.el And dfe- f1ta crl tohle~ to Edward K. SIIli th, as per de.d 4&ted Jul7 23, 1923 and filed .lull 26, 1923 in neea Book 60, page 616, ooyering the tollowing pro~ertl, to-wit: Lot M of Block 2 o'f Golc1em1th's Ac1c11tion to "ort Pleroe, :nonda. Affiant further says that In acknC\wled8llent B.K. SIIli th 18 mentioned, whereas it should haye been EdwarA ~. 51"Uhj that Ehard Ii. Smitb and B.K. Sm1 th, who 18 mentioned in the above deod ot oonTelanoe, 18 the one anc1 8ame person. Chas. C. Burr7. ribed b8tore m8 thl_ the 20th 4&1 ot September A.D. 1924. Angue 81uaner. (,'~ Count7 Judge. ,"' 0' -'t') the,~d dal ot December 1924. ~ q~. C.P. El~red, Clerk Circ*1t Courto by r)-:~4~t1f'~~aA..l.- D.C v l' ~:l'.' '. ,"' "} I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBESTER J'LORIDA LJJI]) COllPAlY nc. to AGRBBKBJIT lOR DOD. WILLlAK B. HEWLETT. THIS AGRBEIIB1IT, ~de and entered into thiB 4th 48y of August A.D. 1924, by and BBTWED the Che.ter ~orlda,Land CompaD7 IIC., 8 oorporation orgaln..d under the laws of the State of Hew York .-a legelll ~ranaactlng buslne8s wlthin the S~ate of Plorida, hereinafter e referred to .. the Vendor, and Wllliam A. Hewlett of Towaco, Morri8 County, state of Hew Jers8J, hereinafter referred to as the Purohaeer. WI!IBSSKTH, The Tendor hereb.f oonsent8 to eell and conTe" b7 good and 8uffioient warrant7 deed, tree and olear ot 811 eaollDlbrenoe., ezoepting 88 hereiIlAfter noted, anc1 the , , . purohae9r hereb,r promise. and agrees to purohase, upon the teras and oondition8 hereinatter 8tated, the land in St. Lucie Count7, state of JIlorida, known and c1esoribed 88 fol10W8: .u. . 0 { i, ~ 'r , Lots -,4 and 5 ot the subc11Ti81on mown ae Kana.. Clty Colo~, aooording to the plat of aai4 8u\dlYision reoorded in Plat Book 4, page 23, Reoords of St. Luoie . ~ ' Count7, Plorl4a, sald 8ubdivision belng a 8ubdivieion of GOT8rnment Lot 2 ot Seotion 33 and GOTen.ea' Lota. 2, S and 4 of Seotion 3-4, 'lownehip 33 youth. Ranga 40 Ba9t, St. Luoia Count" ftori4a, oontalnlD.8 300 feet Ooean front aDd running approxlmate17 4000 te.t in dept,h to IncUan Hi ver. ; t The purohue prlo~ shell be tbe ... of '9,000; 11.000 oao, the reoeipt wher~of 18 herebl aoknowledged, '3,600 at the tla. ot deliver" ot deed hereIn ooysnanted to be siyeD.' the J1II'ohaa" agr... to ..... ad pq . IIOI'tg.8e In the ..oun' of ",600 ginn to Hatti. I. Chamber~ on Jla7 23rd, 1924, bearlng inter.at at the rate o'f 6~ per ann_, p.,..ble seal- annual17; intere.t to be adJusted .. of dat. ot deod. ',\ , ':', ..,: - ...~-:..} ,./~.~,~~:.~i~~rA~~-~4 -, : ~'" ':.":' ;-~::-,: ':J{-:.j:~i~~~A~~~~1~i~