HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0137 1 ~) 'f "/37 1t:S7 1 J 1 ~ ~ i f tj .. 1 .1 _._~~-:.."'';'''~~..............cr ............. "..- .. ~.- -----.~-~.........--- -~~ ........-~.. ~-- ---....... ~ - .... . -- - ~-- - William Le.lie Burne (Seal) (Seal) ~( Ka1tDe L. BuM, Signe4, 8eale4 and 4eli~er.d in pre.enoe ot: Abraham Jaooblen S!ATE O,'ILLIIOIS SS 'UZEWRLL COUlfTY. .. 'i ~ , ~ ~,l I ~ ~ i J I I ( i W. D. Ree4. 11.00 Doo. Stamp. Canoelled. I, I'm. H. Shamo a not.a17 publio in and tor eaid Count)', in the State atoresaid. do hereb7 oertlf7 that "Ulbm L6s1ie Burllt'l and 1la1Jlle L.Bu.rno hiB wite, per80nal1;Y known to m. to be the same persona whose Damel are subsoribed t~ the foregoing instrument. appeared betore i 1\. thie da7 in person and, aooowle486d that the7 ligned, 8881ed and dellnred the laid f"- Instruaent al their tre. and ~oluntar.t-aot. tor the ueel and purp08ee therein set lorth inoluding' the releae8 and wai~.r ot the right ot homestead. da7 ot Boyember A.D. 1921. \ ,', l{ Cunaer l.~ .hand and lfotaria1 eeal. thiB 26th , WIl. H. Shamo. 1I0tal'J' Publio. II. P.. Seal. :0 Pl~or4e4 thl. the 3l.t~~ of Deoember 1924. -' \ Q, Ct.. ct. Se81~ ~ \ J g ~ (b. e). P.C. Eldred, Clerk Cirouit Court. ~~Vf~~d~.c. I /.-, I ! TRUSTKKS OP THK III'lERBAL IKPROVEllKB! lUlfl) 0' I'LORIDA to fOR! PIERCB PIBAIICIIG AIID COISTRUCTIOI COMPANY. DEBD '!RUSHBS OP '!'HB I1fBUAL IIIPROY.nBIJ! rtJIfD OP nORIDA. DEED 10. 17,183 i[ I _ ,.~ ; WHERBAS on the Pirta da7 ot Samptember, A.D. 1923, th6 Trueteee ot the Internsl Improyem$nt Pund ot the State ot Plorlda sold and oon~e7ed to the Port Pierce Pi~olng and Construction Comp~, a Plorida corporation, and to it. sucoeB80re and a8signs toreyer, the tollowing de.- oribed 8ubmerge4 lands: v' -!hat .hallow bank or ,ubmerged traot in Indian Riyar, Saint Luoie Count7 llQr14a, near Port Pieroe. located in Seotion 3 and 2.of !own8hlp 36 South Range 40 Baet. desoribed more p.r~10ular17 88 tollows, to-wit: Commence at the southwest oorner ot Section ~. 'lown.hip 36 South, Range 40 Bast, and run ~ Bast, 2,240 ~e~t ; thence Borth. 720., teet; thenc.,,70 degree. and 46 minutel East 1.200 fe.t to the po1nt ot beginning; thence trom .aid point ot beginning South 19 aegre.. and 16 minute8 Bast 400 fa.t; thence Borth 70 degre.s and 46 aillllte. Walt 2.000 teet; thence Bort2l 6,( aegren and 61 minutes Baet 4,900 feet; thenoe Borth 26 degree. 'and . 9 ainutee We..t 800 1'..t. then"e South 64 degrGee ena 61 ainut.. Welt 4.868 fe.t, thenoe South 70 degrees and 46 minute8 West' 1.969 teet; thena. South 19 dogre.. and l~ ainute. Bast 400 feet to tbe point ot beginning ~1rl~ abo~c .nUllerateel. oontaining 126 aore. lIore or le.s. ! I i f ,. , i ~ t J t I I " Sai4 lanh being oonTqeator oaO'....7 and harbor 1mpro~..entsc Said abo~. aent10nea a.ed b.~ng reoordaa In the Publ10 Reoorda ot Saint Luola Count)', nor!4a' in Deea Book 68. page 80 ot the 4..4 rooorda ot 8814 CO\JJltJ'. ADd -- ; i ~S the sa14 rort Piero. ftnanolng an4 Constn.otloll COiIPaDl'. tor tbe purpoa. ot 00..' 1 pleUII8 .... eDlar81118 .'ho Iapr.....d. oon_pl.t.4 bJ 0014 o.uo_ ......Joarbor IlIpro.....iQ.."".j :}:~i J \ ~t~~%i~~ll~li}f~ ~,. :...... .~\.;R!ii~fl}~ ..~