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Is de8irous ot obtaln1ns trom 8ai4 Trusteee ad~itional lande, suob a6dltiQnal land. to ODn-
siat 100 teet. 8ame being a etrip 60 fe.' wlde on tbe Bortb eid., and a strip 60 teet wide
. ""'~ t
on tbe Soutb 8ide, 10ngltu41nally. ot the paroel ot land heretotore oODveyed and as berein-
above deecrib~d in quotation. Tber~tore
DOW ALL )(K!f BY THESE PRBBlUiT8: That tbe undersigned, the Trustee. ot the Internal Im-
provement Pund of the State ot Plorida, under the provieion8 1066 and 1061 of the Revised
Ganeral 'tatute, ot Plorlda, tor and in ooneideration ot the .ua ot Se~.nt7 tlv~ Dollars to
them ,in hand paid b~ tbe 'ort Pieroe l1nanoing and Construotion C6mp&n7 a JQori4a Corporation
receipt ot whloh 1s hereby aoknowledged, and tor the tnrther oon8id~ration tbat the 8ubmerged
land. herebyoonveyed be ue~d tor publio purposes, have granted. bargaine4 and 801d, and by
theee preeente do grant, bargain, and 8ell:' and oonvey toto the .aid 'ort Pieroe l1nanoing
and oonetruotion Comp8D7, and to its euooessor. and 8eslgne torever, tAt tollowlng 4e~oribe4
18nde, to-wit:
That shallow bank ar eubaerged traot in Indian River, Saint LUGIe County,
Plorlda, near 'ort Pieroe, looated in Seotions, 3 and 2 ot townehip 36 south
Range 40 Baet, deeoribed more partioularly 88 tollo", to-wit:
COll1l:lenoe at the Soutbwest oorner ot S60t1on 3, Townehip 36 South, Range 40 Ra,1
and run Raet 2,240 teet; thenoe Borth 720; thence Borth 70 d.gree. and 46 minute,
Ealt 1,200 teet to "tbe point ot beginning; thenoe trom Bald point ot beglnn1ng
Sooth 19 de~e.e and 16 minutee Eaot-460 te.t; thenoe Borth 70 degre'8 an~ 46
minute. Eaet 2,000 teet; thence Borth 64 degree8 and 61 minutee Baet 4,900 teet;
thence lortn E6 degree. and 9 ainut.. Weet 900 teet; tbenoe eouth 64 d.grees and 61
minute. We.t 4,858 teet; thenoe 80uth 70 degree. and 46 adnute. We8t 1969 tee';
thence South 19 degree. and 16 adnutel Bast 460 teet to point ot beginning above
eet torth. oontaining 142 aores more or le8e (Thi8 desoription Inolu4ea the lands
heretotore oonve,.ed, and inolude. a strip 50 te.t wide on both tbe Borth and South
.ide. ot the lands heretotore oonveyed).
, "
Said lena. to be used tor causwa,. and tor Harbor ImproT..ent..
YO HAVE l~D TO HOLD the .aid above granted and desoribed premis.. unto the eaid 'ort Pieroe
finanoing and Construotion Comp8D7, and to its .UGoeSBorB and ae81$n8, tor the purposee atore-
laid, forever.
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IB TESTIMONY WHERBO', the Truete.s ot the Internal Improvement JUg.~~,110ri4a, la.. here-
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unto subsoribed their names and attixed their eealB, and have oaus.4the .e.l ot the
- - - - :':.~:;>,-- ,<:~:--.
"DEPARftIBlI! 0' AGRICULTURE OF 'lBE STATB 0' PLORIDJ." to be hereunto at~ji.~:.' ",'he Capitol in
"q "t.'~ ",-",
the C1t7 ot Tallahas.ee, nOr1d&, on th1e 12th day ot D.'ember A.D. lt2..'~~
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Car7 A.. Harelee ( Sea2.-J ~
Krneet .&JIos (Seal)
Jo C. Luning (Seal)
, Stat. freasver
Rivere Buford -(Beal)
A.ttorney Genftal
29~h~7 ot Deoember 1924.
...ban Jla70 (Seal )
Commislioner ot Agrioulture
.lle4 anel ~ecora.d tbis tbe
, P.C. Eldred, Clerk Cirouit Court.
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