HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMBy at LU C I e C ou"AW BCKS ore LogIn UserRegistratio.nHotrooics SubmitSurcharge .1 Stats&,FacU� Poblica l_nIFB -Staff 361S 91teMap,Links, ,Sear ch Florid uct Approval ili , Used Us 'Oroduct-�6mrovai-DlenUS,Producf-()rAi3vjicaifon§earch>APD(Ccationl.>:Appt1p4f4c?nDet'a11 FL #: FL16544M RECEIVED Application Type Revision Code Version 201.7 Application' Status Approved MAR 0 2 2018 Comments ST. Lucie County, Permitting Archived ProddcVMariUMci:Urdr :POLYGLASSIUSA ST. LITCrE COUNTY %Ue�IL�D.SION 'T"' , CO3* Addr'&s/0hone/,trhai1 1501-Lybti DrMi REVIEWED FOR COMP Femley,.`NV 80408 REVIE"EJ) 11Y -1-230, Ekt:2_42 ,(STO 384 jakjns4.p61yqjassjcom DATE 3/19 to 95 PLANS T MU D PERMIT MU BE KEPT ON JOP, Authorized Slgnature James Akins OR NO INSPECTION WILL BEIVAIDE, jakins6pdiyglass.cdmr Technical` Representative Maury, Alpert THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK Addres§/Php!jq/krr!ai_1 1111Wi'Newport center Drive Deerfield Beach; FL*j3442' ARE SUBJECT To ANY CORRECTIONS (Oi2)� 429-8616 REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAlP,eq0pP,1yg1aSS�.cPm MAY BE NECESSAAy IN ORDER TO OOMPAY WITH A" APP144#"jA qg9i QualltyAssuraffidd Representative Ariel Lender Address/Phone/Emall 11-11 W. New1port,Center Drive ,Deerfidld, Beach, FL-_:�3442. JONCFALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS (694) ��i - 1�30, ALendpr@polyglpss, : com, ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE Category 'Roof rig; CONTRACTOR OF RECORD Subcategory i Mbdifidd ffi(tUitieh K f-,Sy#qffi, compliance Method Evaluation Report*orn a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional. Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received' Florida Engineer or Arthitect- Namia Who developed the Rbl?Crf Nleriiin6h Evaluation Report. Florida license 'p'8-0566 ,quality Assurance Entity UL Wt Quality ,Assurance Contract Expiration Date 161602016 Validated By John W, ',Kne.zevich,., PE' .,0 Validation Chel;klitt - Hdridd6dy Wecdlved Certlficaie'of Independence FL1654 R22' COI 2017 01 -COT 1Nle&ilnejfi,pdf Referenced Standard -and'Year OfStandard)� Standard Year AST.M; D6162 2008 ASTM, P6i63 2008 ,�A�M' D6164, ' - 2011 AsTM D6222' j= 2 ASTM 06909 FM.4470 2 Wr "I Lk 2 U FM 4474 22 (0; UL 1897 20i2 Equivalience-,&'Procluct Standards Certified By Sections from the.Code ProdiactApp(pyal Method Vale SUbril , itted Date Validated. Dati(i -VeTiON FqC Approval; Date Approved Summary Method 1,Optlon D 09/14/20tT .69/15/2017 09I227/20I , ' 7 FL # 'Model, . Miffibe"r, bi Ninfib D6ScripX7k9p f 04� i �Pol glass S11218�, and APO di6 d y M o e and S6§6 APPl%hibdieie6'�bittfiiiehroof tsYttems, -B.1-tu..ffi-b,n Adof Systems Limits of tise IhtUllatfoh. lnstijoctj6his' ApprovedV f6r,uso in 1H IM: No FL16b4 R22ji- 2017 &:FINAL -Al ER POLYGLASS, -MODBIT FLI.6544 k22,,Ddf- Ap �pediddd.fdir"fj§ia outside HVHZ. Yes ,iiinpactmesi9t nt . :A jA 'Verified by--kdbert ieminenOlt-5§16'6 Tsipf; Pressure.'-+N/A7-6221.5, Created I by Independent Third Party: Yes Other:; 1.�),The design pressurel"In this applicition 6a,hiAll'a, n Miports relates, - ri d - I dii I p—ra, S- sio m b ly', R—c- , t" rgtp, FL-f6s4, R22 AE 201:7 05 FINAL- t1l ROU -GLASS MODBITL; ni654-z to; E Appendix erto F� p c "ther qstems.--and deck ttypes ,;Z.) Refer, - io,.Eft; 'Section '5? ror other Li'milts. R22.odf of Use. Created by,'Independent Itilrd Party: Yes 606d Us Tallahassee FL'32399-Ph6nb::650-487-167-4- qfFlorida Is'an AA' 'Accesislbllltv'Stat4rhent is Refund StaffirriOnt :Under.floif& law, emalfaddresses are pA116 recordsAi� you do. noit'want-your'e-pal . l,address rekasecr1h:respo.qse I�q ajpp4Ilc-rec9rds request, go not send electronic mail-to,this ebtit r mall;,.If you h entity,, InAtead� qontad*p,�ffIE6*,6�'�fio-nd-b�b�'f Sdit"lo'na"I " ' " - - -- ' 'iiiek 'Oledse 6ontact'850A8733951 !Pursuant' to Section, A'SOctober 2612 )Icensees licensed under chapir:4sg, F.§:-muiEpr6V1de,the bepartment with If they have an one The :emaiis previded may.tie used (or official t.rhin-6,njeatlort with, the o,,n , ot-Msh,to 'su pply a personal address,email address which can 6e mada.ravalfitile tothe-public.T-6,determine if you area licensee under Chap!er 455, F.Sj, pI&se,cII WhagL- . I..... R; 1, e e'; Product AppPoval,Accepts:. OR FiN RIM .The following notes apply fo.the systemrautlined`herein: 1. The .rool system'evaluatior here in?pertains tgabove deck;roofcomponents. Roof decks.ands"trucfurahmembersahall be ireaccordan¢e with,F,BC requirements`to t}iersatisfaction of iFie;Authonty Hav ng Jurisdiction. load resistance of the roof deckshall be documented ihroug)`riproper mdified'and/pr F t-:A'pproval;documentation. 2. insulation. base,sheet fasteners shaii:be_ofsufficient length for the following de¢k engagement:: ➢Wood: Minimu" 0J5=inch penetration. P ,Steel: Minimum 0.75=inch penetration:and engage,the"top flute.of the -steel deck. D Structural concrete: Minimum 1-inch embedment into pilot -hole in accordance;w th;fastener manufacturer's published installation instructions. 3. Unless otherwise noted, insulation may be. anyone layer or combination of polyisoeyanurate, polystyrene, wood ,fiberboard, perltte, ,gypsum=based roof board or mineral -",wool roof board that meets;the'QA requirements. of F.A.C. Rule 616203 and:is documented;as meeting FBC 1505.1.and, for foam plastic,,FBC Chapter 26;.when installed'withthe'roofcover. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity ERD Evaluation Report P9290:02.MR20'for FL1654-R22 Certificate of Authorization 99503 e" EDITIONi(Z017), FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 20: 09%12/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 Polyglass'Modified Bitumen Roof Systems, (570) 384-1230 Appendix 3, Page 1 of 59 V 1(�I�II"jY I ERD 4. :Minimum 200 psi, minimum`2-inch ihick:lightweight�insulating concrete; maybe substituted forrigidinsulation board for -System Type D.(mechanically attached: base. sheet, bonded roof cover), .whereby the base sheetfasteners; are installed through thetWICto engage the.structural.steel or concrete deck.. The structural deck shall be of equal or greater configuration to the:steel andconcrete deck listings. Roofdecks and structural merribers•'shall begin accordance:with FD. requirements to'the'satisfaction,of the Authority Having.Jurisdiction: Load resistance of the roof deck shall beAcicumented through proper codified'and/or FBC Approval documentation. 5. Preliminary insulation,attachment for System Type D;`Unlessotherwiseinoted,'refer-to Section 2:2,.10.1.3 ofFM Loss Prevention Deta'Sheet1-29 (January2016). 6. Unless otherwise" noted;;irisulation adhesive application rates,are asifollows: Ribbon or bead width is at'thetime of application; th6lribb6ns/beads shall expand'as noted in the manufacturer's published instructions. Hot a5phalt,(HA); Fuli:coverageat 25=30 Ibs/sgiiare: DOW:INSTA.STIK QuikSet InsulatJbhAdhesive;(D-'15) Continuous 0.75 tal-inch-Wide ribbons, l2'inch_o.c Millennium One,Step`Foamable Adhesrve,(M-OSFA) Continuous 0.25 to.0:5-inch wide ribbons, 124heh o.e. Y Millennium PG=1'.Pump GradeAdhesive (M<PGI)s C6ntinu6us-0.25 to`015-inih Wide ribbons a2-inth o:c: ➢ OMG•OlyBond:500:'(OB50D):: ... _. Continuous�0.75 to'1-inc6wide ribbons;l2=in'ch:o.c.{(PaceCart or SpotShot).Note +OlyBond`Green`may be used where OlgBond.500.is-referenced. Oiy orid'.Classic(OBiClassic): Full:coveiage'at1gal/s'quare. ICP Adhesive &-Se6lahts:CR-20: Ccidtinuous 2.5-3 5=inch wide ribbons, l2 incti:ixc. Note: Wheh:muitiplel6yers(s), of ins&lotion. dnd/or eoverbodrd dre.:instbiled in•ribbon-applied .odhesive",;boord Joints §hall be staggered. )c Note:The mdxlmurb edge dis'tvnce from-,the:bdhesive ribban.ta the edgeE of the insulation boai d shollbe:�ot less=than one-half thespedfied ritibonsspacing,_ 7. unless otherwise noted, all insulations are ,flat -stock ortaperboard,of therminimumthickness noted.Tap polyisocyanurate atthe,follow rig thickness limitations may be substitute d'wiih,,the.following Maximum Design Pressure (MDP) limitations. In no case shall-these;values be used to `increase'-thk-MDPilistings in the tables;,ratherif MDP lisiing_below,meets orexceeds that listed for a particular system inthe,tables, then the`_thinner board listed below may be used'as a`drop-in fbethe equivalent'thicker material listed -In the table: R Millennium;One Step Foamable Adhesive (NI-oSFA) MDP' -',l .5 psf (Min. 0:5-inch thickf Y Millennium PG-1 Pump:Grade Adhesive (M PGl);, MDP =157.5 psf .(Min. 0 54nch thick) Y OMG 01yBond500 (OB500); MDP-45.0'psf (Min. 0;5 inch thick,,Mulii=Max FA=3) ➢• OMG Olybond 500 (OB500): MDR 487.5,psf .(Min 0:5=inch fhick150 95+GL). l QMG 00.0nd 500 (013500): MDP- -315.0 psf. ;(Min. 0.54nch:th1ck ENRGYs3) ri OMG OlyBond 500;(08500): MDP .-4k7.5 psf '(Mm. 0:5;inch thick ACF.oamill)- ➢ ICP?Adhesives &.5ealants`.CR, MDP` =117:5 psf (Min.. .inchthidi) 8. Bonded polyisocyanurate 9.- Formechariicafly. attached components or part)ally bonded_insulation; the maximum clesigrTpressure for,the selected assembly shall,meet orexceed the Zone 1 design pressuredetermiried in accordance. With FBC chapter 16;,and Zones 2 and :3 shall employ an: attachment, density; designed:by a :qualified °design, professional` toy resist the elevated pressure criteria: Commonly,used `Methods are ANSI%SPRIFWD1, FM Loss Prevention: Data Sheet 1-29; Ro�fing"ApplicatiomStandard RASi 1,17'and' Roofing Application Standard:RAS.T37. Assemblies, markedWittilan asterisk' carry" the limitations set fortfi in Section of FM Loss PreventiorvData:Sheet 1-29:(Jan ary`2016)-.for Zone 2/3'enhancements. ' 10. For fully'bonded assemblies, the.rnax4 ium design pressure1dr the selected assembly,shall meet:or-exceed critical design peessurLiAefennined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16,.and no rational analysis is.permitted: 11. For mechanically attached'components over eicistmg decks, (fasteners shall beetested' inthe existing. deck for:withdrawal resistance, ;A,qualified design professional'shall reyiew.thecdata for comparison-tojthe minimum requirements forthesystem:, Testing:and analysisshall be in accordance with ANSI%SPRI FX l,6r Testing Applicatlon.StandardTAS 305; 12. For existing substrates in a bonded recoverorre-roof installation;the existing roof surface or existing roof deckshall-be examined for compatibilityand bond performance withihe'seleded adhesive, and the existing roof"system (for°recover):shall'be capable of resistingprojectdesignpressures---on its own, merit.tci the satisfaction of the AuthoriW axing Jurisdiction; as documented," through field.uplifCtesting in accordance with ANSI/SPRI IA-1; ASTM E901, FM:Loss'Prevention Data.Sheet T 52 or TestingApplication;Standard.7AS 124. 13'., For Recover Applicat)ons using System Type D,1he'insulation.is optional; however,ahe existing roof system shall be suitable fora recovevapplicafion. .14: Lightweight Insulating Concrete (LWC) shall be.cast maccordance'with FBC Secficin' 1017,to the. satisiaction.ofthe Authority Having Jurisdiction. For.systems where specificLWC;is referenced,, refer'to'current. LWC Product approval for specific deck construction and Ifm)tatlons. Focsystems where -specific LWC is:not referenced, the minimum design;mlx shall be-300 psi. In all cases, the minimum top -coat thickness is.2-inches: For LWC-over structural concrete, reference is'made-to FBC Section,191714.1, Point 1. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity l ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 6TM EOITIO.N {1017) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION, -Polyglass Modred Bitumen Roof Systems;:(570)384-1230 Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R20 for FL1654-R22 Revision 10: 09/12/2017 Appendix 1, Page 2 of 58' IS., 'Unle§s otherwise_ rioted, refer to the following eeferen"ces for bonded base,'ply or cap sheet applications. �l TRINITYIERD li q. 'rM YJNFai#7! cs# �� .At' a� *c<o- k sR �3 E a:•v+ i t a _ Mir �tl �r 'ffiPTR % Reference Layer Material' Application BP -AA Base Ply One or more plies.Polyglass G2 Base; FBC Approved'ASTM D460.1; Type,il . PI sheets, Asphalt-, iV, Hot Asphalt at 20-40:, Base and ( Y.Y Pl One or more lies Po.' lass:Pl Polyglass Pl VI, FBC A roved; ASTM D2178 T e IV or'V1. - P IYg Y: Yg y PP YP ' lbs/square Applied), Note: Aspholt-applied sheets'or:irt'sulation shall`not-be applied to poly-film'sueaced rneinbr`dnes. - Base -Ply One ply Elastobase-(sand/sand), Elastoflex .V Elastoflex S6; Elastoflex S6-Type 11, Polyglass HT Base:650 SBS-CA1 Ca P Y Elastoflex VG ;Elastoflex VG FR; Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex 56 Type Il; Elastoflex,S6.G, Elastoflex S6 G FR, Elastoshield'TS-G, Elastosfiield' PG350 at 1:5-2;0 gal/square -:P,I TS-G.FR;:PolyfMsko G.SBS�(sand=backed);'Polyfresko G SBS'FR�(sand-backed) i Base:Ply One' ply'Elastobase (sand/sand), Elastoflex V, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex°S6. Type ll SBS-CA2 Cap Ply , - Elastoflex_ VG, Elastoflex VG FR Elasstoflex S6, Elastoflex 56 T,ype II, Elasioflex.S6.G, ,Elastoflex S6 G FR, Elastoshieid TS-G, Elastoshield a . 5-2 Polyplus 35 t 1. - .0 TS-G'F,k, P.olyfresko G-SBS,'(sand=backed), PPolyfresko'G SBS:FR;;(sand-backed} gal/square Base Ply or;P.ly One:or more plies Elastobase (sand/sand or• poly%sa.nd); Elas4ob.as-e P (sand/sand'.or poly/sand); Elastoflex V;:Elastoflex S6,. Elastoflex S6 Type II Polyglass Hione 650 SBS-AA' Hot*phaWat 20.40' (SBS;:Asphalt-Applied); Cap Ply ' Elastoflex V Elastoflex VG, Elastoflex VG FR, Elastoflex 56, Elastoflex S6 Type h,:Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex 56;G FR, Elastoshield`TS-G, Ibs/square Elastoshield'TS-G FR, polyfresko G SBS (sand -backed), Polyfresko G.SBS,Pk(sand-backed) Note;, ' Aspholt-applied sheets or, insulation shall not 6e;bpplied to. poly-flnisurfaced nieinbranes:, Base Ply or -Ply more pties.El".tobase (sand/poly); Elastobase (poly/poly);!Elastofl'ex V, Elastoflex S6;.ElastoflexS6?ype:Il, Polyglass HT Base SBS-TA 65Oror Torch A lied FP Cap Ply Elastoflex V, Elastoflex.VG; Elastoflex VG FR; ElastoflexS6,,Elastoflex S6.Type, II, Elastoflex56, G, Elastoflex56 G FR, Elastoshield;TS=G; ' (505; Torch -Applied)° ' ElaAoshie'ld,TSrG Fk,.Polyfresko G SBS (poly -film backed), Polyfre d, SBS FR,(poly-film hacked). Base_Ply. - One ormore plies Elastoflex'SA V Basejlastoflex_SAV. FR Base, Elastoflex SA,V:Plus; Elastoflex"SA V Plus FR SBS-SA Cap'Ply EIastoflex'SA P., Elastoflex SA P FR,-P6lyrefl&V' _ Self -Adhering Unless otherwise noted„permissible membravesubstrotes jor 58s4A'ore limited'tolfie'SBS-SA. Base Ply optfons`herein; .(SBS, Self?Adhering) Note: Elastobase.(poly/sond)prElastobase(poly/poly): APP-CAI, Capply. Folyflex-G FR PG350 at,1:5-2.0 gal/square APP- _TA Base Ply 6K.P.ly' Orie,ormoie plies Polyglass APP Base Polyflex, Polybond (APP, Torch=Applied) Cap Ply' Polyflex, Polyflex G, P.olyflex G FR, Polybond, Polybond G,Tolyfresko G; Polyfresko G FR Torch=Applied i Cap;Ply Polyflex SA P, Polyflez SA P. FR PolyfreskaG Sr.A ; Polykool _ - APP-SA (APP,,SeIf Adhering) 'No P. Udless,otherwlsenoted,.permissible.rrierribrone3ubstratesforAPP-SAorelimitedaotheSBS=SA:Bose-Plyoptionsherefn, -(poly/ Self -Adhering _ fstobase (poly'/sand) or Elastobase: 16: Any :of "the following,FBC approvedcoatings may°be; applied to the top roof:membrane°without adverse:effect on the system wind load .performance. Refer to current Roofing:'Niaterials Directory forfire ratings: associated with coating usage.. PG200.Non:Fibered Roof Coa6ng;t 00300`Fibereoaof Coating;- D PG600 Non-Fibered Aluminum Robf-Coatirig; PG650:Fibered'AluminumRoofCoating; Y' PG700.High:Quality,ElaStomericRootGoating'orKMAcry'1,25;, PG700QS'(Quick Set) High Quality. ElastomericRoof Coating or KM Acryl25-QS-(forgranule-surfaced APP or3BS.only); ' P6800,Asphalf.Emulsion Roof Coating D polyplus.60 Premium Nori Fibered Aluniihuni Roof Coating;,' Y Polyplus 65 Premium Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; Y" Polybrite 70 Premium Grade'Elastomeric Roof Coating_or'KM Acryl 15; A Polybrite 70QS (Quick Set) Premium Grade Elastomeric Roof Coating or KM-Acryl 15-05 (for granule -surfaced APP orSBS:only); Polybrite'90 HIgh.Solids S111cone Rcof'Coating orPolybrite 95Silicone Roof Coating. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity] ERD Evaluation; Report P9290:02.08-R20 for FL3654-R22 Certificate cf Authorization #9503 6'" EDITION (2017); F.BC.NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 20: 09/12/2017 Prepared by: Robert.Nieminen, PE-59166 Polyglass Modifled,Bitumen RoofSystems;-(570) 384-1230 Appendix 1, Page 3 of 58 Q'.TT. 0 -RI !,T--,-, 'R %vY, W ERD 14. Dens Deck shall be 661cl-pr Imed'with 0(3100-,priorto-te I lf-adhering'rhem I ]Yraneapplicati6n. Refdkb"tables herein for other prii-ning rbquirerinerits. is. Vapor.barrier'options for use over-structural'concrete deck,(dlloW6d'by,. adhered insufatioh�darry the16116Wing M5xidi6rh Design PFessure-(NIDP)IIinitations. The lesser of -the MDP-listings'below vs..;those in 'Table 3A PRAWN MR- "If#4 .Opti6n. # Primer Vapor Barrier insulation Adheifve 1 Ml*(pif) Attach qc V6=1­ OGlbb Elastoflex'SAYFlus; .'Self . -A - dh e , ri rf . g- Inta-Stik-or CR-20, 1271hc I h d.c. VB2:. PG100. P61yglass;APP Base 'Tdrch4applidd lntaStik.or CR-20;-12'inch,o.c.. -75-.0 VB-%, I 'P, G"1'0 0 EkastloflexsA:p - Self�Aclhe.flng: - -inch o.c; In.sia Stlk, i2 w75:0 VB-4.r -_'G106 -ifistoflexSA- , P, Self -Adhering Millennium - ' One.Step:Fdamabl I kAd I hesWe, 12-inc . h d.c. -157.5 VB-5 EPG106 E'IasibfIeX--rSXP Self -Adhering CR-20, 12-inch mc; --270.0 V[376: 'P,Gidd. EIastdflex SA V Base, Ela;�fqfI04SA V FR Base ElastbflL-x SA V Plus, Elastoflfx-$A�Y� Plus'FR - Seif-Adherlhg Millennium One Sieoamable AdhesiveMillenniu,mPG4PuMp�Gra d ,e s)T Adhesive, -290:0 29; "MDPI =,Maxim6rh Deslg6 Pe6gsiitbik.'the-reiult,oftesting ,fof wirid;ldadzrdglitihdij based on all6,h5ble,'Wlhd16ads. Refer toFBC 1609 for determin tion of design Wind loads. Exteridr Research and Design, LLC. d1blA Trinity( ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503, Prepared repared by: kobert'Nieminen, PE-S9166, V 6' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION ALUATION Polyglass Modified,13liumen RootSystems;(S70)'394-1230 Evaluation Report P9290.02.08?R20 for FL3:654-R22 Revision 20: 09/12/2017 Appendix 1, Page 4 of S81 TtN1-rr-1 FRo T "t(J as1 VA 10 A L P 8- System Desk.(Naterl} Ins ulatigpaayer(s} base Sheet: Roof Cover (Note 15}; MDP TYPe Attach. Type Fasten _ Attach. _ ... _ __. BasePtg Cap Ply No., WOF ~ 12cinch.o:c in4 inch la and SZ: P Onejdr' ioee Elastobase `Elastobase,P, Pol IassG2'.Base Cerfimteed Yg OMG FW:6gttom Rlates(square) with (Optional}BP=AA, W-56 Mibr19/32= - ..- , layers; any Prelim; - - Glasbase, FirestoneeN1B Base; : Raofggp'N14 Dekfasttlex(aka bekfas;PLT ` - ' . _ inch o c ih-two (2) :equally spaced; SBS-AA'SBS 7A or ;, SBS-AA„S85 52:5 melt plyw,obd comtiinat(gm Attache`& ,1N1 Petma-?ly 28, Tamko;Glass H 2 7%8j witftDekfast #14 orTiufast3 _ staggered'center'rows AP.,P=TA TA; APP TA. - Base or:GAFGIAS #75 :Metal Insulation Ptate'Vvith7cufast.HO:: j S 1N-57 Min."19/3 0 One;or;more layers; an ; Pr "T'.. Elastotiase;or Efa-sf ase P OMGyF(ap;8attom Plates (spuare).w h 12�Inch o c -----% nch tap art& l2- irich'o:c in'-t'q*1 13--apliy spaced,, (optional) BP -AA, 585-i oral) 7A or SBSrAA SBS- inch 0i d combinatign:. Attached' Roofgrip,#32' ;_s;aggered;centerrows APR, TA I TA,A P.P TAB D-kfasCt�eg{aka Dekfast,P1T-H,2.7/,8)suith Min.15/32- One:oF:ntore •any Prellkn.: _ - „ PoIYBIaF5G2g p#jtlastobase,; Dekfast#14; O�ifIG 3" Round hrletal Plate Sainch o:c in 4 inch:IaP andlO=: (Opfional):BP=AA '; S85 AA, SBS- 1N-5g inch plywood ►avers; Attached •Elastobase P with�OMG. Hl), OMG,FIabBottom-Plate: inch o.c inrthree (3); equally SBS-AA SBS TA or TA, APP TA• cotntiinaf on, (Accutra6) with d. fBrip gikcarufast3' ;spaced taggered centerroitis APPTA Metal Insulation. Plate wjth'TrufastH0 . ! Dekfast Hex,(af�a DekfastPLT-H 27/8) with:, MihOl'i'--� ASI' Orid.ormofd Ddkf6st-#14 OMG 3".Round Metal Plate SOamch o:c "m 4 inch lap and 10• W-s9 - inch plywood layers; any- - Attaim. Attached A-&-gfassApR Base. �-< yvith.OMGMOQMG;FidtBottomP.fate inch,64inthree(3);equally' (Optional)APP-TA.;APP-TA. -75.0 combination. (Accutrac:wlthRoof ri #14orTrufast3" g p: spaced, -staggered center:iows Metaflnsulation PlatewitElTrufast;HD,; Dekfasb Hex (aka,bekfast PLT.-H 2 7/8) with *6 ° 'plyvood One or more y, anY Prelim. ;ElastobaeP ,DekMst#14, OMG 3- Round6tal Pae with GOMGFaoom Plae 9-inchoc. in•4 nch,lap and.94nchOptionaBP yaed,, •A, SBS AA r Ao 53S'AA585 _g0 0Attched: ' inch comtiinatlon. ? .(Accutrdc) wJth Roofgrip #14 ortrufasf ' I staggers- gentet rows APP=TA TAAPP•TA` ! Metalilnsulation Plate with;Tiufast HD: % _.. <DekfasENex (aka,'Dekfast PTT:H 2 7/g) with Min.15/32; 'Onwormore Prelim: i •Dekfasf#14, OMG 3" RouridMetal�late`' . 9•incho c fn4 inch lap and-9-inch W-61 - inch ply, -odd layers, any; Attached PolygfassAPP''Base, ! wdh O,MG,,fjD QMG FIatbottoin Plate o,C,in four•(4j,'egUallyspaced, {Optional}APP=TA :'APP-TA. 90.0 combination: ; :'(Iiccutr�c),w�th Rgofgrlp #14orTrufast3" stag gered`center;rows 'i.7W lfnsulatfon'Plitewith rufast:Ho:, W-61 �. Wn.15/32 a ; _ Oneor.;mof'e {ayers; any Pre(iin� :. : _ Elastobase>;Elastobase R ! Trufast�#12 QP,or frufast #14`HO with 6=iri¢h:oGat4mchlap;and6-inch o c m tluee (3) equallyspacetl,. (0 t(orta) BP -AA --�- SBS-AA 90:0. inch plyalood combination;.._... Attached, _ : Trufast3A Metal Insulation Plates staggerea'ce-terrows orSBS-AA Mint$/3Z. One'or more - Prel. OMG #if'Standard-;Roofgnp or OMG #14 6 inch o cjaf 9 inch lapand 6 inch' (Opf onaQ BP AA i W-63 : fnchplywood. layers, any Attached Ela`stobase,;ElastobiW P 1:4eavy Duty wlth OMG 3 Round Metal o,c,,)n three (3)' equally spaced,: 565- 3A ; —,TA, SBS-AA,;SBS, =90.0' combination Plates..db:OMGFIatB'ottomiS&MP..lates stagggreitcenterrovis APP,.:7A yTAorAPP-TA .15/32= One or;more Prelim. OMG #1Z:StandardRoofgrip or OIVIG #1"4 : 6-inch o-c.,at4-inch lap and 6-inch- W.-64 inch plywao! layers, any Attached Rolyglass APP,base ,Heavy Dufy With•DMG 3" Round Metal o c;1 tf ree'(3), equallyspaced, (Optional) AP `APP-TA 90:0. ' i Platesor'OMG flat Bottom_ ivletal-plates staggered cuter rows Nlin..15/32- One or'mdre Prelim.. Truf4tl#12.DP:orTrufast#14 HD With 6-inch o:c:'at 4-inch lap and 6-Inch (Optional) BP -AA NI-65 Inch plywood layers, any Attached ElastobaseI Elastotiase P Trufast�3" Metal Insulation.P.lates o.C. m.five (5), equally spaced, or SBS-AA SBS-AA -120.0 combination staggered center rows Exterior Research and Design, TLC. d/b/a Trinityi ERD Certificate,of Authorization #9503 Prepared by. Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 6?" EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (570) 3W1230 Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-1320 for FL1654-112Z Revision 20: 09/12/2017 Appendix 1, Page 14 of 58