HomeMy WebLinkAboutINSTRUCTION PAGES(CANN t !� EJ.I 11 W:d 1( �, M + ��.gg n��■ Florida BuildingP�ocI1�G6thC'��t1dyn (2017) High -Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application For i INSTRUCTION PAGE LST. AN 2 4 2018 ! le County, Permitting COMPLETE THE NECESSARY SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM ROOFING PERMIT APPLICATION FORM AND ATTACH THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AS NOTED BELOW: Roof System Required Permit Sections of the Application Form Attachments Required See List Below Low Slope Application A,B,C 1,2,3A5,6,7 Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 I ABC 4,5,6,7 Asphaltic Shingles A,B,D 1,2,4,5,6,7 Concrete or Clay Tile A,B,D,E,6,7 Metal Roofs I A,B,D 1,2,3A5,6,7 Wood Shingles and Shakes A,B,D ! 1,2A5,6,7 Other AS Applicable 1,2,3,446,7 ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED: 1. Fire Directory Listing Page 2. From Notice of Acceptance: ST. LUCIE COUNTY Front Page BUILDING DIVISION SpecificSystem Description REVIEWED FOR co L NCE Specific System Limitations REVIEWED BY General Limitations Applicable Detail Drawings DATE PLANS AND PERMIT M BE KEPT C IN JOB NSPECTION WILL BUST E 3. Design Calculations per Chapter 16, or if Appli or RAS 128 4. Other Component Notice of Acceptances S. Municipal PennitApplicatlon 6. Owners Notification for Roofing Considerations Re-Roofln On 7.1 Any Required Roof Testing/Calculation Documentation Willem Mir Ing 14�1 i4 ! r • I 70 2 Lakeland Blvd Go Ie'earth ,. 1Nr C� , �,,Jda Building Code 6th Edition (2017) AAA ► Cf High -Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form Section C (Low Sloped Roof System) Fill in Specific Roof Assembly Comi and identify Manufacturer Of a component is not used, identify as -M-) Design Wind Pressures, From RAS 128 or Calculations: Pmax,: — 3 1 Pmax2: ::53 Pmax3. Max. Design Pressure, From the Specific NOA �� 1 $yam• v Deck WHO Type. Gaugerrhiclmess: Slope• f�� a / 6 Anchor/Base Sheet & No. of Ply(s)•L Anchor/Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: Insulation Base Base Insulation Size and Base Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material: Fastener Spacing for Anchor/Base Sheet Attachment Field: -k- or. @ Lap. # Rows —�—' @ - D ' oc Perimeter. " oc @ Lap, # Rows f @ A' oc Comer. ' oc Q Lap. # Rows .,� @ �' cc Number of Fasteners Per Insulation Board �/� Field terimeter Comer Illustrate Components Noted and Details as Applicable: Woodblocking, Gutter, Edge Termination, Stripping, Flashing, Continuous Cleat, Cant Strip, Base Flashing, Counter- Flashing, Coping, Etc. Indicate: Mean Roof Height, Parapet Height, Height of Base Flashing, Component Material, Material Thidmess, Fastener Type, Fastener Spacing or Submit Manufacturers Details that Comply with RAS 111 and Chapter 16. Top Insulation Size and Thickness: r ..l Top Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material: 0mp 641 i VV11 Base Sheet(s) & No. of Ply(s)• 0A4 4 f 'Y) Base Sheet FastenerBonding Material: ly Ply Sheet(s)A No. of Ply(s)' Ply Sheet Fasten�r.//�o d Ma_ teAal: Top Piy: 6 +o � Top Ply Fastene���pr#Ifld� Surfacing: j 1/1& Parapet ` Height j Mean Roof Height Florida Building Code 6th Edition (2017) High -Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form Section D (Steep Sloped Roof System) i Roof -System Manufacturer:. Notice of Acceptance Number: I I � a 0 Minimum Design Wind Pre { ures, if App [cable (From RAS 127 or Calculations): PI: 1 P2: P& Maximum Design Pressure �. From the NOA Specific stem . Method of*le attachment: Steep Sloped Roof System DescriDtlon Deck Type: Roof Slope: ,!( :12 Ridge ventilation? Mean Roof Height:_ & Spacing: Cap & Size Drip r Florida Building Code 6th Edition (2017) High -Velocity Hurricane Zone Uniform Permit Application Form Section E_(Tile Calculations) For Moment band Se systems,, choose elther Method 1 or L Compared the for M,wfth the values from Mi. if the Mr values an greater than or equal to I values, for each area of the roof, then the the attachment method is aoceptay Method 1 "Moment Based Tile Calculations Per 27" (PI: : a _ — - Mg: =14j oA A* NOA - le s 2, = _-1— Mg: NOA A* Method Z "Simp ed Tile Cak on P Table Below" Required Moment of Resistance m Table Below NOA A* Ir ■. �y�.Ys.■. F��:� ■:� *Mast be used in con jun on with a list of moment based the systems endorsed by the Broward County Board f Rules and Appeals. For Uplift based Ide systems use Method 3. Compared the values for F' with the values for Fr R e Fr values are greater than or equal to the Fr values, for each area -of the roq4 then the tale attachment method is acceptable. / Method 3 "Uplift Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 127" (P, : I• = z W: _ ____) — W: z cos B: = Fri: NOA F (P2 : z l: z W: = —J — W: : cos 8: = Fr=: NOA F' (Ps : = is = z w: = _ —) — W: z e6s 6: = Fra: NOA 0,, Where to Obtain Information Descri on Symbol Where to find DeaigaPiessme PIorP2orP3 RAS 127Table lorbyanengi wftandysispnpamdby FEbawdenASCH 7 Mc=RoofHcqft H Job Site RoofSlape g Job Site NOA ResWn Moment due to GMVIIV ma NOA Atlacbmwd Roughmee Mr NOA RegWred M=ft Reaub= K Calculated AFffdMUMAU9CbOI=AFAdO= F NOA RegaindRaiatenae Fe Calculated &,,=TikWd& W NOA Tile Dimeadow 1= kvh� vwid8t NOA All alwl tiownmabeanbmWedtotheBml OlRcialattbetmneof aL