HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPLANNING DEVEL.OPMENT: SERVICES - . . . . . . . . . .. . . Building & Code Compliance Divisdo-n 'RECEIVED. - BUILDING PERMIT. SUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT -JAN 2.5 2018 ST. Curie County, Formatting Wirmd-Ruil.dirig Corp'or-a.tion have 4gree'dto'be.'-- - (Coillpany'Name/Individual Name) the Plumb-e.jr Sub-contra6tor for U -Wynne.-�B 'ild-in*g -Corp. - (Type of (Prftnary'Confract6r) For the -project 16catedat - �, \\. C..(1�q�1.'.` . Street Tax'E)#) - It.i's.under-stood.that,.ifther.'d is -any change of status regarding'our participation with.thd above.ment ioned project, the Building and Code. Regulation Divisi6n of St.:Lucie County will bead,visedptiisuant.tei'the -filing.6f a-Chan,g6.6f Suh-'-contractor:110tidd... .... .. .... GOIVTRACT VSI .NATURE (,O -W-ill2_am'D--­ -Bran'tley.- PRINTNAIVO .2 9'5 2'4''*.': COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State offlorida, County.6f Luc .The. Wegdink instrunieui waiiigfiid. bef6re me this.0 day of r -Scat,,'"120�,byWilliat D. Brantley who is personally know or hasprodu6ed a as idep'ifficition. STAMP A-F9;u1r*1 otNotary Publk. Print Njime-of Notai-y Public, JEE M.Ap I�ON 9 FF 7647] SUSA MAGEE - COMMISSION 3 �19 M 00 Fa 2�2 EXPIRES: - B c Tl�ru ou�rj Public Un e".t, nXed N "e MYCOMMISSIONOFF187647 Tzz EXPIRES Febtuary 23, 2019 R6visedli/10016 B9nded.Thru Notary.Public Undervdtm William DuBran'tle 29524 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State offl6rida, Couufy.of The e') f dy. 0 20 VKbyWi_1l_i-4m -D. - lrantl y who is:persopally known ✓`®r has: prodaied a: - as identification. STAMP 9igoafure—orNo-&rk public Print Name'of Notary Public �zo:µr vy SUSAN MAGEE -J' My COMMISSION # FF 47647 EXPIRES: February, 232 X. 019 Q,*K,'N•" -Bonded Thru Notary Public Undeiivniters Law.! s.-Elec.tric, -Inc.. the - Electi (T.YP6 For the project lo cated'at PL-A-NNI-NG.&-DEVELOPM[ENT'SERVICES-'- Saffffifi'g­ ce Di &,CodeCo'' Compliance nisdon'. a RECEIVED. WELDING PERMIT SUB-It.ON-TRAItTt)]kA'G'*R*EE'M"E'NT - J AN 2. 51-0.18 S.T. Wde CounO, Permitting - have agreed to 'be Sub-contra6tot for Wynne Building Corp: (Primary Contractor) - or Prope4 Tax ID w -It'is understood that, if-there.is-any change of'si6tusregaidink- our participation. with -the above'mentibned project, -the Building and Code. Regulation. Division of St.:Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of A. -Change- of S071'contraotor_'notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURP-(Qdalifier). TR_ACT1ter, %tS1GrqATM(QpaHfier). .Matthew Lyle -Wynne. James. W. . LEiw PRINT NAM PRINT NAM .08898 2098' COUNTY CERTIFICATION'NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State Florida C* 4SX-t: State 6f-Inorida, County of ntybf '. The foregoing instrument w.ai-iigini6d'bef(ire'ni,..\nlday gf, .of Th6 foregoing ifistrum6ut.vids signed bdfbre'ih6 this ay of 2Olk by'jN who is opisonany known se-4 rhas.produ6ed a. who is personally know], leffo_r has-pro(luded a as identification. as identificatio Q, STAMP STAMP_02gw� CIS -Si inatuie of-Nota rTublic. Signature of Notary Public Piint Name of Notary Public- - Print Nank'6f Not gLublic DOROTHYAAN BASKIN mYCOMMISSION #GG030145 WSANMAGEE' rAY "WhASS(ON # FF 187647' EXPIRES: October 2,2020 Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters EXPIRES: 4-abruary.Undonvriters 23.2019 -Revised 11/16/2016 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE AWE F L P •R I PI Ar!NY1 G & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code. Compliance Division 13M—DING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Comforts Control oT St. LuciedCoun (Company Name4ndividuai Name) I the HVAC Sub -obi (Type of Trade) !I For the project located at IJic. RECEIVED JAN 2 5 2018 ST. Lucid Vlunty,••Parmlt i j. have agreed to'be •. for Wynne Development Corp. (Primary Contractor) (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #!) It is understood that, if there its any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant, to the filing of a Change'of Sub -contractor notice. CQN'x')tACTOR 5 A —Tuft (QuaGffer)• I Matthew Lyle Wynne PRINT NAME 08898 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUlllltsER State ofFlorida, County of � AIQ `'p_ The (foregoing instrument was siEncd before me thisflay Qf J�f A I9G ZU byyy�� I L `Q► who is personally known -\/ or has produced a as Identification. JOXA�Oq4dSTAMP- 'gnatare of N6tar&mc DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 Bonded Thru Notary PublicUnden Triter Revised 11116016 COUNTY CERTIMCATION NUMBER sta, Florida. County of The fgregoing inshvment�jwas 91ped before; me this, day of by ` ---)Q �M.'Mc2.�'Wtq� who ~is personally !mown .6.'r has produced a as identification. 8 STAMP Signature of Notary Pub!' ,,pp J o Ro`TH y �IV�/ �u-As�ei� Print Name of Notary Public •i':i1:?y''o'�' DOROTHYANN BASKIN `; MY COMMISSION # GG 03 1145 '�� EXPIRES: October 2,2020 Bonded Thru Notary. Public Underwdteis L66-d ZOOO/ZOOOd tLO-i 999L8L8ZLL dAoo 6uiplin8 ouuAM-W0dd•9L:ZL 9L,-eo-ZL