HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0150 1.50 I I I-~--~::~Sf OVlBL1BD CO~~~~ I I - ~ J - "I ~ ..- ~" r - ~- _ __. .-A-...... _ II to . J. R. O>>OlI. WARlWlft DBIJ) THIS IBDBHTURB. Ka4. 'hie 18th .ay of Deoember A.D. 1924 BBTWBXI Eaet Coa.t Overland Comp~ ) a oorporation existing UDder the lave of the etat~ ot florida. hovlng Ite prinoipal plaoe at bU8ines8 in the Count7 at Saint Luoie and ~t.t. at Jiori4a party at the first part and J.B. Odo. ot the County at Saint Luoie and State of Plorld. part7 of the eeoond part. WITBBSSB!H that the 8ald part7 ~t the tiret part. tor and in ooneideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other Valuable Conei~.ratlone to it In hand paid, the reoelpt whereof Ie hereby acknowledged, haa granted. bargained, so16, aliened, rem1ead, released. oonveyed, and confirmed and by tbese preeente 40th grant, bargain, eell, alien, remiee, relea.e, oonve7, .and confirm unto the eald party of th~eoond part and hie heir~ and assigns forever, all that certain parcel of land lring and being in the County of Saint Lucie and State at .lorida, more particularly desoribed ae tallows: Lot 2 of Block 4 in Dittmar's Addition to Edgartown,_ae appear. on the plat made by Pranklin Sheen on file in the Offioe of ttn Clerk of the Cirouit Court of Saint Luoie County. ~his deed ie given eubJeot to a certain mortgage to R.L. Goodwin and William CarlBen, dated June 26th 1924, and reoorded in 1I0rtg~ge Book 20. page 426. of Saint L~ole County Reoorn. and the granteea herein aBe_e and agree to pay 13200.00 on Baid mortgage, on or before one year from thie date with interest from this date at 8 ~ when the grantor will prooure release from eaid mortgage oovering eaid lot 2. . TOGBTHER with all the tene.ents, hereditaments and appurtenanoe8, with ever" privilege, right title, interest and estato, reversion, remainder and easement thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining; , TO HAVE ABD TO HOLD the eue in fee .illple forever. And the lald party of the firet part doth oovenant with the s.id party of the second part that it ~e lewful17 eel.ed of the said premieee; that they are free of all inoumbranoes. and that it bas good right and lawful authori t7 to sell the aame; and the aaid party of the first part doea herab7 tully warrant the title to aaid land, and will defend the e..e againet the lawtul claime of all persone whomBoever. D WITIBS3 WBBRBOP the 8ald party of the fir8t part haD oaused theee presents to be elgned in lta name b7 its President and its oorporate a.al to be affixed. atteBted b.1 1t8 above 1fTi tten. ) &4.ST CO.lS! OV~L1lID COKPABY By S..1. Davis, Preeident. att..t: L.B. Davia. Seoretary. SIgned, Bealed and delivered in our presence D.A. KcCr8J' H. J. Dame. S!AT&,O.r PLORIDA COUKTl 0' SAIl! LUCIB. i I I I ! I; I. Ii I appeared S.J. Danl, and L..B.. Davie, and I BERlBY CBR~IPY that on thie 18th da7 of Deoember A.D. 192'. before me pereonally I J re=peotive17 P~e.id.nt and Seoret~ ofth. Eaet C08St Overland Compaq a oorporation under the 1... of the Itato ot ftorlc1a to a. bon to be the pereone deeoribed in and who e%eouted the :toregoing conveyanoe to J.R. 040m, and .ev.rally a~knowl..q.4 the exeoution thereat to be thelr tree aot and bed as suoh offioerB, for the uses and purpolel therein .ent6one';,snd that the7 affixed thereto t~. offloial ..al - ..:,.' ~,. ':; '-. :':i~'~~:J~~s~~~Jr~~JJ~fl~ .'~: ..,. . --'::':';') ;:.:q~!~~:fi~?~:r~J:!.~' _ ..- ..". ->'.~~~.~-'c~-;..~jt."'""l"I\\:~."'~:".1'~ ~.~ :.~. :0.'; .~..-? .'.,,;,:,---~.~"~...~:.~';(~~~;~~:c.-,f'~~..r;:.:~