HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0155 155 ~ ~-~ -~... - ~~~ ...~ - ~ . . - ~.... .._--.---~ .- .,.......,.. - . _'W' _.~4~~.___""~___~ _. . ""'F."""""""" --- .-..-'!~....., [ It beins un4.rlto04 betw..n the parti.. her. to that thil convelance il lubJeot to a certain mort.pge dated Maroh 17~b, 1923, and ghen bl A.P. Hoetfner and Lone Hoettner to )(ra. Sarah C. bokor, to ..oure the IlII of .84~.OO. And allO lubJeot to leoond mortgage trOm KOhlegard Real ~ Corpora~ion to A..P. Hoetfner to leaure the I_ ot 13000.00 and date4 the 31lt ot .1 Deo,.ber A.D. 1924. !OGBfBBR with all the tenemental here41tamentl and appurtenanoe8 with 87er.v privilege - , right, title, inter'lt and 'Itate, reversion, romainder, and eaeement thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining; to HAVE AJ1) 'lO HOLD the lama in tee limple torenr. .llfD the laid partl ot the tInt part doth oovenant with the laiA partie. at the leoond part tbat it is lawtalll &ei.ed ot the laId premis..; that thel are tree ,t all inoumbranoe.. and that it bas good right and lawhI. authorl\7 to sell the lame; and the eald partl o-:r the f,J- tir8t~doe. herlb7 tul17 warrant the title to .ald land, and will detend the 88me &gainet the lawtul olaims ot all persona fthom80ever. - II WITlESS WlIBRBOP. the laid par\7 ot the tirlt part hu oaueed theee presenh to be signed in its .... by its Pre.ldent~ and itD oorporate seal to be aftixed, attested b7 it. Seot,y the dal and year above written. Corporate Seal. KOBLBGARD RRALft CORPORlTIOI. By R.I. KO"l.gard , Pre8ident. Attelt: Rupert I. Koblegard, Jr. Seot'y. Signed, lealed and delivered in our pr...no.. f B.R. Kin.hall W.B.lloJlurtra7. STATE OP !'LORIDA COUllTY OP ST. LUCIE I ~y CER!IfY, fhat on thie 3rd day ot Januar,y A.D. 1926, betore me per80nally appeared R.N. Koblegar4 and Rupert I. Xoblegard Jr, reapeothell Pre8ident and Seoretal7 ot KOBLBGARD RlUL'fY CORPORATION, a oorporation under the law. ot the State ot rlori4a to me known to be the persona de80ri bed in and who exeouted the toregoins o0J1Te7ance to D. V. Barnell and Geneva Barnes and leveral17 aoknowledged the exeoution thereot to be their tree act and deed aa suoh otficers, tor the use. and purposes therein msntionedj and that they at~ixod thereto the o~ficial 8eal o~ 8aid oorporation, and the 8ald ID8t~ent i8 the ao' and deed o~ 8aid oorporation. WITlESS ~ 8ignatur. and ot~ioial .eal at Port Pieroe in the County of st. Lucie and the clal and 78ar la8t atore.ald. B. P. Holden, (Seal) Rotan hblio, State 0"1 Ploricla, 111 oOIllllli88ion ~lre. . . . . . . . . . . w- .ot817 Publio tor the State ot rlorlda at large JI7 Commi8sion expiree Deoember 7, 1927. .\ t9.oo Doo. Stamps oanoell.d. ;( I i I' , !~~ i I.. '11.~ and reoordea thie the ,oP 3rd, 6a7 of JanUll17 1926. ~ 9 P.C. Bldred, Clerk Cirouit \:oart ~ 'i~'" ()t~d&;,_,7'ru:t :3. - tt a. D.C. . -----------------------------.----------------- ------------------------------------------ ~.) - . . ... .':.? .~:,:..~;~~?~i~I~~r