HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0168 -'- 00 "'q......... - -.;. ..-- .~ ~ ~ ~. --- --.- ---, ~- -....~ _ ~ _ __ z-oo......_ __ _____ Lot 8 to be rel.ae.d upon the payment of the Bum of 130.000.00 8aid lot 8 oontaining approximately 39 aorel. Lot 9 to be releaeed upon the payment of the Bum of 116,000.00 eaid lot 9 oontaining approximately 32 aore.. Lot , to be releaeed upon the paJment of the BUm of 116,000.00 oai4 lo~ 7 oontaining ftpproximately 40 aoree. Lot 2 to be released upon the paymeht of the BU. of 120,000.00 8ai4 lot 2 oontaining approximately 40 acrel. L."J...', L. \-; . It i8 further ettpulnted and agreed that a8 a part of the aonsideration the purohaser8 shall alsume a mortgage now upon laid desoribed land seouring the payment of two (2) notee, eaoh of Baid notee being for the I~ of $4,444.44 the first of whioh notel is due in Kay 1926, and the Beoond of whioh s814 notel 1B due in Yay 1926. the paid mortgage and notes payable to ' the order of the Hammill estate together with intereBt thereon at th~ rate of six (6~) per oent per 'annum from the dateheroof plus two (~) per oent intereBt on said BlDIlS per annum, payable, to partiel of the first part annually. Parties of the first part stipulate and agree to deliver to the party of the Beoond part on or before ten (10) day. from date; an abstraot of title to said lands to date ehowing a good merohantable title in parties of the first part, exoept as to the mortgage hereinbefore referred, to, ani thereupon party of the seoond part Bhall have ten (10) days from the date of tend@r of 88!d ab8traot, in whioh to examine same. The parties of the first pBrt agre$ to pay all salaries and operating expenses conneoted wi th the oul t1 va Uon and l!I81ntalnan~e of above de80ri bed lknde and gr.ove !rom the date hereof to the date of the eOD8ummation of this transaction, but the party of the leoond part agreel . to reimburs~ tho parties of the first part in oash for all sums of money eo expended at the time of the delivery of the Warranty Deed hereinbefore Bet forth. The party of the 8eoond part hereby cOTenantl and agrees to and with the parties of the first part that she will keep the buildings looated upon the above described property insured to an amount of at leaBt eighty (8~) per cent of the a~ount of in8uranoe tbtainable upon " the build,nge located thereon; said insurance polioies to contain a 108s payable olause paya- ble to The Hammill Estate as t~eir interest shall appear until BUob intereat Bhall terminate, and thereafter to the parties of the firlt party as their interest shall appear during the life of the seoond mortgage hereinbefore referred to. The party of the seoond part further covenan~s to keep and maintain the grove and buildings contained upon the said lande, in good conditionj to suffer no waste thereonj to oultivate, fertili.. and properly care for the grove in such manner a8 to maintain the Bamo equal to ita present oondition. ] " The partie. of the first part further agree that if the?e are any serious defects in the title to the aboTe described land whioh oan not be reotified within thirty 4&78 time, that the laid parties of the first part will rofund to the Party of the seoond part the 11,000.00 this day paid, and if Buoh defeota are not reotified within thirty daya ~pon the repayment of aal1 $1,000.00 by partieB of the firet part to the party of the seoond part, -..id part7 01 the Beoond part aball and will make, exeoute and deliver to partie8 of the first part, such iustru- mot as mal be required to fully saUefy, disoharg. and quit claim any and all intereat of the party of the seoond part in and to thiB oontraot and the lands deBoribed therein. ..~ 1 !be party of the eeoond pert agre.s to pay intere.t from the date heraof at the rat. of eight (~) per o.nt per lUlJJUJJI, payable' annually on the "hOle IUIII remainll18 from time to tlm. UDI41d; and'to p~y all taxel, aa..e..ents or impositions that m~y be legally levied iii~lt~~i;~1 ... . ....- .~ . . .... .._..:;:':t;::~tlli~i