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~oOonv111e and !mma ~oConville, his wife, to Ja~e8 ~oConTille, and oonveying the ~ollowing desoribed
lWld to \'lit:
The East 207 aorss of Sf of Seot1~n 12, Township 33 South, Range 39 East, together
with oth9r lands therein desoribed , all in St. Luoie Oount~ Florida.
That said Emma ~oOonTille 1s dead and that no part of said land just desoribed
herein was ~t any time ever oocupied by the said Daniel ~oConvil1e or the said Emma ~uConvllle
as a homestead, or other wise
Sworn to and subs~ befor
j&...l ~c\. ru~cl ~ \C1:~' \~v
P. C. Eldred (OLERK)
~:iJy- '''~~~ ..?t'~~2A~.C.
--~j: i.~.\ R6~itffiE8Y -.i("iFi------ ~-;---- -----
~hia Indenture, ~de this ----- day of September,
dJf of
Paul a. ~Conville
Jtanuary. . 1925
Gwendolyn Hall
Notary Publio. State of llorida
uy oommission ex~i~s September 6,
A.'D. 1924, Between J. W. Roddenbery and
~ry. ~oddenberry, his wife of the Oounty of st. Luoie and State of Elorida, partiE's of the first rart
aud Leon i.. Hall, of the County o~ Palm Beaoh and State of Elorida, party of the sec)nd part
~ithesseth. that the's~id parties of the first part. for and in consideration of the sum of
Ten Dollars & other valuaole oonsiderations to them in hand paid. the reoeipt whereof is hereb~
a~knowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and trandferred, and by these presents do---------
grant. bargain, sell and trUft.Sfexrnto the said party of the second part and his heirs and assigns
fore,-er. loll that certain parcel of land IJ'iilg and being in the Count~- 0 f st. Luc ie ~nd State of
Floridu, more partioularly descrited as follo~s:
An undivided Two-thirds (2/3) i:ltorest in and t9 the follo....lng deacribed land, to-'.u. t:
.geginning at the Southwest oorner of Governn:ent Lot Ehe (6), Sect i=>n ~l...t;.'-six (36)
Township Thlrt;\i-one(31) South, Range ?hil"t~--nille (39) East; thence run:~orth along ~lst line of sei"',
lot ?he(5) Six !!undred and Sixty feet to ani agreed corner; thence rUll Ea.st :parallel P.ith the
South line of said Lot 5 to the v;~teYS of the Atlantic Oce,.n, thenoe r ~i Joutherly along the
Ooean to the Southe&st oorner of said Lot 5, thenoe l.est along the '>outh line of eaid Lot 6 to ~::k
point of beginning. Together with all ri~arien or littoral rights.
fl.'... .
Together with all the tenementa, Hereditaments and appurtenances with every privilege,
right, title. interest, and est~te, dower and right of dower, rtTersiou. remainder and easeaent there-
to belonging or in anywise apper~aining: TO HA\~ dllD ?O SA1D the same in fee simple forever .
And the said rartles of the first part do---- covenant with the sald perty of the second
rart that they are lalrfully seized of the said prerr.ises, tha~ they are free from all incumbrances an1
that they have good right and la~ful authority to sell the same; end tha said parties of the first
part do----- hereby fully waraant the title to said land, and will defend tho seF.e against tt~
la~ul clul~s of all persons ~hoIDSoe.er.
In Witness Whereof, the aaid parties of the tirat part have he=eunto set their hands
snd seals . tt~ day and year above ~ritten.
3igned, Sealed, and Delivered in our l'reseaoe:
JaB. Ki!1nady
J. W. ROdenberry
F. C. Den~eldeill
O. E. Hurst /l,a k ~ Q.lLr,Lt.~~","4.!
. ,--. 3 ' \\
M. o. - Hapham
1:ary O. ROddenberry
Doo. St~p8 Cano.---t 12.50
COUUTY 0' __~u8cogee vi
I Hereby Cert1fy. That on th1e---------------- day of September, ~. D. 1924--, before
. . :
; me pereonally appeared AlaJ7 O. Roddenberry, _1ft o~ J. \T. Roddenberq to me, knovm to be the penon
-- ',""l'
tb.!~,ego1ng oonYeJ~noe to .te9n W. Hall, and eeverally aoblo~ledged
...... ...........