HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEMarsitessT 'rofessional RegulationBY ,�4 - - BCIS Home Log In User Registration I Hot Topics Submit Surcharge 02 & Facfi" I'XilicationsI•FBC Staff.8CIS Site Map Links �I Search a °' .Pro autllApproval RECEIVED dbpr PrApproval Menu > Product or Application Search > ep ii i t nlicatton List > Application Detail JAN 2 9 2018 FL # FL16709-R4 ST, L 410 g04ntyi Permitting Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Ffing . LUCIE COUNTY Application Status Approved ILDING, DIVISION REV I-F,r�2D Comments OOMPLI! Archived D ¢,Y !� Product Manufacturer CertainTeed Corporation-RoNS AND PAND P RMITAddress/Phone/Email 20 Moores Road SE KEPT O� JOB OFRCTION �!!LL BE PJIl�DE Malvern, PA 19355�.�.=:y .:_. (610)893-5400 mark.d.harner@saint-gobain.com Authorized Signature Mark Harrier THESE PLANS AND All rfol( TWO VI011;( mark. d.harner@saint-gobain.cokRE SIjB-iF(, hC? ��Ii!1f (;(J�j -�F'; , JjONS HFOIARE0 C}' FIE!.t) Ild8fiFr"!�,; 'rflAT Technical Representative Mark D. Harrier MAYBE ����,(;� ; n Address/Phone/Email 18 Moores Road SOANY IN G)II!,)EN -r( I Malvern, PA 19355 COhipL,Y WITH ALL 1 !4POCp,I ju. �'oug-9. (610)651-5847 Mark. D.Harner@saint-gobain.com Quality Assurance Representative CONCEALED FASTENERS OR Aj�ACHMENTs Address/Phone/Email ARE THE RESpON51SILITY OF THE Category Roofing CONTR4CTOR OF RECORD Subcategory Modified Bitumen Roof System Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer D Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert Nieminen Evaluation Report _ Florida License I PE-59166 �d Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC r i Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/09/2020 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received i Certificate of Independence 1FL 6709_g4 COI_2017_OS_COI Nleminen.pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D6162 2008 ASTM D6163 2008 ASTM D6164 2011 ASTM D6222 2011 ASTM D6509 2009 FM 4470 2012 FM 4474 2011 RAS117 1995 TRINITY } ERD APPENDIX 1: ATTACHMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND UPLIFT RESISTANCE - Table Deck Application Type Description Page 1 Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-2 Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 4-5 2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 6-8 3 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover D Prelim. Attached Insulation, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 9-10 4 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 11-12 5 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded Roof Cover 13-14 The following notes apply to the systems outlined herein: 1. The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above -deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the AHJ. Load resistance of the ! , roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. 2. Unless otherwise noted, insulation may be any one layer or combination of polyisocyanurate, polystyrene, wood fiberboard, perlite or gypsum -based roof board that meets the QA requirements of F.A.C. Rule 61G20- 3 and is documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and, for foam plastic, Chapter 26, when installed with the roof cover. 3. Bonded polyisocya nu rate insulation boards shall be maximum 4 x 4 ft. 4. The maximum design pressure -for the selected -base-assembly-shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. This is already addressed in the tables that follow via "N/A" reference if the baseline system is "Not Applicable" to Zone 1 design pressure requirements. — 5. For existing decks, fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the mini requirements fog the system. —Testing and analysis shall be in accordance with ANSI/SPRI FX-1 or Testing Application Standard TAS 105. 6. For Recover Applications using System Type D, the insulation is optional; however, the existing roof system shall be suitable for a recover application. 7. Unless otherwise noted, refer to the following references for bonded base, ply or cap sheet applications. TABLE A: CERTAINTEED FUNTLASTIC® MODIFIED BITUMEN COMPONENTS & APPLICATIONS METHODS Reference Layer Material Application BP -AA Base Glasbase; All Weather/Empire Base; Flexiglas Base; Flintlastic Base 20 (Base and Ply sheets, Asphalt- Applied) Hot asphalt at 20-40 Ibs/square ply Flintglas Ply Sheet Type IV; Flintglas Premium Ply Sheet Type VI Base Flintlastic Base 20; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base Ply Flintlastic Base 20; Flintlastic Poly SMS Base; Flintlastic Ultra Poly SMS Base SBS-AA (SBS, Asphalt -Applied) Hot asphalt at 20 401bs/square Flintlastic Cap 30; Flintlastic Cap 30 CoolStar; Flintlastic FR Cap 30; Flintlastic FR Cap 30 CoolStar; Flintlastic FR Dual Cap; Cap Flintlastic FR-P; Flintlastic FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic Premium FR-P; Flintlastic Premium FR-P CoolStar; Flintlastic GMS; Flintlastic GMS CoolStar Base Flintlastic Base 20 T; Flintlastic FR Base 20 T SBS-TA (SBS, Torch -Applied) Ply Flintlastic Base 20 T; Flintlastic FR Base 20 T Torch -Applied Cap Flintlastic FR Cap 30 T; Flintlastic FR Cap 30 T CoolStar; Flintlastic GTS; Flintlastic GTS-FR; Flintlastic GTS-FR CoolStar; FlintClad Exterior Research and Design, U.C. d/b/a Trinity[ERD Evaluation Report C40710.12.13-R4 for FL16709-R4 Certificate of Authorization #9503 6' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 4: 09/14/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic" Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 1 of 14 V TRINITY I ERA TABLE A (CONTINUED): CERTAINTEEo FUNTLAsriCO MODIFIED BRUMEN COMPONENTS S'AP'PLICATION METHODS - Reference Layer Material Application APP-TA (APP, Torch -Applied) PP ) Base Flintlastic APP Base T, Flintlastic STA; Flintlastic STA Plus Torch -Applied Cap Flintlastic STA; Flintlastic STA Plus; Flintlastic GTA; Flintlastic GTA CoolStar; Flintlastic GTA-FR; Flintlastic GTA-FR CoolStar SBS-SA (SBS, Self -Adhering) Base Flintlastic SA PlyBase; Flintlastic SA Mid Ply Self -Adhering Ply I Flintlastic SA PlyBase; Flintlastic SA Mid Ply Cap I Flintlastic SA Cap; Flintlastic SA Cap CoolStar; Flintlastic SA Cap FR; Flintlastic SA Cap FR CoolStar 8. "MDP" = Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads. Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. The following summary is the basis for the attachment tables herein. Table B assumes a directionality factor Kd = 0.85, no topographical variations Kzt =1.0, roof slope < 7° for enclosed buildings, roof slope < 2.4° for open buildings and unobstructed flow for open buildings, as defined In ASCE 7-10. - TABLE B: ROOF CLADDING DESIGN PRESSURES, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN, PP9D (PSF) - - - Exposure Enclosure Roof Height (ft) Zone Ultimate Design Wind Speed - V n (mph) - FBC Figures 1609A, 1609B or 1609C 120 130 140 250 160 170 180 Open slope < 2.4° 0 < h < 30 1 -12.7 -14.9 -17.2 -19.8 -22.5 -25.4 -28.5 2 -19.4 -22.7 -26.4 -30.3 -34.4 -38.9 -43.6 3 -38.0 -44.6 -51.7 -59.4 -67.5 -76.2 -85.5 - - --unobstructed- flow - - - - 30 < h < 40 - 1-- - _13.7 -16.1 - - - 24.7 -18.7 -28.6 -21.5 -32.9 -24.4 -27.6 -30.9 -----47.3-- - 2 -21.0 -37.-4 -42-2 3 -41.2 -48.4 -56.1 -64.4 -73.3 -82.8 -92.8 B Enclosed 0 < h < 30 1 -15.5 -18.2 -21.1 -24.3 -27.6 -31.2 -34.9 2 -26.1 -30.6 -35.5 -40.7 -46.3 -52.3 -58.6 3 -39.2 -46.0 -53.4 -61.3 -69.7 -78.7 -88.2 slope < 7° 30 < h < 40 1 -16.9 -19.8 -22.9 -26.3 -30.0 -33.8 -37.9 2 -28.3 -33.2 -38.5 -44.2 -50.3 -56.8 -63.7 3 -42.6 -50.0 -58.0 -66.5 -75.7 -85.5 -95.8 0 < h < 15 1 -15.4 -18.0 -20.9 -24.0 -27.3 -30.9 -34.6 2 -23.5 -27.6 -32.0 -36.8 -41.8 -47.2 -52.9 3 -46.1 -54.1 -62.8 -72.1 -82.0 -92.6 -103.8 Open slope < 2,4° 15 < h < 20 1 -16.3 -19.1 -22.2 -25.4 -28.9 -32.7 -36.6 2 -24.9 -29.2 -33.9 -38.9 -44.3 -50.0 -56.0 3 -48.8 -57.3 -66.5 -76.3 -86.8 -98.0 - -109.9 C unobstructed flow 20 < h < 30 1 -17.7 -20.8 -24.1 -27.7 -31.5 -35.6 -39.9 2 -27.1 -31.8 -36.9 -42.4 -48.2 -54.4 -61.0 3 -53.2 -62.4 -72.4 -83.1 -94.6 -106.7 -119:7 30 < h < 40 1 -18.8 -22.1 -25.6 -29.4 -33.4 -37.8 -42.3 2 -28.8 -33.8 -39.2 -45.0 -51.2 -57.8 -64.8 3 -56.4 -66.2 -76.8 -88.2 -100.3 -113.3 -127.0 Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. d/b/a Trinity) ERD Evaluation Report C40710.12.13-R4 for FL16709-R4 Certificate of Authorization #9503 67H EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 4: 09/14/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Appendix 1, Page 2 of 14 \I TRINITYIERD TABLE'4: WOOD DECKS = NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF (TEAR-OFFI; SYSTEM TYPE E: NON -INSULATED, MECHANICALLY ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER ` NOMENCLATURE:,!' . W = MINIMUM SIDE LAP WIDTH (INCH); X = MAXIMUM SIDE LAP FASTENER SPACING (INCH O.0 ); ' ,... Y=MINIMUM#OF STAGGERED CENTER ROWS; Z MAXIMUM'CENTER ROW FASTENER SPACING 04CH D.C.) Base Sheet Roof Cover System No. Deck (See Note 1) Base Fasteners Attachment Ply Cap MDP (psf) At Lap Staggered Center Row(s) W X Y Z . SYSTEM DESCRIPTION WITH:ZONE 1(FIELD AREA); BASE SHEET ATTACHMENTS - - , . • . _ W 4 Min. oinch plywood; d; See Note 1 Flintlastic SA NailBase 32 ga., 1-5/8-inch dia. tin caps with 11 ga, annular ring shank nails 2 8 3 8 (Optional) SBS- SA SBS-SA -60.0 -, SYSTEM W=4; ZONE''2 & 3; PERIMETER &-CORNER AREA BASE SHEET ATTACHMENT - -:-= ,-:•' - _ - - Ultimate Design Wind Speed - Vult (mph) -- - Exposure Enclosure Roof Height (ft) Zone ` 120 } 130 140 . .., ISO 166 170 X Y=. Z, _ -.X-- -Y _Z— _X '. Y _. Z _ X - --- Y - Z X y Z ., X Y Z X 'Y - Z �_ - ----- 2-Perimeters 8 3 8 8 3 8 11 2- 8 3 8 8 3 8 8 , •. 3 . 8 8 3 8 8 3-Corners ;8 3 f 8. 8 3 8 8 3 -8 .. 8 3 8 7• 3- 7 6 3 6 ','5 - 4: , 5 JB:: Open 2-Perimeters 8 3 ° 8' 8 3 8 8 -3 8 8 3 8 8`1 " 3. `8 .' 8 3 8 8 3`` 8` 30<h<40 3-Corners 8- 3. 8 8 3 8 8 3 8,' 1 7 3 7 7' 3 7 5 4 5 5 4.. 5 _ 2-Perimeters 8 3 8- 8 3 8 8 3,8`=<3-Corners 8 3 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 o n c3 B 3. 8 8 3 8 8 3 8_- • 8 3 8 7 3_ 7 5 3 5 4 3 i; 4 2-Perimeters 8 = 3:. 8 8 3 8 8 ;3 8 8 3 8 - 8- 3 - 8 8 3 8 8 3 .. 8. "Enclosed 30<h<40 3-Corners •8 '3` : 8 8 3 8 8 3'-' 8 7 3 7 `5 3 5 4 3 4 4 3'- -4 2-Perimeters .8 3° 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 8, 3 8_, 8 3 8 8. 3 8 O<h<15 3-Corners 8 3 i 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 7 1 3 7 5; 4 5`' 5 4 5 5: 5 5 2-Perimeters 8 3 i 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 8' :3 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 15<h<20 3-Corners 8 3, 8 8 3 8 T 3 7° 6 3 6 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 .5_ C Open 2-Perimeters 8' ' `3 '. 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 -8 3 8= 8 3 8 7 3 7 20<h<30 3-Corners 8 3 ,' 8- 7 3 7 7 3,•. 7 5 4 5 ;5 `, 4 5 5 5 5 4 5. 4, 2-Perimeters 8 3 8 8 3 8 8 3 8• 8 3 8 8-••' 3 8 8 3 8 6-. 3, ` 6 30<h<40- 3-Corners 8 3 ' 8 7 3 7 6 " 3 6 5 1 4 1 5 5 5. 5 4 5 4 4. 5 4 Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 e EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Evaluation Report C40730,12.13-114 for FL36709-R4 Revision 4: 09/14/2017 Appendix 1, Page 11 of 14 `4 TRINITY ERD TABLE 4 (CONTINUED WOOD DECKS -NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF TEAR -OFF; SYSTEM TYPE'E7NON-INSULATED, MECHANICALLY.ATTACHED BASE SHEET, BONDED ROOF COVER NOMENCLATURE: i - W = MINIMUM SIDE LAP WID4(INCH) XMAXIMUM SIDE LAP FASTENER SPACING (INCHD.0 ), - Y = MINIMUM # OF STAGGERED CENTER ROWS; Z MAXIMUM CENTER ROW FASTENER SPACING (INCH O.C. :SYSTEMW.-4,ZONE2&3 PERIMETER&CORNERAREA.BASESHEEI`,ATTACHMENT� Ultimate Design Wind Speed — V It (mph) Exposure Enclosure Roof Height(ft) Zone 120 130 140 " 150 160 170 180 -X. Y. Z X Y Z X y Z X Y Z X, y Z X Y Z X Y}.= - Z 2-Perimeters 8 3•- - 8 8 3 8 "-8. -3 _8 8 3 8 ,8— ;3 - 8', `: 8 3 8 7; 3" 7. _ 0<h<15 3-Corners 8 3 8 8 3 8 7 -3 7 6 3 6 4 3 4 4 3 4 4._ 4,. 4. 2-Perimeters 8. 3'° `; 8°°, 8 3 8 8 `3 ' S '" 8 3 8 8-; 3 8 7 3 7 `51`. , 3 p -5`'-' 15<h<20 3-Corners '.8 =3 8 8 3 1 8 1 7 3 1.17 5 1 3 1 5 4 1 3 4 4 3 4 4- 4`: •4 C Enclosed 2-Perimeters '8 ' 3` 8'— 8 3 8 '-'8 ` 3- "8• 8 3 8 7'`' 3' 7 7 3 7 �5 3-- ,'5 '. 20<h<30 3-Comers 8 3 8 7 3 7 6 "3 --6 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4' 5 4 2-Perimeters 8 3 8 8 3 8 8 `.3 @`.8 8 3 8 7�- 3 7 5 3 5 4' . 3' 4, 30<h<40 _3-Corners $ _ 3' . 8, 7 3 _ 7 -3 5 4 - 3 4 4 _ 4 _ 4 4 4 4 4; 5 ' -,4 2-Perimeters .8 . 31! 8 z' ' 8 3 8 8 3 8' 8 3 8 8" 3 8 ." 8 3 8 6 - 3' 6 0<h<15 3-Corners -` -8 . 3,'., ; .8 7 3 7 6 ---3. 6 5 4 5 5,' S, _5 4 5 4- '. 4 5� 4-- 2-Perimeters 8 -'-3 - 8 8 3 8 8 3 8" 8 3 8 .8 3 8 8 3 8 5- _ 3°:` 5 15<h<20 3-Corners --8. 3 8,._ 7 3 7 ° 6, A, .: 6 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4" Open 2-Perimeters .8 3 8- 8 3 8 8 3 '8: 8 3 8 8,. 3 8 6 3 6 6 4; 6` 20<h<30 3-Corners ,8 3.; 8 6 3 6 5 4. 5, 5 4 5 5. 5 .: 5 4 5 4 4. 5 ., -4,, . 2-Perimeters 8 3 -8 8 3 8 8' _3 ':8 8 3 8 8' 3_ 8 7 4 7 6_ 4 6 30<h<40 3-Corners 7 3_ `T` 6 4 6 5 4 5 5 5 5 4'"-5.; 4 4 5 4 4. 6• °„4 D 2-Perimeters 8 3 8 8' 3 8 8 .' 3 8 8 3 8 7- 3 7 5 3 5 4 3 4 =- 0<h<15 3-Corners , 8. --3 8"- 7 3 7 5 3 5 °, 4 3 4 `4- 3 4- 4 4 4 4 5" 4 2-Perimeters 8, 3- .8 1 8 3 8 8 3 8. 8 3 8 7 3 7 4 3 4 4 3 4 ' 15<h<20 3-Corners 8 21 8 7 3 7 6, ,3 �6"` 5 3 5 4, 4 4 4 5 4 4,1 5-„ 4 Enclosed 2-Perimeters - 8 3 8 8 3 8 8 3 8 7 3 7 5 3 5 4 3 4 4 3; 4 20<h<30 3-Corners 7 `3 7 5 3 5 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 2-Perimeters 8 3 8• 8 3 8 8- 3 $ 7 3 7 4- 3,. 4 4 .3 4 30<h<40 N/A ` 3-Corners 7_ 3 7; 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. d/b/a Trinity I ERD Certificate of Authorization #9503 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE-59166 6' EDITION (2017) FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION CertainTeed Flintlastic® Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (610) 651-5847 Evaluation Report C40710.12.13-R4for FL16709-R4 Revision 4: 09/14/2017 Appendix 1, Page 12 of 14