HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0199 ...:;;;..L._"_.4--:.' - -..- - - 1lJ\J I --Ii .~ t I I ! i 1 , ~.. - ~ ................ ._._.......____ 9 - - - - _. --'II '- --.- r t C011DITIOllS (Reprint from kaok ot Applio~tions) It is hereby mutually agreed between the Indian River ~'arm8 Oompany and the halder of this applioat~on when s~me is acoepted by its Treasures. as follows: 1. That the purohaser when he makes hiB down pay~ent will reoeive from the Company an aooeptanoe ~hioh, together with this applioation, ahall oJnstltute & oo~traot. . 2. That all payments must be paid by bank draft or money order. payable to the ~ompany at Dayenport, Iowa. No agent of the Company ha~ authority to receipt for money exolusive of the first payment. , 3. That the unpaid balsnce of the purohase prioe on any oontraot on whioh less than 50~ baa been paid, may be raid in full in oath and a discount of 6~ deduoted from .the .unpaid bal- . al\oe. Or. any oontraot on which 5~ or m"re, and less than 75~J of the purohase rrice has been paid, may be peit in full in cash and a disoOUllt of 6~ deduoted from the wlpaid balanco. Interest shell be charged on this oontract at the rate of 6% per amlllrr on the T.hole SU~ re- 'maining fro~ ti~e to ti~e unpaid. "Inter~st rray be payable semi-arulually, or rray be oharged annually ~gainst the contract end paid after the regular pri~oipal pa~'II:ents uuder the contract have been oompleted. ~ 4. That when the oontract holder has u~de t~e last payment, the Com~~)~ will ,issue to him or her lI. \.arrant:; Deed conveying good title to said tract of ~and and ':"bstre.:::t of Title to date thereof, rederving, ho~ever, for road or ditoh purposes, a s~rlp cf gr~~d as in- (: dicated on the last reoorded gen~r<<l pl~t of. all the holdifi~S of the Indian ~iver Farffis ~ompany, recorded in the ~kerks office of St. Luoie ~ounty, ~lorida. Or, that the ~urohaser hereof shall have the right to have deed issued for tr.e within desoribed pro}erty upon COffi- pletion of payment of 50~ in cush of the ooptract prioe, plua accumulated interest, by giving to the Company his note or notes for the remaining unpaid balance, the nJte to bear interest "at 6~'per annum, payable annually and be secured by c:ortgage on the Inn within described property. 6. Taxes of every nature on the within described property shall'be paid by the purchaser begil1l1ing with the year follov.ing the year in whioh the purchase is ~d~, stateocent for which shall be directed by t~e Gompany each year until issuanoe of deed to the purohaser, after T.hidh time the, taxes ~ill be assessed dire~t against the purchaser by the ~ounty Tax Assessor ShOuld the y.urchaser fail to reimburse" the ~ornpany for t~xes paid by the Company on the ~ithin described properties, then all such sums shall be char~ed against such land and o:;ainst the within na~ed purchaser and shall bear interest ~t the rate of ~ per annUffi until suoh'tirr.e uS paid. 6. That st.ould purchaser be d.aabl~d b~; illness from followi1~g his usual vooation ar:d furnish a physician's oertificate satisfactory to the Company. a payment or payu~nts ~S be extended for a period of sixty days. ? That this contract is not transferable or assignable except b~' written consent of the Company. U',.' -. 'I ~ ! 8. That ahould the pu~chaser fail to make payments as herein speoified, tice being the 'essenoe of this agree~nt. the purohaser forfeits his right and interest in this contrsct , and alj moneys pa.a thereon not ao .e. penalty. but as iiquilated damages. 9 ~ That the purohaser will. construot aooording to the apetlfica tions e.nd d ireotions of ~~:.."'" ~ )~ , the OO~ls8ioners and their engineer of' the ~ Drainage Distriot in whioh the lands terein specified are looated, all farm ditqhes and flumes to o~nneot with the sub-laterial ditohes in the drainage distriot ~hloh the oorrmisGlone~s and engineer of said distriot ffiSy oonsider f.ldviseble and n'OeS8!1ry for the proper drainage of the lands described in this oontraot, alld the l~nd 07nlera shall oomply .1th all the rules and regulatlono Of said Drainage Dietricte -. ~~~J~~~}11~j1~$ ---.. --:.-L- · .':.':::'{';L.lf~l