HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0201 201 ~ ~Oo."-'....~. ~ ~ . ~__. ____~___ .---..J_ - ~ ~Jl'-" -- ---,~- 'Jlf - . ...~.. .~-..__~~ ._.....___~_ _ _-4 ~_ ...._ _............... _.~ ...... -"''''_.. _'...~ ____ - 1. No unlawful or immoral use shall be made of the premises he~eby agreed to be oon- ( , veyed, nor shall the same, nor any part thereof ~ nor any Intel'f:sl, there in be Sold, leased Jr otherwise oonveyed to auy person other than of the ~auo1l8ion ruce, nor shall 8a14 J:'remis88 or any part thereof, be ooaupied by al~ person other than of the Cau01l8ian race, providod , that nothing hereil~oontained shall preyent th'9 keeping and rr.aintaining of servants on tho said property for reasonable use of the oooupant. 2. / llo building shall be oonstruoted or ereoted on said property until after the plans. apeoifications and l,oation of tho same shall have been approved in writing by the aoyal Park Company, its sucoessors, 16gal representatives or assigns. 3. 110 building, inoluding porches or projeotions of any kind shall be erected , at e. less distanoe than three feet from ti:e side 1111e of said proJ:erty, or at e les8 distance thWl five (6) feet from the rear line of said property, Ste!,s to p'rches ma~. ext~.nd over the . building line. 4. The exterior construction of 611 buildings in ~oya1 l'ark shall be of stene, , brick, stucco or c')llcrete. but not ooncrete blocks unless SIH:,e is surfaced ""ith studiO. and all buildings shall be of Spanish, Uoorish, Italian, Floridian or similar ty~es of architecture 6. .Fenoes in front of tl:E: building lines aha1l be orne.menttil and not exceed thirty r inches in height. Fenoes in the rear, or back of the building line of all l.)ts, shull be ornamental and not more thc.ll five feet high. 6. ~jo signs or billboards of any kind or ohara::ter shull be exr.ibited, diBF1ayed oonstructed or rralnttiined on said subdh'lsion T.ithout tr,e.\rit:;en Cvllsent of tl:e ROYJi.L P~K i ~ ; ( 30~~:Y. its suocess~rs, lCgal representatives or aseigns. 7. The above desoribed premiseS shall at the o~tion of tl:e Royal Fark ~ompany be sub ject to assessn:.ent; by the Royal Park Corrpaoy for an amnmt not to exceed $10.00 ler year for a period .of fi.e years beginnigi at the date of this contr:.ct, payable in seffii- annual install~ents of $5.00 each on ~pril 1 and acto er 1 of each y'~r after dste of this " contract which moneys shall be used for the rr.ailltenance and up-i:eep of Belli subdi.ision, suoh as the clec.ring of Lots. care of trees, shrubbery and vines thereon hhen' negleoted) so far as the amount oollected v;nl permit. and which the said party of the se~ond :part, his teirs and assigns agrees to ray as one of the considerntions of these presents; the lien of suoh assess~ents~e placed and colleoted in the sarre canner as 1s provided for lien for labor and rr.ate~ia1s under the lews of the State of Florida. 8. lio spiritAl.ous liquor shall be 3;)}d or ~ipt for sale upon auld pre~ises. 9. ':'he 10yal !'f:r~ Gom!,a~, its successors, its legal rerrf:senta.tives, or s.!:signa shell'1'.a..e the right, after Ja.n".l8ry. first, (1st), Haa. to relefl8e e.:lY of the abo.e or fore- goine restrictions, c):lditions and liffiitations by sc..led lnstrur"ent dul::. executed. ill ac~orjauce 10. lio structure except. a fence of t:-.e kin4 herein tofore described Ir.ay e"er be ;, I I ~ l ~ ~ I 1. ~ ; 1 ;. ~ ~ . f I I I I ; I ,I with the la~s of the State of Fl~rida for the oonveyance of real estate. erected upon any part of the strip of lend in theBe pre~lsea over whioh an ease~ent for r publio utility purpoees has be~n reserved. 11. The .prlvelege and ease~en~ is hereby forev~r riserv~d to the ~oyal Park .\ . Company, its successors, its le~l representatives or aasigns. to erect ~ndlT.sintaln roles ~Y." ires nnd otl:er suitable sluipu;ent fClr eleotric light, pO 'I,'e r ,- teleg:..ph, telerl".one and Jther utllH.les and to ccnstruot and r[~intain l3ew', rat ~'llt(;r n:o.i.,s and gti6 mins ou. in and under the rear five feet of the iand hereby oonveyed, and for suoh purposes, ss will as to repair remove or replacesa1d plods, wires, equipoeut. sewers and mains, the said 30ya1 ~ark Company 'its suooessors its 1ega~epresentatives andass~s shall r.a~e the right of ingress, bgress and regress as may beneQe8~ar,y or oonvanlent for all of said ~urpo866. .- , ..........:,.:;;;;~~~i~1~1i