HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0203 ~Uti ~ ~--.,,,,,,,__ ~ . _...._.1.___~ __~_ ~~--- - -- ~- .~-- - _ 1 __ ....~ " - - ~-~-~ - .....,......,. --~ ( to, the South line -t ~aid Seat ion 32 ~hioh i8 the point of beginning; thenoe rWl west on a III 11ne parallel with the South line of said Seotion 32 to the watara of the Indian ~iver; thenoe . run No~h and follow the ahore ot the Indian River to a point whioh is t~enty-fou~ hundred ./ feer north of, measured at right ongles to, the south line of said Seotion 32; thenoe '88~ on a .line parallel to the south line of sa id Seot ion 32 to the shore of the Atlantio Ooean; ~thenoo.~:~ south follo'dng the shore cf the Atlantio Ooean to the point of beginning; together with all ;riparlan and littoral rights thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining. 'The l'urohasers agree to pay the Owner for said lands the Stull of ~ane Thousand .Dollt1rs$C9,OOO) in the mannor follo1iing, to-wit: 'h"enty-five Hundred Dollars $(2600) oash, the receipt of \\'hich 1s hereby aok- nowledged; Twenty-one HWldred Sixty-six Dollars and Sixty-six cents Oile year after date; T~enty-one Hundred Sixty-six Dollars and Sixty-six oents ~wo years after date, nod ~wenty- one Hundred'S~ty-six Dollars an~ 3ixty-six oents three ~ears after date, said deferred :pay:::ents to beur interest at the rate of eight per cent per arumm fro~ this d5.te, !,uya,ble 'j I I I I I i , t 1 , t . " ;' " ,semi-annually. The oonve;rance of said laud will be subject. to tr.e reserv~tions a!id restrict- I ~ j f .. ions ::let forth in that certain deed from the Trustees of tl:.e Internal In:.pr;)Tec:ent fund to asidG._. Binabam, dated Ootober II, 1923, recorded in Deed Book 53, at page 367, in office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Iucle County, ~lorida. The taxes for the year 192~ against said It.nd st.nll be prorates, the Comer ( paying one-half thereof and the !-'Urch~3ers r-aying one-half thereof. The lurohasers shall ray , all tuxes or impositions legally liv~ed or i~rosed upou said land subsequent to the year . f i' 1924. At the end of said term of tl:.rev ye",rs the ~rchasers haying kept and !erfor- r::ed ull of the teros and conJltio!ls of this agreer.ients, the Owner 'o\"ill execute ur.d deli.er to the l'urohasees & wa.rranty deed of conve:iatice for said land 'in scao!'dance with the pro- visi')l1s of this agreerr.cnt, 3t;bject to said t&.xes, reserYl1tione e.nd restrictions as l:erein :provided. The fro\"ner will also furnish and del her to t"e l'Urchasers as sbstn:.ct cf title to said 1a;ld at least tt.ree g:')l:tha bef;)re the filial :p::y:r.ent becalr.es due and pa~- able under this c:mtract, and upm a c,)nve~-anoe being r;'.ade. said land shall be fr{;€ and olear of all liens and encur:;brances excel't taxes and excer;t as to the reseIv;J.tions end rf;i- striotiJns hereinbefore referred to. Time of l'ay~ent is of the esaence 0 f thia hgreet!ent. and if ~~e Purchasers c. shall fail to lr.a~:e any of the payn:.ents or to :perform any 0 f the c'Jvens.rJts of this agreement upon his part to be made or perforffied, the Owner may. at hia options forfeit and ter~ina~e this agreereent, and it is eXJressly stipulated &~d agrred that all ~6yrrents.t~eret'fore nade by the !~rohaser to the Owner hereunder shall be retained by the ONner ~a 11quid~ted damages for suoh lareaoh. ?he ter~B, atipu1ations, oonditions and provisions herein shall extend to and be obligtitory upon the heirs, executors, adminiatratora and ~ssigns of the respective par:ie. to this agreement. II: 'r.I:lm~33 \,.TI.:';~O?, the 1& rUes hereto h&ve hereunto S6t t~ir hands and seals too day and year firat alioTe written, .j>.'i .:i Har91,d (SEAL) (SEAL) (BUL) .._CSlW.) o. Ji_ Rtni'h.&m Jerome i1"unar RAil"ol~~ l'.l,pder