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I hereb~ oertify that on tbis the 30th dU7 of Deoember, A. D.t
,'1924, before me personally appeared H. P. ~oOluer. to me ~ell known to be the person de-
: eoribeCl Uhand who exeouted the foregoing oonveyanoe to ~ude 1:. Green, and aokno.....ledged the
gre6 aot and deed aa euobAdmlniotrator for the uses and pur-
exeouti~~ thereof to be hie
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}loses t~ereln e.preased.
Witness my stgnature and offioial seal at Fort Pieroe, in the
, County of Saint Luoie and State of Florida, on the day and yeur first above written.
B. P. Seal
tJ-~ .~~
Notary Publio for the State of Flori1a at
large. ty oomrr.ission expires r8rch 12,l~e8.
..:~. - l",. _,"-...l..
Rt~ and filed Jan. 16. 1925.
P. C. Eldred
This le~se, rrade this 27th day of Dece~ber, 19~4. by and bet~een ~TTLE OL1'/3 ~ALKER
(\.id'~w of :<:d. V. t,alker, deceased) and Eli ~. Walker, as GuardilHl of the estate of ETTIE
Oquilla t'alker, Edwin !.:orris Waller, Zlla Oliva V:alker, :':li Eerman ~:alker, Eug-ene r-:(;ldo
~alker end Evelyn lowana ~alker. minors, all of Vero, Florida, rartie3 of the first r~rt
and '?he Indian !Uver Products ~om!l8ny, a cor:poration of the Stt;t;e of ~lorida, having its
~rinoipal offioe at Vero, Plor1da, tr.e party c~ the seoond part, tITllE33E2a;
That the parties or the first part do hereby lease and deffiise unto the said part:! _
of thE seoond part:
The northeast Quarter of Sedtlon 14, 'To~ship 32 S, ?. 3~ Zast in ST.,Luoie :oun-
ty. Florida.
TO HJi.VE .li;n TO HOLD SAID 1':RZ:':I3SS unt~ tho said purty of the second J6rt fro::: the
date of this leases for the term ending June 15, 1930.
In consider&tion thereof the party of the second ,~art agre~s to t&ke proper cafe
of the citrus fruit grove on said pre~ises during the ter~ of said lease, begir~ing at the
dste hereof, i"hioh spall inolude pruning, spra7ing, fertilizing, 7.orking end dOing every-
~~ng neoeasary to ke9p and maintain said grove in pro~er oondit1on in accordanQe with good
standards in st. Luoie ~ounty, all the expense for said work to be r~id by the party of the
second part.
The par~ies ;f the first Iart cover~nt ~lid agree that thp rarty of the second ~art
sh~ll'be entitled to nIl of the fruit gro~n on said grove during ~fie. t~rm ot this lease ex-
oept fruit orop of the seaaon of 19f4-1925. That is to s~y, the party of the seoonLt~ll
be ent1tlei to the fruit gro.....n on said grove during the five seasons of 1925-1926, 192G-
1927, 1927-1928. 1929-l929, ~nd 1929-1930. The party of the seoond~all pay to th~ said
parties of the first part for said fruit the 8um ot $1.00 per field orate for oitrus fruit
. o~rees to be paid as the fruit is ~oved. Settle~ent8 in cash shall be made by the part1
! of the secl>ul1' part onoe a month during 86eh season.
Farty of the seconrl part agrees during tbe term of this lease to reset any dead
or missing trees in the grove on this pro}lerty, provide3, ho~ever. that the young trees
for this ~urpose shall be furnished at the ex~ense ot the parties of toe first part. ( npt
to exoeed....!!?;Q,.. ~reel) to~ be reset).
In the event trAt at any ti~e d~ing tho term of this leaee the grove on said
· property,ehould be rutned by freezing, the party of the seoond part shall have the pr1v-
. ,
flege forth~lth to oanoel and terminate th1a lea88.
This lease shall inolude the use bl the party of the seo?nd, part of the builinf,6
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