HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0211 ~J.J. -"o_~~- ~. . , .l>...~.. Collins . - -w-- - to ~8ro Fl~n~a A 1~ro~8~nt~Cqrp~ratlo~.. .........~ --, ~_. .. .---.-- -... ~.~ ~'.,. '-' ~~. - ~--.__.~--- "Y,A..~RANfY DUD " r. .\.:.. 'THIS IDEN~URE, ~de thie 14th day of Ootober A.D. 1924, between DanielP. Collins, ~16, of ~ 'the County of St. Cla1r a ~d.. the State 01 Ill1nn 18. -rarty ot the tirl't part, snd Vero Finanoe & Impro~ement Corporation, a oorporati~n existing ~de~the laws of the state of Florida ~ haying its !Jrinoipal plaoe <>f business in the i}O\l.Ilt#l of st.. Luoie and State of 4!'lOr1da, pf.l.r~y of the aeoond r~rt~ ~lTUESSETH, th3t the said. pert of the' firat part, for and in oonsidera- tion ~.-t;he sum of Ten dollars and other valuablEi' Qoosiderations to hlm in hand pald, the ....~ :reoeipt whereof is heroby aoblowledged. ~aa granted.,_~raalned.sold, aliend. re~lsed,~re- _ ':l _'" ~~tt~ ;t\..~~ 'I'...f h'-'~', .~~I., ..L~....,1~.~u. ",<__,.-' 8-'1 C,"Q ..6 c.,. r! Q....,t ,"'no. ,arL-tr ' ~leased. enfeof~.c()nVe~and confirm~n e slid ~ar~y or the seoond part ~nd ita suo- · cessors and 8ssiBIl9 forever, all that oertain p6rcel of land lying and being in the County 'of St.. Lucie and 3tate of ~lorida ~ore p~rtioul&rly desorlbed as follo~s: ~ lot One (1), Blodk forty-three (43). Indian ~iver Farms Com~a~.ls subdivision of .. Original Town of Vero, as filed 'in the offioe of the olerk.1 the Circuit Oourt of 3t. Lucie 'County, Florld~. ?oget!1er with all the tenements, here4itacente and foppur1ienanoes "Kith every privilege, right title, interest and estate, do~er 611d rig~t of dower. reversion, rerrainler end eaae~ent there- . to belonging or in any'dse appertaining: ':'0 H~V:E .lliD ~O HOLD. the salte in fee sil:'iple fare"er , .ilid the said party of the first part does oovenant with the saB "f;!lrty of the seoond part that he ia lawfully seized of the sQ~d pre~ioe9; that they are free of all in- , cUIllbranae, and thht he has good right and lr....ful authority to sell the sac-.e; and that sf'.id (" IL ':pc.rt~' of the first part doth hereby fullywerYant; the title to su111and,'en1 'lill defend the sane ~inst the lar.ful olai;:a of all persona 'ilihoI:soever. In 7.itnesa :-hereof, tee said party of tho ~irst part has l:ereunto set his hand ani seal tee day snd year eb~ve written. Signed, sealed and'delivered in' our Fr~selice: Batelle l'arka TIaniel ? Collins (3E.AL) (3~;''') rom H. Sohmidt Jr, Carrie F. Collins, Illinois S'i'.lTZ OF ROTH COU~TY OF St. Clair I HE~3Y ~E~~I?Y. T~t on this 23rd day of October 4.D. 1924, before ~e personally appeared Daniel F. Collina. to ree known to be the person described in and who exeouted the forego ing con.eyance to VE~O F~:.u;CZ &; In~V3: :::11' :O:ll'O~? rOll end severally eckn,)"l;ledged r"rr~E3S r::.,' signature end offioial seal at :;ationa:'. 3t~k Yards in the cJunty of I, I I In li d 3tate of Illinois tl:e 'day and ):ear last aforesoid. --- r,m. R. ~eidlIian aQte.I"J rubllc. L~ cOlLCiission expires, Sept. 4,1927. ) I ) 88 COUlll'Y OF &Oi..'llT ) feraonally appeared before me, 4&0, Brakebill, notary ~ubllo for the said ~ounty and State, ~rB. Carr4e 7. Colllns with whom I aD personally aoquainted ~d who ucknowledged the within instruLsnt for ~,~ l"lled\ Jan, 3, 1925. t~,PU7PGaea therein oontained. th~tb8 218t day of Oot~bor 1924 t) :> 1 .1. C. Brakebill 1Jy oommissioll expires April 8th. H25. F. O. Eldred (CL~) BY ~.-4, ~r~.d~/ ""' , iJeJ. . hand and offioial 88..1 ... .'.>':;'.\"gi~lIll}