HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0217 I I l_~- ~.I.., l~"" i~. ._- "V T~ _.~~..........,.~--_._- -" -,.. '.. -;"''''s.J.___ _ ~ . ~ Book 22 Oll I'age - 23; .no'Yer TbatS.id 4. 3. t:l11er, DerO'n~uit herein wall a baohelor.DOUJ(, On J..ug.~e.19H and 30, 1924. { sworn to before me this? day of J~nuary, 19~5 i If: G.> :> ''C .... o ~ BY (J~ 24~~ ---------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------- !!~l) er rS~AL) l'uul H. lasle HotaIJ' ~ublio State of Fla.at large ----,:s; co;r.rnission E-xpires Dee 5,19~8. 1'. C. ~ldred ( CLE:llC) . ft, WARRAliTY DEED " THE 3E.\.CHLAIlD DE':ELOl'1.31:T COrI'A::Y TO !.:ARY c. 30DZI:3;:~,}; ~HIS WDE;:TU3E. l:a.de thi~ 'l'wenty-se'\enth day ,)f Ilo'Yerr.ber A.. D.. 1923 JE~7,~I: THE Il::AC>:l~;D ~~VELOl-~;T COUPAB~; ~ oorporatlon existing ~nder the la~s of the State of ~lorlda. r~Ting its principal plaoe of business i:i the o "wlt;}. of St. Luoie and 3tate of 1!'lorld~ party of "'he first portland Kary C. Rodenberg of the County of 3t. Lucie 6iU state of ~lorid8 pert of the second part, tITI~SS~rH. that the said party of the first r~rt, fortand in c~n3ideratiou of the SUI;i of Ter. ($lO.OO)----Dollars, and other valuable oOIlsiderutions--- to it in hand r.aid the reoei~t whereof is hereby ackn~wledged, haa gr8~te1, bargained, 'sold. alieiled, remised, - released. cO!J.veyed and confirrr.ed and ~T the Be pre5ellts d;>th grant, bargt;in, sell. alien, remise. r release, cOHTey and confirlL, t<nto the said Tart:,' of tr.e sectnd part and her heirs and assigns for.::"er, .all thae cert/i.iu par~el of la.ud lyir~ ::!li being in the ';:>U!ijy of St. Lucie &no. State 'of .norldli. lliOre particularly described &s follows: Lot YHi~TY-:'10 (32) in Blook Two (2) of the 3eectland DeTelop~ent ~O~Pf.l~'S Subd~viBi)n of Gover~ent lot 3i~. Section ~hir~y-two, ,To1\'hship ?nirty-t'A"O Jouth, :Range ~'orty East, as recorded in the St. Lucie '::ounty 3eoords, ~t. Fierce, Florida. ~<:ST3ICTIO:;S: ITNelling to oost not less than ?wenty-five HundrEd Dollars; to be ~ocated thlr~y five feet from the s tree-c line; garages and. oheaper buildings to be oue hundred feet frot:. streettline; and ten feet fro~ let aide lilies. :his lot Testricted to dwelling'pur~ose8 only. :'ogether with all the tenements, r.ered ita:r.ente and appurtemmoes. 7iith e'\er~' privele'go, right title, interest and e8tate~ reversion, remainder and ease~ent thereto belonging or in &!~~ise appertaiuing: TO HAVE ~~ TO HOLD the su~e in fee si~ple forever. And the ssid party of the first p~rt doth covenant with the said ~arty of the 3ccond part that it is lawfully sa lzed of the said ~remises; that they are free of all Inourr.brances, and that it has good right al~d lawful authority to sell the sa~~; and tbe se.iA party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defenj the $lILe against the lawful olai~s of all pereons who~soe\er. In titnesu Whereof, the said party of the fir&t part has oaused these presents to be [, Seoretary its ~resident. and ita oorporate seal to be affixed, attested by ita above wr!tten. ;algned in 1HZ BZ4~HLlJ:D DE'lELOP:.ZlIT COloU'41:Y ATl'Z3T: J. Seoretary :SIGUZD, sealed and Delivered in ourpresenoe: ) ) Razel G. Swartwout ) ) ~ohn G. Swartwout ) ) BY JA1:ES C. lloCAllH I I i l~. I ,. ,. I President. ,. Sr1.T& OF nOR IDA " COUHTY 0. ST. LU~IE I :rE~~BY ~Z2TI?Y. ~t on this 27th day of Hpvember ~. D. 1923. before ma ~ersonallr u~pearcd ",' ;::'., ,,?ilI{1