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I H~~EBY C~~T!BY, That ou this d~ ~ersoBal1y ~ppeare~ before ~e , an offioer duly au-
thori~ed to ad~lnister oaths aud take aoknowledgeu.ents. William Helstrom and l~ria Helstrom, his
wife, to C~ Y;l;jll known and known :'0 L.e to be the indi'rUuals desoribed in and r.h') exocuted the
fo ragoing deed, and they aotnow1edr;ed before u:-e that they ey.,~cu t3d the s~n-e freely and \"olun-
turily for the pur~oso8 thereIn espressed.
.AND LI'U?T~R ~E:l'lH'Y, ':hat the sUid Uaria Helstrom known to n:e to bei..the wife of the
auld tl1l1iamHelstrom on u lJ8pu&'e .sn'd .:.~1.ftt. cxamillutllon taken and mde by and before c:e,
seF08.rut.ely and apart from her said husband, did aCkno:,ledgEl. toot she tlade hers"'!lf a ra rty to said
deed for the :purpose of renouncit\g, relinquishing and oonveying ell her right, title and interest
, 7.hetter of dO'A"er, horr,estea. or of separate property, '~t&.tutory or ,eq..l1t~ble, in aud to the lan'is
dadoribed therein, and that sne e>:ec:lted the am d deed freely apn V,)l~ll~tarily. and ....ith::>ui; all.V cot:-
pulsion, constr~int, a!,prer.el,sion or i'ee.r of~r from her- sa'id husbcnd.
!:I~1:ES3 ~ hand and official seal at t:ol1ne
, ~Oll1~ty of ~oot, Island and
3ta.te of Il1i~oiB
, .
of ~ecembe~ A.D. l~E~.
13 day of Jan. 192~
. :.:,...~....
L. O. CarIsou
110 tory i'ublio iu and for :locI: Island
IY oommission expires: Oct. l-l~r.?
Count~" I Ill.
1'. C'o Eldre~
3Y (J1-7fr~,.~
.\.)\ .
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Y.E. .&.r;DER3011
"--'::R~ Fli.;A:i:S &: Ii.:PROYE).3:;~ CO.:u'ORA7IO:;.
7~IS D:::':jJ, 1.:ade the. 4th dfi.Y of .Dec<}rr.ber A.D. 1924 br 'i. E. Anderson &l~j ~[,.=el A.Ilder<>on his 'i'ii:e
of the. ;;.OtU1ty of Brer.ard State of ~'loridb, hereinafter called the gre.ntors to Vero Finance'" Ii:lpro.-
~ent ~orpora.ti~n of the Oo~ty of St. Lucie, State of Elorida ~erelr~fter c~11e~ the grantee.
~I~llESSE~H, Tlmt the said gr&ntors in consider&tlon of -- 7en D~llars e.nd other v~lU&ble
considerations, the receipt ~hereo! Is hereby aOE-no~ledgei, does gi.e, grant, bargain, sell, alien
remise, release, enfeoff, convey a..~d c.Jnfirm U1}tO the said grantee-- and its suoceasars c.~ld &3siEnS
in fee Simple, the lands situate in St. Lucie County, State of ?lorida, deacrlbed as follo~s;
Lot nine and lot ele\"en, inoo~: .?1ve, Orlginal ~own of Vero, :?lorida, 'no7i city of Ver6, :'l.orida.
SubJeot to all taxes or aaseas::ents if an:' 'oe leYied f:>r the ~'ee.r 19f.4 and all subsequent
DOQ, 3ta~p3 :ano. --- (..fiO~).
TO HAVE A.:.:D TO HOLD the sarre together 'Fith the hereditaments and a:)purter~l1oes, unto ti:e
said gn.ntee and its st:.ccessors find ass igns in fee aim:ple.
AllD the aaid grantors for theLlSelyes a.ud their heirs and legal representatibes, co\"enant
'A"ith said grantee ita successors, legal represent!ltives and assigns; T hat said gr~ntors are In-
defeasibly eeized of said land in fee simple; that said gra.ntors have full power and lawful right
to oOll"'iey said lands in fee simple, us aforesaH/ that it ahall bo ls.otful for :laid g-rantee, its
duac6asors, legal representa.tives end assigne, at all ti~e8 peaceably and quitely to enter uron
nOld, oooupy and enJoy said land; that said ldnd Is free from all Inoucbranoes; that suid gra.ntors
t t-ttir heirs and legal represent!ltiTes, 7;111 rmke suoh :turther assurano_os to perfeot the fee simpJu
title to 88 id land in sa 1d grantee, its suooes80rs, legal representatives and ass !gus, 88 F..ay
reasonably be required; and that said gr~ntor8, do hereby :tully warrant the title to sa id lWid anc1 'A'
will defend ,the sa~e afainst the lawful olal~ of all persons whomsoeYer.
Witnes8 the ~~nd6 and oseals'of said grantora the day and year-first above written.