HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0222 I~ I! , ~~~ , , ...- ..-.. ~- II i I I e:ttered Int~ this oontraot e~nll,-~ the optlo;;--;;r the party of t.l1.e first FOrt. be torfoit&d aLd terclinated. and the ,rerty of the seoond pnrt shull torfeit all pa:lments r;:,ade by hut on 'this \l~n- , traot. and suoh payn:ents Sh61l be retained b~' the said party of the first part in full satisfaotion !Alid lLluidation I>f all dalfages by her sllstained, and said party of the ~ir9t yart 8(:a.11 have the right to re-el,ter and take posaeSal;)u of the prQn:lscs afolfesaid without 'being liable to any aotion ..~' ..... ' ,< :1 therefor. I IT IS ~UTUALLY AGRBBD, ,by and bet~een the rarties hereto, that the ti~ of pay~ent shull be en essential part of this oontract, and~hat all oovenauts ani agreements herein oontained si:all e"tend to and bo obligatory upon the l:.e..,1rs. exeoutors, adl!oinistrators and assigns of the r€:sreo- tive rarties. Il: lilTl';Z5S :....dEREO~.. The :parties to these presents haTe hereunto set their hands a~,d scala the da.y and ~'ee.r first above "ri tten. Signed. sealed, aud Delivered in 1'resenoo of: Hazel G. Swartwou~ G. H. ~cClintook Lillie .:..nthony J. ),t. Znight (SEAL) ( S~AT.) I- ii 3~~~Z ~~ lL031JA, St. Lucie ~Otr.I~Y. On this day personally appeared before ffie, an officer aut~orized to take aoblo~ledgn:ents of deeds, e~Q., Lillie Mltho!~ and ~. ~. Knight to ~e ~ell known, and ~lo~n to be the persons who exeouted the Tithill t1grecr.,ent, and a,f';':oowled€"ed that t~:ej executed the sa::.e for the purfoses t~e~~in ex~resscd. 1 ~ r.and and se~l this 11th 4ay of Dece~ber, 1~~4. i =a ~ "f o () C) "~ ~azel G. 3~rtwout llptary lublio, sta.te of .I!'lo rida ut -Lcrge. ~~ cO~Eission expires ~ebuary 28,1~2? a 1'. C. ':;ldred BY fJ ~ (/ (CLERK) ~a/)/v__../'- -n.c. . , ----~-~----~----~-~~--~~~~=-~-==~-=~~=--~=~===~~~~==-~==~~=~=-=~-~~~--=--------------------------- .. A:~TICL.E3 OF AGRZE:':Ril~ n B.C.~OSE. ~s AGEllT. 1'0 TiAD3 H. STEi'IiE1:3. , . A~~ICLE3 O? AG~bZNT, Xade this 15th day of Deoember in the year of our lord, one thousand nine hundred and Twenty Four Between B. C. Rose, as agent for O. J. Friedman, party of the first part, and r.ade H. Stephens-J:s.rty of the aeoond part" r;ITlit:SS3TH, That if the aaid party of the seoond Fart shall first rr.ake' the JaYl~ents and i I I ! I I i perform tte aovenants hereinafter ffientioned on his part to be made and perfor~ed, the said part; of the first part he ruby covenants and agrees to oonvey,and assure to the said party of the seo- ond part, his heirs, exeoutors, a4miniatrators oraasigns. in fee simple, clear~of all 'inoum- branoes what~ver. by n good nndauffioient deed, the lot. piece or paroel of ground, situated in the County of St. Lucie, StateJ f ?lorida. WlOwn and described as follows, TO-YilT: All of the South East Quarter of the South east.Quarter of the North East Quarter of 3eo- tlon One,(1), TownShip Thirty Three (33). South of F~ng6 Thirty Bine (39) East, oontuining ten acreD ~ore or less., and the sald party of the seoond part hereby oovenants and agroes to pay to t~e said party of the first part the Dum of EIGHTEEU TJlOUSAUD DOLLL-q3, in the manner fOllofr1ng $500.00 I oash. the reoeipt of whioh is hereby aoknowledged. .8500 to be paid 8!xty~daY3 fromthls date; · . - .-r. $4500.00 June 1st, 1925; t3500 June. ",1926; !'arty of the seoond part also agrees to aesun;e and pay note for $1000.00 seoured by mortgage deed held by ,~_O. rraP88 and being the only mortgage now - , outstanding against said property. with inter6st.at the rate of eight per oentum per alill~, payable J t ee]li-annU&l~ J annually on the whole sum l'QlIBinlng '-rom time to tlmennpa1d; and to pay all taxes. aS8eeomQnts or imroaitions that may be lesally levied or 1mfoeed upon osid land 8u~aequent to the .. \ \. _ ' - -. ":;' '::: ~~ ~~~':~:l:-t;]~~~~~}!~t~ft;~ , - .'-, '-~ -' / ::'<~:!::'ft~J~~~;fi}~i5t~: . 1 r . ,. ,~-...:. ~t.. e~ Z'f(~":;;~~._t~~~:-:~"':'~ . I. ..;.;~ .,t'!.1 ~ .~~~""-~~"~..:: _; ~'." .,,~ :!!.'~i'\