HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0226 ~~o '- ..." ...... __*'-~"'....--...__--...~.a""_..a.t.&..~.l~' _~~_.~ ".~.. - ..__ .i_ -.t--_~~ ...__J:.c -- - ~ ..... i1 . J nrI'_ ~.u...""" -- r~_..d. --... ..-..--- -- - L.~ -- --..: ':'HIS I::nEllTUHE . Made this 9th doJ' llf January A,D. 1926. BEtY.EEN E. H. LeTourheau and hie w1fe 1.:aud Blakewood le Tourlleau of the ::ounty Saint Luoie and Sta4;e of Plorida, parties of the first part, and Raff6~ty-~vnt,i:l, Ino,. a oorportlt1on existing under the lawa of the ,Stote of FIOr1cl6., Ils'-1ug its prinoipal plaoe ~f bus1ness in the County of Palm Bea.oh and Stllte of Florida, :party of . the seoond -part, T:IT::ESSETH, That the sa13 r.arties of the first P{ll'~, :for and in consideration or tte su~ of Ten Dollaro and other valuable oonsider~tion to them in hand r~id, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknowledged. ha.o granted. bargained, sold. alieued, remised, released. enfeoff, oon- veyed aud oonfirmed and by these presents do--grant, bargain. sell, nlien~ reroiu~. release, en- feoff. convey and oonf1r m unto the said part"i of the .800nd part and its Sucoessors !ond assigns forever, all that oertain paroel of land lying and being in the ~ounty of Saint Luoie and state of Florida, mOre partioularly desoribe~ 8& follows: Beginning at a 8t~}:e on the 11n9 of the Saint Luoie .')oun' or Indian RiYer in the SEt of the Swt- of Seotion 4, Township 3'1 South, 20nge 41 :;ast being 335 '1/12. foet I:orth of the Seotion line at the l.orth corner of a lot con.eyed by ~hottaS E. Riohards ~nd wife, to Lucie E. 3iohards, :.-ay 28, 1885 thenoe 'jester~' ntright angles to the Saint I) Lucie Sound or Indian :Uver along the ~;orth line o~ LUilie E. Riohsrds to the edge of the Savanne.h ; thenoe :~ortherly along the Savannah 600 feet, more or less to a stone; thel_C( Easterly pc.rallel ~ith the first line to a stake near the Saint l~cie S~~nd or India~ ~iver; thence continuL~g Easterly to the ~aters of tr~ Saint Lucie wound or llldiau ~iver; thence Southerly ~eandering the said "'ound or .:ndian ~iver to a point Easterly of the point of beginning; thence Westerly to the point of beg1nning. aontf1ini!l$12 ~cres, more or less, together with all ripar1an rights there- to apperta1ning. Same 3eing land cor..eyed by Jarr,es l'aine ar,d ..ary J p }.:o~se to ~ebecca J. !Uc:w.rds b;r Deed fiated iJ, , . ~~~oh 10. ~nd Feb. 2C, 1880, and rec~rded in Deed Book 3, page 244-8 and by said ~ebeoca J. Rlch~ ards and Thomas E. Richards to Thomas E. ~ibben by deed recorded in ~eed aOOk.A; page 444 and re- oonveyed by the said ~homas E. Hibben to ~ebeoca J. Riohards by doed recorded in Deed 300k 0, page 3E6, all of said record8'being of 3revard ~Junty. Florida. TOGE?HZR with all the tenements, hereditan:.ents and appurtenances. with e.cIj prh-elege. right. ti- tle, interest and estate, do'~er and right of do;rer. re.ersion. reudnder end easerr,ent thereto" be- longi~g or in any;rise ap:r;ertaining: ~O t!.i..'1E ~;D TO H~lD. the sa:;,ein fee silLple forever. ~d the parties of the first pert do covenant ~i:h the s~idrarty of ~he sernnd ~art ~tat ;;0:; arc la-r.fu l:iy se ized of the said pre::.lses;, th_ t ~hey a.re free of all incumbrtmces, and that ~;:e:..' r.ave ~Od l' igh t and la.",ful aut h) ri ty to se 11 tr.e sarre; and that sal d :part iee 0 f tr.e fir st part doth hereby fully warrant the ti tle to sa-ill land. a r.1 will defend the Stirr,e agaiust the lfi'liful ~-- cl~ims of all persons whorr~oever. m V;J?:;ESS r::~E:!E(j?, tr..e said parties of the first :part h&..e here::nto set ti:eir r.e.njs !ind seals the d~y and ye~r abo.e ~rit~en. Signed, sealed and delivered in our rresel~ce: " B.E.Phillips 4.R. \':A..1BER 1I.1'.3E.u. ~.H. La Tourne&u (SEAl) Uaud Bla~ewood La Tourneau (S~AL) J 00:;. . ST.u.:I';3 ODlIC. $15.50 3TAT~ OF ?LO~IDA ) } ;OU:;:;Y OF SAmr lU::IE) ~'~j . ~ .A I I HE!lli3Y C&~'lli'Y. 'i'hat on this 9tlt day of ~anuary A.D. 1925. before rr.e personally appeared 3.H. Le Tourneau and his iVife,Kaud Blakewo'od LeTourneau to n:-e known to:be the persona desoribed in and who exeouted the foregoing oOllveyauoe to RIl-fferty-Jones, Ino., and severally aoknowledged the execlJ,t ion thereof to be the ir free aot and deeci for the uses and }lurposes there in :r_ent ione' !.i.:ld t.he aaid r.o.ud IUakewood 1e Tourneau the wife of the sa 14 E. H. Le T::>urneau. on a i:leparate and - priTate_ examil~tlon taken and made by and-before ~e, aI~ separ&~ely and apart frot he~ s~1d hus- oun.d, dB 'lo;':n:'>'T.le':L-:-e tht1t ahe made hereelf a party to the Baid Deed of Conveyanoe, for the ~~I~~{~f~~ti \ \