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! ~rt, a!~ .'FRAUCIS C.
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ELY · of the o'mnty of Palm Be~oh, in the State of 61or1da, party of th6
aaoond part.
~ITI~SSETH. That the said parties or the first psrt, for and in oonsideration of the sum
Jf Ten Dollars and other va~b~e ";onsiderations. Dollars to thetl in hand 'Paid by the pnrty of the
seoond part, the recei:rt whereof is h6reby noJr.nowledged, Have granted, llargained and sold to ti:e
sa~d farty 0-: the seoond part, his heirs and" assigns, fore'\-er, the following desoribed land, sit-
uate, lying and beiltg in the County of St. Libia and State of Florida, to-wit:
Lot Humber Three (3) in :!Hook l;u.ni1Jer Two (2) As .jaid lot and blool-: are laid do-.\"n and
delineated on the revised S-:lrvey of tl:e town of Gosling :)t. Lloie Count~. State of ~lorida, &3
per r:.sp ~r.ereof of record in the offioe of the county Reoorder of s~id Cowlty. Doo. Stamps. Cane.
$ . 60~' .
Aud the sa id Iarties of tl:e first ~!irt do hereby fully \'~rraht tr.e title to s.1d land. ani 'A ill
defer,d the sarr.e against the .la'i.ful clair.:s of all person~ -.vhO:;;SJcye r.
lli iiI'l'liE33 \';HZ:iZO?, the said rarties of the first. :part ha:ve i:treur.to set ~he ir hauds
and seals the da;:: and ~tea.r above written.
Signed, sealed end delivered in ~resence
o f us: )
J. E. Taylor .J~<<
Josephine }:. Taylor S-..rnf
==OU~TY O? l;ll1: BEl:!!
1 3Z~Z3Y ~E~TI?Y T~~t on ttts day r~rsonnlly a~J~are~ before ceo &n officer dulyauth-
orized to al1r:.inister osths and take E.ctno11elgn:ents, Je E. Taylor and Josephine K. ~aylor :tis wife
to rr.e well kno-.vn to be ti:e J'ersona deBcr ibed in mld who executed t:_e foregoing deed, and &ctno7to'1- ,
edged before ce ~hat they executed the sa~ freely and VOltultilrily f~r the "purposes therein ~a-
.!.liD I ~~R:'RZ~ :B~?IPY, ~hat the ssid JosephL,: i:. Ta~lor kno',om t? r:,e to be the -dfe of t1:Jl
said J. Z. ?aylor 011 a separate and prin.te eXci::;illntion t-,i:en and n.nde by snd be~ore toe . sep&-r...,te-
ly and apart from [-.f.:r said husband., ,did aC~:llo'itledge that' sce ~de herself a party to said deeoi for
t!:e purpose of renouncing, relinqUiShil~ ar.d cOl1ve:;,-ing all her right, title alid interest., wnetc.er
dOT-ere hor:.estead or of separate:property. statutory or equit~ble, in and to th€ lands described
tr.erein, and that she eleouted the said deed freely and ...olunt,-ril~.. and \';1 thout any cOl:lJl":llsion
, into apprehension or fear of or from her said h:1.sb,-nd.
at lsrge,
TliE33 my r~nd and officlal seal at STU~~ . COU~TY OF PAL~ 3E~CH and State of ?lorida,
D~Y 02 0::03E~ A.D. 1924
this Jan. 6, 19!i.
we 1'. C. ELD?-ED ~ ~ (CLZ?E)
! BY () (?a~ ~ ~CA-.~
~ D.~.
" II, J.GRiiUlR:P~ :rOB 'DD]) R
I. L. Rlcou . ,/l
t:otary l'ublio Sta~e of 41orida.
~ commission expIres
liotury l-ublic for the ata te of florida
t~ oommission eXFires ~roh 16.1927.
:AllOLDE Zna:E~ an ODELIA ~l~;;:~
O~ SO~1BOROUGH and S.A. S:~~~UGH.
ARTI~LES OF AGRB:.l~UT. ~de this 7th day ot ~ovember in the year of our lord, one thoua-
and nine hundred and twenty four Bet.8en CARQ1U:X ZI~RWAH and ODEL1A,ZIla~~~l) both single.
:r-nrties of the first rart, and ORA SC.lRBQROUGH and S.A. 30A1l30~OUGH. }lertles of too second rnrt.
'liITlIES3ETH; That if the said partiea of the sooond part ehall first lL~ke the ra"yments
and perform too oovenants hereinafter rr.entloned on their par" ,to be made alJd ptJrfo:m8d. the said
'parties 0 f the first::-,art horoby oovenant and "agree to oonvey and aeeure to the said ~artie8 of tl>>
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