HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0238 2a~ .. .~- .~ !'~~ t --'f" --~ v~~ "'lorida, to-'1dt: ~ All of gover;rn~&nt Lot J'our (4) ,Seotion Thirty-four (24) To.-nship ':hirt:l-thl'ec (23) South, ~nge Forty (40) East, oontalntng 5'1.88 c-ores, more or lesa, t:>gether with all ripar~ iuuA rights, appert&.ining or belollgins thereto. (This deed given to oorreot errors iu 9xeoution of (lead from . to gr-e.ntee, l:.oreir., beuring date JWle, 1920) . .L.d the s~id parties of tho firot JJur~ do hereb~. fully w:..rrant the title to sa.id ;.~~... C :t ~ t'l r .:'iefend the s....:::e against tte l..'.'.ful clu.i::.s \) f~~ll fers:ms whomsoe\"er. In iitness 'l,nereof, thE' St; id r~rties of tte first r.(l.rt l:I.iYe hereunto SE; thejr L::nds &!id sEals ":;hE d6.:: and ~'er..:- above 'lir! tten. 3igned, seE-led and delh'ered i!l presence of us: l'hil. H. 1:::..1ler. ) , ) ) hie Fred (X ) :aOL30ll :;-ark . (S::AL) L. t, Jerel1ngs. Ellen ( ) Je.c}:son . (s~.U) S:'ATE O~ ?I.O~IDA ) ) ~OUri1Y OF OZEE~~03SE ) I :E~3Y :n:~:'H'Y Tl-.c.t on this day pers()r.ell~' e.ppe::l.!'ed before t.e, <0 officer d~lJ :...utr..o!'ized to adr.;illister catha and take ac;':n:nledgn-.ents, ~'re1 .:uckson a!~d Ellen JtJ.c~:son. tis ',life t.) r..e J.ell known to be ":;:-.e -}.;er.a~ll;;; described ili end .....1:0 executed "::1'.6 foregoil1g deeii, .::.!d !;.~::no...,'ledged beiore r:,e tha.t tht;y exe~uted tte su:.e freel::- <:nd \"olunturn~T for ~:-.C pur::oses therein expressed. ,..un I ;m:~TmG ::3RrD'Y, :':hs.t the sEld Ellen J!ici:son kno~n to n: to be tte-7.i:e--of t!"_6 said Fred Jacksoll on a separa.te ~nd privJte ey.~minution taken snd ~~de by und before ~e, se~a.rutely hOl:':estea.d or of se:p~r~ te :property, st6.uto!'Y or equi t~ble, in ~nd to the lands describail ~l:ere in ~..~... .~ ~ 1 . , find ap:.:rt f.ror;. r.er.ss.id h~sbE..lld, did a.cj~nowledge ~et she ll',ude carself ~ party~o said deed iOor tb, ::- :purpo3e ofre!10~Ilcing, relinquisr.l11g un1 cJIlveying all her rigl:t, title cnd interest, ,'.'het:-_er do,,;er ..Hid that she executed tr.e sr.id deed freel~' z:n1 ,oolunt",ril;,' un:] wlt~out c.~- cor:pul.:;lJli, C;)!lstn.:.r,t UI'!rer.enaioll or fCb.r of or fron. t.er sa id hUSOLEd. ~:r~:;:;;33 r.y nand 8.::.1 .,)fficlc.l seo.l o.t Okeecb.obee. :ount;r of OL:cec!:obee and g'lIute this 23rd duy of Ootober 4. D. 1924. ~ :e I) > ~ ~ ~ 13Y If ~~ ~~/1fA/U.AA../ ~ C/ D.:;; -----------------------_________________C(________________________________________________________ this Jen. 9. 1925. L. r.. Jeunl~ l;omry lublic ~ ~ :3t';;.te :;;f ..-:lx id!1 at le.rge, :.t: con.c:issi.)!l o::pires ':-uly 4, 1926. 1:'. C. Eldred (CLE~K) I, I 1_ " A..'qT ICLES O? AG;ITZLRUT " . A. 3, ?hilden .ET ~. TO Hoyt E. l:orris !o :.R:rr:::LES O? .;,GREZtZl:T, 1:ade this 19th da;r of December in the ye r of our Lord 0ue tho,ISBud nir.e hl.:.lldred and 2'1ienty lour Bet'Keen A. a Whilden, as agent E.!:d attorney in fact, , for Linn Randall. O. J. ?~ndall, ~~ane ~,,3ioe. Bessie Rice,~na. 3~ith, -------Swith, 3urt 3mith. Gertrude Smith, and ~s. A. Z. Spiller, party of tr~ first p~rt, and HOft E. Uorr1~ party of the sE-cond pa:rt, tlITI1Z3SETH, Tho t if the said J:.arty of tl1e seoond :part shall first make the l--laY- 11 rrents an:} perforrr. the oov.ensnts hereinafter r::.entioned on his part to be mde aud :perfo~Ir;ed, the said party of the first ~art hereby covenants and agrees to oOllvey and assure to the ea1d I'arty ot the seoond part. h1s heirs, exeoutors, &dmll1istrators or ass1gns, in fee sim}le, olear of all inQu~branoes_whatever, by a good alld 8utfiaient deed, the lots, pieoes or p~roels of ground, ait- uated in the County of St. Luoie 3tate of -lorlda ;.nown and desorlbed as folla~s, to-wit: .. ~~ All of the Jouth Hal~ of G~Ternment Lots One !ftd m-o ~ tl 18 ~ hi 3 QOA .,1;11, ..ee .;n . \lO'Nli8 P 3 : .sollth, ~allge 40 Zsst, c-;,nta1hlng AA ""orea,. more or ~ g lees. Xno~ as 14~,'U 310e pruperty. \ i~_~1 , .", ~,:~.."\<~111ili