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.and the 8eid party of the seoond part hereby oovenants and o&r&fS to pay to the oaid porty ot
; tho first ptirt tho sum of One Hundred and ~'orty Dollars }ler aore in the"ll'.anner following
,t200.00 oush, the reoeipt wheroof i8 heroby uoknowledged; ~alauoe to be }laid 30 d~~s after de-
: livery of abstr<lot showing Ii18rketuble title to said.:.lblld in abo'\'e named prino i:pa18, bud 40-
11ve"~f \\'arr~nty deed oonTe~'lng title free from all enouobranoea, with interest at the rato
.of--per oentum per ~mlUI:l. puyable, 8.lU1Ually on the whole <:OUt! re!::aining fror:l til'te to titLe u.n-
paid; and to pay all taxes, U8sessment3 or impositions that may be leg~lly levied or IDrOSO~
.upon said land subsequent to the year 1924. and to keep the bulldi:lgS upou said prst".lses in-
sured in so~e c~mpany satisfactory to the ~rt---of the first part, in a sue: not less tl:an
'Doll&rs, during the term of thin c.greer..eut. al1d in case )f failure of_ ~he said p!lrty o! the se-
oond part to cake either of the pey~ents or a~v Jll~t thereof, or to rerform ar~ of tr.e dove-
ne.llta on his r-art hereby ~-!ide and ent.ered into, this contraot shall, at tr.e oftion of tl:e ra rt:-.
of the first r-urt, be forfeited aHa terr:innted, llnd the :party of .the seoond r:ert shall forfeit
. ell }leyu:.ents Mae b~" him on this contract; end such paJlcents ahcll lite retained _ b~'thc said
pert;,' of the first part in full st.:.tisfaotion and llquUation o:f all lla.uages b~' hin s\i.stuined
and said part~. of tl.e first Tart sha.ll ha....e tr.e right to re-enter and tai:e rossessi on of
the Jre~iaes aforesald without being liable to any a~tion therefor.
IT 13 ~.:UI':J~L1Y ;"G??:::~l by. and beto.)'een. the J~rtles heretJ... t:..e. t t::e tl::-.e of ~a~.~ent
shall be au essential I.a.r; of t:-_is cOlitrs.ot, ehd tnat t.:.11 covenaIltf:> end !J.{:ree:-_en"::z ,berein
conLir.ed ahall extend to c.r.d be obligatory U:.Oll the het r"f, execu tors. ~d::i!l!.dtrutors qnd
assigns of the respeotive rarties.
I:: .....:1':;~3S r.:l:':~~~Ol. The p!irtie3 to these presentz k,,-e hereu:.1t:> set tteir Gands ;:;.:lQ
sebls the dc.:,.- ahd year fir-at bboye .....rittan.
31g1:.ed. sealed sl'id i;e:iivered in lresel.ce of:
1:. I}. Prenoh
_41 3. :'.1:~lder~t as ii.~(:l:-&.t).J::4r.)
i.:1 ::~c'; '::'3 t..::)IT.;:;l.;.id.
Uo~t E. ~orrls (5~~1)
and. b. t t::>rf.l.e:t
laul H. ,lasle
~ou~:i;y .
St. ::'u.oie
On this day rerson~ll~- t>.F!:.ebre-i 'jefore ;:e . and of:'icer ~u~nvr ~zed to tc>i:e !;'c~_I:J'.'l-
J'i: (1:_
edg:.:ents of deeds, eta.. :... 3. ~.hilde";. t~cd :Joyt :::. ::~rris to L6,i:n:J....::.., a:.ti ~o...-n ';0 be the
rersons 'A.t.;) ey.f cuted the -:i thin agree:~cn ts, ::rid a.ci::~:1"l:ledged_tha: the;! executed tr.e o;;.:.:::e fJr
the !ur::osez t:-,erein e7.l)rCossed. ....ad the ssl.j ~,..iff: of tbc suid-'J.~.on bn'e~:ar;:lr..:;..tiJ::" t~~:en b:,'
r::e ser.::.rte LI.a u~art fror!'. hEr 81:..1d husb!&!11, ~ckl1:>-..ledged th"t ste e:>:ecuted tr:e z~id t:.gree-
,.olunt:1ril,y, w.d 'liithout un~' u':mst.ai!lt, oo:::_ul.;ii')n, :.... ~ntcli.:-Lm or fec.r of
hu~ band. .
[;..~. l~<;'Hd uhd ::'a!:.l this
du~ jf ~eceaber, 1~~4.
dea t1:ia Ja.n.9tr.,1~25.
raul H. 1:i31e
~ot~r.' lublio, 3t~te of ~10ri1a at ~arfe.
~~ o-J~iI,,1seioll c,.:::;ires Dec. 5, 19t8.
1'. c. ELi>m:D
( CLZ:llC)
"S&lW{ 1. J.:A3TlH
hILLI3~. ~c~ULLE~S&
i:UO'H all :"en b~' these ~qe6ellta that Sarah 1. lmrtln tile 070ner ;jf f!. certai~ l.:ortgage
:g1ven by Ullle ? J.:CCUller-7 ~l. ~A and 3eoordedtl1 l:ortgage 300k 15 l't:.ge f;3 in
the office of ~lerk of ~~!.!. ;';ou~tY s~te"ie ~,o~,nty, State of A:l~rida; G1Ten to se-
our. the sum o~ ~o ?houoona F~~~ Fifty D}lln{a:~d..O.d by thr..promt.o17 &ot.s
UpIl the pro]:erty desoribed in' gage BOok 15 ;....ge 93. ,;>
gave reoelv~d full pai~ent of e~ld Ind6btednes;;'and doeo hereby ~uY~o~ledge s~ti~faotlon of
D.lle :-
. '~.< -, T :: ,_:, _- . ~\_)~-~~~~jji!i?;;Jf;.~~~:i:
. ~ ..: . -':-):: ~)A~/~~~~t~$~~:~'Ji~l~