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W.W. i~lllTU AlID WIPg
TO "-,
THIS ml)3!1TUR~, }.lade this 14th day of llovembel' A.D. 1924, between Alioe J. i~neath
(formerl:l Alioe J. Saylor) and ',1.W. Aneath, her huabnnd, of the County of l!onroe and Stote
G30RQ3 S, SAYlOR A':n J:~rmB H. SAYLOR
of lIew York po.rties of the first part, ond George 3. So.ylor and Jemlie U. Saylor, of the
County of st. Luoie nnd stote of Florida, parties of the seoond plrt, WITW~s:nTH, that tr,o
sold parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and
other valuable considerations to them in hand paid, the reoeipt whereof is hereby aoknow-
led~ed. have granted, bargained, sold;and transferred, llnd by these presents do grant, bar-
gain, soIl and transfer unto the Boid parties of the seoond part and t~eir heirs and as-
signs forevar, nIl thnt oertain porcel of land lying and being in the County of st. Lucie
~ld state of Florida Dore partioularly desoribed as follows:
Lot One "A" of the SUbdivision ;;f the llorth twent:;-five and ono half (25t) ohains of
lot one (1), Section tweuty- nino (29) alld of 3ast holf of 1l0rtheast Quarter, section th~rt.Y
III:::t;.. (30). Township Thirt:,'-six (36) south, range forty- one (41) 3ast, as surveyod and
platted b:l J.O. Fries, County Surveyor, and reoorded in Plat Book 1 nt page llr.! in the
Clerk's office in Titusville, Floridn, Dnd in Plat 300k One at page 202 in tte office of
tho Clerk vf the qirolli t Court of st. Luc ie County ~'lori do..
iDoo stamps ~8no $4.00)
':'OG3'riBR with all tte tenenents. horedi tanents and nppurtf)nal:cea, ",i !.h overy pr~ vil-
- ~
ege, right, title, interest and estate, dower and right o~ dower, reversion, remainder and
easement thereto belonging or in aT\YwiS8 appertaining; TO r..AV~ A:;D TO HOLD t::e scme in fee
simpl e forever.
And the _ ~8id partios of the first part do oo....enant wi th ti.e snid parti'.}s of tfiu sec-
ond part that they are lawfully seizod of tto said premises, that they ere free from all
incwmbrances llild that they have good right vnd lawful authority t~ sell t~e sorno; and the
said parties of the first part do hereby fully warrant the title to said lnud. a~d will
defend the so.oo againat '~he lawful claics of all persons \'1homsoever.
III \'lITIl333 WlBP.30F, the said parties of the fi rat pert have herem: to set their hands
6Ild seals the day and year above written.
Signed, sealed and delivered
ALIC3 J. l:::!illTH
(Pormerly Alice J. SavIor)
(S3AL )
in our presence;
Wo.tkin 7.noath (seol)
W.W. i'.neath
~ca 1. 31lwanger
Harry ii. Hiller
~ou:4'n 0] UOlI:103.
I H3!B3Y C3!lTIFY, That on this 28th dny of Hovamber A.D. 1~24, before me persoJ:lllly
appeared Alioe J. Knoath and W.W. ?.neath. hor hushand, to me known to be the persons des-
~ribod in and who exeouted the foregoing conveyanoe to George S. S~ylor and Jennie tt. Say-
lor and R6verally ooknowlodged tho oxefution thereof to be thtlir free aot and deed for tho
UIJOS and purposes thorein mentioned; and tl.6 ssid Alice J. ?.neath tho wife of tho soid
\'I.i'l. Znaath on a sepo.ro.te and private exo.mination tekon and mode ~ Ul:d before me alld
5aparately lIIld apart from her sdd husband, did aoknowledge that oMire mad~.l18rself a party
to the said Deed of ';onveyaDoe. for the purpose of renowloillg, relinquishing and cOllveying
all her right, title and interest, whether of, dower or o. separate property. statutory '-
or equitable in and to the lands th~rein doaoribed, end that she exeouted eaid deed fre.ly
and voluntnrily ad withou' any oonstraint, tear, alJprehenulon or uOlilpulolon of or from her
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