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defca8i~ly seiled of said land in fee aimple; that said grantors have full power and la~ful
right to convey sa1.d lands in fee SiIQple, as aforosaid; that it shall he lowful for sRid
grantee, his heirs legal representatives and asmgns, at all times peaceably and quietly to
enter upon, hold, occupy and en~oy said lsnd; that seid lend i8 free from all incumbrances:
that 8aid grantors thetr ht'ira and legal representatives, will make such :~llrthcr aS3uranC6S
to perfect the fee simple title to seid land in aeid grantee, his h~irs. legal representatives
and assigns, as may reesonably be required; end that seid grantors do hereby fully warrant
the ti tIe to said land end '0'1111 defend the aeme egeinst the lewfnl claims -of ell perRons
WIT:.ESS the hsnds end seals of said grantor's the day and yenr first above ~r.ritten.
Signed, sealed anc dellvered
in the ~reser.oe of
Parke T. Burrows
Cemille 3. W. 3urrows,(Seal)
A.O. Latilringer
Leonerd H. Ditt~~r.
ST:"'i'~ O? IO:'/A
CCUli:'Y O~' SCC'.:':'.
I H:~~BY C:2~I?Y. That on this day personally apreared before ffiC. an officer culy au-
thorized to adttinister oaths and take acknowledgments, ~arke T. 3urrows and Ca~illa S.W.
BurroViS. his wife, to ne \':ell kno'::n ane. l:nOV,'11 to me tv be the incivicua.ls described in !lI~d who
executed the foregoing deed.- and they aci-:nowledged be:cre me that the:r executed the s~me free- ..
I .
ly and voluntarily for the purposes therein expr~s2ed.
A,';l', I ?U~?:::::: CS:::'IIT that ~he said Camilla 3.'(/. 3ur~'o~"s knc\-;n to De to te the wife bf the
said Par~e 1. 3urrows on 8 separate and priv8te examination taken ana made by and before ~e.
separately and apart fro~ her said husband. did acknowledge that she made herself a party to
said decd for the purpose of renoun~ing. relinquishing and conveying all her right, title and
interest, whether of dO~6r, homestead or of separate property. statutory or equitable. ill end
to the lands described therein. end that she exeouted the satd deed freely and 7ol~,tari1:r
and Vii thout any compulsion, constraint. apprehension or fear of or from her said husba.:.d.
and official seal at Davenport Co~tJ of Scott, and State of IO~8
. ~
~. C. Co.mbl1n
notarJ Public in and for Scott Co-:.r.ty. IO~'I'a.
1:;>' Corwr.ission expires July 4th. 1927.
($1.50 Doc. Stanrs Cancelled.)
?iH:d and recorded this the 13th auy of Jcn148rl 1925.
P. C. ~ldred. Cler~ Circuit Court.
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