HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL ROOFINGrage i • or t FI064— Building Code Online y :rat SCANNED 7 By St Lucie County eCls Moms i L" In un"A"wradde ft Toots 3 SUNM Swc"%e Spa 4. Facts ' Pt b k#W ft '; FaC Sp1r I SM Sa Map :i LIMAS; SMRI1 ' C ProductA ravel �1t�c;:�-ata.: � Rrt-over I.nnrorN Mertu > pmd ••e or A=J? �,I m Stich) A0N1, m tilt -> AppnOypfl petal) FL * FL7561-R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative .Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emall M Elite Aluminum Corporation 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954)949-3200 dk@doldmengineering.net Do Kim dk6dokimengineering.net Bruce Peacock 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954) 949.3200 b peacockeelitealuminum.com Category Roofing° Subcategory Products' Introduced asl a Result of New Technology Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect. or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer L.4 Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Do Kim, P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49497 Quality Assurance Entity QAI Laboratories Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/30/2022 Validated By CBUCK Engineering. M, .Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificateof Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified Ely Sections from the Code -1709.2 e COP f htto://xvww.floridabuilding.orutpr/pr app. dtl.aspx7param=wGEYXQwtDgsgJkzX72BeuCe.., 1/8120.18 .-__ _. _ ::.�,.«�cc�;-x_•.:, ... v .1 .- - .. - :r. ,.. %-�". r _.. L'll/.� i-rI _K„ _ `Florida Building Cade Online rage L of z 1 Product Approval Method Method 2 Option Date Submitted 08/15/2017 Date Validated 08/1611017 Date Pending. FBC Approval 08/20/2017 Date Approved, 10/10/2017 FL it Model, Number or Name 7561.1 Aluminum/Aluminum Composite Panels Liks of ed foUse Atnpprovr use In MvMz. Yes. Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: No Design Pressure: +801-80 Othen In HVHZ, not to be used In structures considered living areas per FBC:Sectlon 1616 unless Impact protection IS provided. See Installation drawing for nominal allowable. design pressures and'spans. Desaiptlon 3'/4"/6'x0.024'.x11b EPS Composite Panel, 3"/4'/6'x0.032x11b EPS Composite Panel, 3"/4'/6'x0.024'x2lb EPS Composite Panel, 3'/4'/6'x0.030'x2lb EPS Composite Panel, Installation Instructions EL7S61ite Aluminum Corn -Install Instruct.Ddf Verified By: Do Kim, P.E. PE 49497 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports Fl 7SFl Rd Ar- FL 7SGI Evakhation.Reoort2o17 FBC,odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes DacM NOat QnUct )g ;: 2601 etaR c,m s Read- Tnllahmmo yl »394 Ph9m, 852d67-1ei{ Tbf sate Of Ronda K a" AA/EE0 empldyer. Cenvrieta 2007.2023 2AM eF FWWj. ;: Prtvary Sttarr. 'It ; s :: e.nMw S41111e1t under Florida 4a, emaa addresses are vubtt records, it you do riot wantyour e-mail address round in rtsooma to a pubic -records reau"t. do not and daaronk mad to %M er4ay. Woad, contact flu once bypbone or by tradatonal maP• It you have any Oueations, 00M Contact 1150.4VANS. aWmsuam to Section 455.27511), Ilom& statutes, atkctNe oGOOet 1. 2012, licensees holrrsaa under Chapter 455, P.S. muss provide the Department wrta an email edOresS N t ty have OM. The. amass provided may be Used far orfidal CORA WrJM ldn with tra k&nM. HOneyer maU addresses are VAk record. If you do not wish to $up* a porm"M address, Pluto prows the Depan(Mnt with on Wd addro "Can be made ovaaeb's to the "iC. To de[onift d you ant aiicormw under chapter 455: F.S.. oaasa ak� b=. . Product Approval Aapb: MOMERE Mffif-"-M� nT : l ` httna/www.floridabuild ne.ore/nr/nr aft dtl.asnx?Harem=wGEVXO%vtDgsgJkzX72BeuCe... 3/8120'18 ELITE PANEL SPAN TABLES: 6' x 0.024 x 2 - LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) 1(ET _ _ I MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN (n) 1. Net allowable loads are permitted. to be. multiplied by 1.67 to derive ultimate loads (psf). 6' x 0.032,x 1 — LB EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLDVABLCI LDAD EPsr) MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN '(FT) L/BO L/iNA V180 L/240 .» e4w Eon am Im s• 17se IW4 ...6a t4 e / ). 1 JPlit .22 n . T e (NFRAL NOTES 1. COMOSI ap ds shill be eowavcM tni%type 3oMi1S4 domimlmiseiap. I or 2 PCF ASTM C-STi iwPcM brand US sdbao jr, domim'm faemp with Ashhod ChneW 2MOD ISO Brie. Falarkwiat W be by Me pPM p'omias caly in acwPdeLc wah appro.ad"fibricgie.n medods. 2. Elite roof perch meiAuai A UL 1715 (W) ckn'D' (eat) ad* Rod re NER 50) OPPro'' 3, Min tpeeiftntioa hm beeel dames! aad ¢.ell be histialed in ao(adarce Willi the requieegams Of 00 Fbrldo 8w1dt1µgCO& N Ediioo (IW-1 ca"Woye panh a mpiy oih Chapter 7 Swoon 720,Cbq*r b Sedim 503. Class A interior Raw wW Cl"w 26 Section 2603, All food WMing CodeVMadmew s1t20 be sdiaed to as'sgvhW- 4, 1Iw, &iVw sWl dc1csW a by imepeed anginoedns pie" de slYw *k kerb forsioe "Wakk tool conadions.(Ialnding load rombimiow) Wng th etas Dom the dWosbk beds ubles wad spun in this apptn4RL 5. Ddlecown Baits end allousbk Mwn bs4e beer tired 10 Soot FSC kthWtV the HVX7- la ""a dh prodnet *a be Bred ism mms-m io be aoe&%vd li.btg atmC per Sea$M 1616 etT�s impeet resisraooe k aocee6To i an the F1�71Z FAWA inem we nse4 6. sira* bow of2A his bmtow a 4mlop dbw" kods and span 0um teairg to aecae11al1ee in the fwaddises for Allnsinst Stouts" !Batt 1 and conform m the F13C Chaper 16 aril 10. 7. ?taq he bow criodocled in wootdaots to AWM E72-0S:.1411 b Tear of Ponds for SU" tg CdMUJX M B, kckrmc rwanVorte HBTb)5.192L HtiMW2164, WIW6--VM. HEn-06-2103.1thn4&2067. HED45-I002- HETI- 062107 FtfTldS-r9rt7. HM--O&2009.IMT40b20A. HETi.06.2071. HETI-0S-19M, HETIBS-I"1.11En4)6-:072 HET1-06.2073, IiE"4)&2074. HEIT-05-19K HETI454gS9, "En45.1993. IfM.05-1"5, HET"5.1995. HETI4- i9go, H671-0S-wx HETI-05 :'M. HETI-0S•2029. HEM-05-2039. HEn45.2030. HM1.03--011. HETI-05 201& 1IM, 0l.2036, Heat-m-203 ). HE7145-?oil, Hm4-0 -2o&% HETI4)5-2010. HETI45-20 2, 9. Uom itntaspolum stct0 be all"W Forkg.ecs yilbin Ne ubks "shwa. I0. Paerh sid fan berms shD be aomi nW "Wgo SWIVpalds wht nor fin, boon. Design ppokakwah any hwhwc 6- x 0.030 x 2 - LD EPS PANELS (ALLOWABLE CLEAR SPAN CHARTS) NET ALLOWABLE LOAD (P110 MAX. ALLOWABLE SPAN 0'T) L/00 L/120 L/190 L/240 ID - el a. 2.so 63 2263 ZJ34 tRa. P7 Sn h]e ere- met IjK4# N.0 MA. JOWL V1114 CONTIMJ In CALKING 0000- 00000(T ` )Q0Q0Q0p`O 00000 RUMIur..rmss s>Yrtm OFT®Ni, WITCA OR GRIP CAP %Lwc .' W V:DTN OrtERLtX M PATS WVT101 " SLOV) .. 0 0 0 0 0 y.} OOO�ODODODO 2 � CPS Colt O.� tit Aa O*0 " 0000 .� o0000 KIMWIM 901rU' 0� rAciNGs T.- DO KIM "xcck^=x, u.c CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS Poem "00 Taaw, /lima ur"SPAaa + w JWo O }? M C i 7 o 0 OOrSMOMPl. PSA raa.l�r.a ODOWAASSOMTMUM tun San PO Max roM T-./arts=/' Orewi'.p No. - FL-1001 60 KIM & A8,80CIAT -5, LLC CONNULTINO 'OTRUOTURAL .EI4OINxtlti Florida Board of Engineers Ceitificate'of.Authorization No. 26887 Product Evaluation Report Date: August 1-0;.2017 Report No.: FL# 7561-R4 Product Category: Roofing Product sub -category: Products Introduced as a Result of New Technology Product Name: EPS Foam Core w/ Aluminum.Skin Composite Panels Manufacturer: Elite Aluminum Corporation 4650 Lyons Technology Parkway Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Phone: 800-421-0682 Scope: This product evaluation report issued by Do Kim and Associates, LLC and Do Kim, P.E. for Elite Aluminum Corporation is based on Florida. Department of Business and Professional Regulation Rule -61G20-3.005 (2.) Method 2.(b) of.the, State of Florida Product Approval. Re-evaluation ofthis product shall be required following -pertinent Florida Building Code modifications or updates. Do Kiln and Associates, LLC and Do Kim, P.E. do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company -manufacturing or distributing the product or in any, other entity involved in the approval process -of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locationsAdhering to the. Florida Building Code, a Edition .(FBC) and where pressure acid deflection requirements, -as determined by Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code, do -not exceed thedesign pressures as shown on the approval. nrrr�.w+.n-s'iY 4� �J r1uh�� r*rs««.a�w�ow ow-w.r.s�r M�r+� w�wmrMrl a}.rwi�r1I11M Do Kim, P.E. FL #49407 P.O. Box 10039 813;857-9955 Tampa, FL 33679 dk®dokimenginecring net Sheet l;of3 Do KIM & A880'Ci ►TEs,, 'LLC CON�ULTINQ STRUCTURAL ENOINCCR8 Supporting Documents 1. Code Compliance A- The:product assembly, described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 6'h Edition (FBC), Section 1709.2. 2. Drawings: a. Drawing No. FL- 1001 titled 'EPS Foam Core Composite panels", Sheets 1 and 2 prepared by'Do Kim and Associates, LLC., signed and sealed by Do Kim, P.E. 3. Testing, a. Testing per ASTM E72-05 as performed by Hurricane Engineering & Testing, Inc. (HETI), andreported in testreport numbers 14ETI-05-1988, HETI-06-2:104, HETI.06- 2066, HETI-06-2105, HETI-06-2067, HETI-05-1002, HETI-06-2107, HETI-05-1987, HETI-06-2069, HETI-06-2070, HETI-06-2071, HETI-0-1994, HETI-05-1991,1.1ETI- 06-2072, HETI-06-2073, HETI-06-2074, HETI-05-1996, HETI-0571989, HETI-05-1993,. HETI-0$4985, HETI-05-1995,HETI-05-1990,.HET1-05-1997, HETI-05-2037, HETI= 05-2029, HETI-05-2039, HETI-05-2030, HETi-05-2041, HETI-05-2048, HETI-05-2036, HETI=05-2031, HETI-05-2038. HETI-05-2065,.HETI-05-2040, HETI-05-2042. 4. Calculations a. Panel performance engineering analysis for tested loading conditions have been prepared based on.comparative and/or rational analysis, prepared, and submitted by Do Kim, P.E. 5. Other a. Quality Assurance. Agreement verified with Quality Auditing -Institute, LTD. (QAI Laboratories, LTD.).(FBC Organization #QUA7628). P-A Box 10039 813.857-9955 Tampa, FL 33670 dk®dokimengineciing.net Shea 2 of 3 DO; KIM & Ae930131ATESt LLC CONSULTING BTRUCTURAL ENGIN«RS Limitations and Condition of Use 1. Code Compliance a. The product assembly described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 60' Edition (FBC); Section 1709.7: 2. Large -and small missile impact resistance has NOT been tested to or evaluated far in this. approval. In HVHZ, this product shall be used in structures "not to be considered living -areas" per Section 1616 unless impact resistance in accordance to the HVHZ requirements are met. 3. Bach�product listed above shall be installed in strict compliance with its respective Product Evaluation Document and site -specific engineering along with- all components'noted•herein. 4. Use of;each, product shall be in strict accordance with its Product Approval Evaluation and Limitations of Use. 5. Composite panels shall be constructed using type 3003-H 154 aluminum facings, 1 or 2 PCF ASTM C-578 Dyplast Products LLC brand EPS foam insulation '(NOA No. 16-.1129.05) adhere to aluminum facings with Ashland Chemical 2020D ISO grip. Fabrication to be by Elite panel productsonly in accordance with approved fabrication methods. 6. Elite roof panels maintain a'UL 1715 (int) class `B' (ext) rating and are NER-501 approved. 7. This.specifcation has been designed and shall be fabricated in accordance with the requirements of the FBC, composite panels comply with Chapter 7 Section 720, Chapter 8Section 803, Class. A interior finish, -and Chapter 26 Section 2603. All local building code amendments shall'.be adhered to as required. 8: The designer shall determine by accepted engineering practice the allowable loads for site. specific:_load conditions (including load combinations) using the data,from theallowable loads tables and spans in this approval. 9. Deflection limits and allowable spans have been listed to meet FBC including -the HVHZ (L/80 for spans:< 12'-0" and L/180 for spans > 12'-0"). M All supporting -host structures.shall be designed to resist all superimposed loads. i 1. All:components "which'are, permanently installed shall be protected against corrosion, contamination, and other suchfdamage. 12. size -and Span Limitations: . Composite panels shall be limited to those specific panels listed in the DWG. FL-.10.01: b.- Panel spans shall not exceed those listed in the tables of DWG. FL-1001. r' P.O. Box,10039 813.857-9955 Taq FL 33679 pa,- dlt(Ra3dokimenginecring.net Sheet 3 of 3 s r r FX�����'�'Gi� RECEIVED FEB. 16 1018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County FILE C4PV r ALUMINUM SCREEN ENCLOSURE POST BY OTHERS. SELF TAPPING SHE10 METAL SCREW INTO POST. SEE -ELEVATION FOR A14CHOR SPACING. 3/ 16" TAPCON W/ 1 1 /4" MIN �MBEDMENT INTO r'ONCRETE u10 SELF TAPPING SHEET METAL SCREW MAX. 6" FROM CORNERS AND 24" O.C. MAX. TYP. WEN 0 SELF METAL SCREW TAPPING PER EACH HINGE I `10 SELF TAPPING SHEET METAL SCREW 3.5' FROM CORNERS AND 15-95" n.C_ MAX TYP_ INTERIOR ALUMINUM SCREEN ENCLOSURE POST BY OTHERS. TYP. HEAD & SILL SECTION (OUTSWI•NG) FILE Copy 10 SELF TAPPING HEV METAL SCREW 5.71 FROM CORNERS AND 17.125" O.C. MAX. TYP. r•, v; I NOTES: 1) THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED TO COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 5TH EDITION (2014). 2) SHIM AS REQUIRED AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR WITH LOAD BEARING SHIM. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 1/4", SHIM, WHERE SPACE OF 1/16" OR GREATER OCCURS. 3) MATERIAL: ALUMINUM ALLOY 6063-T5. 4) 1/8" TEMPERED GLAZING MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM E 1300-04. 5) RESPONSIBlUTY FOR SELECTION OF WINDOW PRODUCTS* MEET ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL LAWS, BUILDING CODES, ORDINANCES OR OTHER SAFETY REQUIREMENTS REST SOLELY WITH THE ARCHITECT, BUILDING OWNER OR CONTRACTOR. 6' POSTS BY OTHERS- THE POS'S SUPPLIED BY OTHERS SHALL: A) PROVIDE STRUCTURAL STRENGTH TO CARRY IMPOSED LOADS. 8) FIRMLY ANCHOR ALL FASTENERS TO CARRY STRUCTURAL LOADS. 7) USE FASTENER. SCHEDULE ON ELEVATION VIEW. 8) USE LATEX CAULK OR EUIVIALENT FOR PERIMETER SEAL AROUND BEHIND DOOR FLANGE 9) ALL IISTALLATION ANCHORS MUST BE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR COATING 10) PRODUCT AND INSTALLATION CONTAINED HEREIN COMPLIES CAPACTIY OF POS• AND NEG. 55.0 PSF. 11) OPTIONAL GLAZING IS 1/8" ACRYLIC. WHEN PRODUCT IS USED WITH THIS OPTION THE MAXIMUM DESIGN PRESSURE RAT% IS LIMITED TO (75 12) SECTION F1622.1MPHSCREEN ENCLOSURES FOR HVHZ M4THE 2009 SUPPLEMENTS ALLOW THE USE OF VINYL AND ACFaC. 13) DESIGN PRESSURES, ANCHOR SPACING AND LOCAS DERIVED FROM TESTED UNIT, TEST REPORT CTLA-1297W, NAMI1-r 5907A. ,1) .14 ¢4 ;NID"IH •' TYP. JAMB SECTION (OLITSWING) OPTIONAL ACRYLIC GLAZING NOTE: WINDOW VENTS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN 3 SECOND GUSTS• V3S=75 MPFrAS PER SECTON 1622.2.1 OF THE FLORDA BUILDJNG CODE REMOVABLE PAAELS SHALL BE INDENTIFIED AS REMOVABLE BY A DECAL. THE IDENTIFICATION DECAL SHALL ESSENTIALLY STATE: " Removable panel shall be removed when wind speeds. exceed 75 mph (34mis)." DECALS SHALL BE PLACED SUCH THAT THE DECAL IS VISIBLE WHEN THE PANEL IS INSTALLED. - - 'ING s ;CREW r' r ELEVATION .7 / (PACING. 1 4" MAX i I WINDOW CRAFTSMEN' INC. 6031 CLARK CENTER AVE. SARASOTA, FLORIDA 34238 TITLE: ALUMINUM PRIME ENTRY DOOR INSTALLATION DETAILS ENGINEER: MARK A SMITH DRAWN BY: MA5; ,-, 6/29/15 DISCIPLINE: CIVIL SCALE: N.T.S. D 0r _PD-001 FL. REG. NO.: REV. LETTER: SHEIJ 55511 E 1 108" MAX O.A. WINDOOW WID 74" WW1D,TH-..- WINDOW WIDTH - ----- — - �- - ..__ VERTICAL SECTION RTICALSECTION SEE SHEET 2, DETAIL A --;,,- ��� EESHEET 2,DETAIL B„�., "TAIL SECTIO SHEET 3 ETAIL D 96" MAX O.A. WINDOW HEIGHT HORIZONTAL SECTIC SEE SHEET 3 DETAIL E ELEVATION - 2 TRACK (EXTERIOR) ELEVATION - 3 TRACK (EXTERIOR) 144" MAX O.A. f•._.._.._ _._..-------- WINDOW WIDTH ......- ---- -------+ I VERTICAL SECTION I SEE SHEET 2, DETAIL C 96" MAX O.A. VdVINDOW HEIGHT i i NOTES: 1. THE PRODUCT SHOWN HEREIN IS IS DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED TO COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 5TH EDITION (2014). 2. ENCLOSURE TO BE DESIGNED AND ANCHORED TO PROPERLY TRANSFER ALL LOADS TO STRUCTURE. ENCLOSURE IS THE RESPONSIBLITY OF THE ARCHITECT OR S WINDOW VENTS SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN 3 SECOND GUSTS, V3S=75 MPH AS PER SECTON 1622.2.1 OF THE FLORDA BUILDING CODE. REMOVABLE PANELS SHALL BE INDENTIFIED AS REMOVABLE BY A DECAL. THE IDENTIFICATION DECAL SHALL ESSENTIALLY STATE:" Removable panel shall be removed when wind speeds, exceed 75 mph (34m/s).' DECALS SHALL BE PLACED SUCH THAT THE DECAL IS VISIBLE WHEN THE PANEL IS INSTALLED. 4. AN APPROVED MEMBRANE OR MATERIAL SHALL BE PL. ,CE i BETWEEN ALL DISSIMILAR METALS TO CONTROL GALVANIC CORROSION. 5. WINDOW FRAME AND VENT MATERIAL SHALL BE ALUMINUM ALLOY 6063-T5. 6. USE LATEX CAULK TO SEAL BEHIND FLANGES, BETWEEN COMPONENT SEAMS AND FRAME CORNERS. APPLICATION OF LATEX CAULK MUST COMPLY WITH SEALANT MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 7. JAMB/SILL CORNERS AND ALL ANCHORS TO BE SEALED WITH SNALL JOINT SEAM SEALANT 8. #10 SMS SCREWS INSTALLATION ANCHORS MUST BE SPACED AS FOLLOW: HEAD AND SILL: 6" MAX. FROM CORNERS AND SPACED 19" MAX. O.C. SIDE JAMBS : 6" MAX. FROM CORNERS AND SPACED 17" MAX. O.C. 9. SECTION 1622.1, SCREEN ENCLOSURES FOR HVHZ. ALLOW THE USE OF VINYL, POLYCARBONATE AND ACRYLIC. DESIGN PRESSURE RATING: ±9.6PSF TESTED TO 14APSF WHICH IS EQUIVALENT TO 75MPH. REFERENCE TEST REPORT NCTL-210-3119-01 * AS PER LATEST REVISION OF RULE 9B-72, WIND BREAKERS ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED TO BE FBC APPROVED. RERERENCE 913-72.010 (31) (b) WIND BREAKERS ARE NO By OTHERS ALUM. 040' MIN THICKNESS ZZ WINDOWFLANGE & SCREEN ENCLOSURE #10INSTALLATION_ SCREWANCHOR WINDOW FRAME HEAD WINDOW FRAME It HEAD wl Ai SCREEN TRACK ' It EXTERIC SPREADER BAR BYOTHERS ------- ALUM. a4v MIN THICKNESS CAULK BETWEEN WINDOWFLANGE &SCREEN ENCLOSURE hLTERNATEANCHOR 1110 INSTALLATION LOCATION SCREWANCHOR 0.12.5' MAX SPACE VIANDOWFRAME HEAD WINDOW FRAME 11 HEAD vv/ SCREEN TRACK 11 1 1 1WINDOW It HEIGHT EXTERIOR SPREADER BAR VERTICAL SECTION 2 TRACK (OUTSIDE MOUNT SHOWN/ INSIDE MOUNT SIMILAR) BY OTHERS ALUM. 040r MIN THICKNESS CAULK BETWEEN WINDOWFLANGE & SCREEN ENCLOSURE ATEANCHOR # 10 INSTALLATION )N SCREWANCHOR 0.125' MAX SPACE WINDOWFRAME HEAD r It WINDOW FRAME II HEAD wt SCREEN TRACK It I I wNjLoyv u HEIGHT EXTERIC SPREADER BAR 'HOR MAX SPACE WINDOW HEIGHT JB� VERTICAL SECTION rC--,\ VERTICAL SECTION \J_3 TRACK (OUTSIDE MOUNT SHOWN 1 4 TRACK (OUTSIDE MOUNT SHOWN I INSIDE MOUNT STIVULAR) INSIDE MOUNT SIMILAR) WINDOW CRAFTSMEN, INC. 6031 CLARK CENTER AVE. SARASOTA, FLORIDA 34238 Ti2, 3, AND 4 TRACK I.S.M. & G.S.M. /HORIZONTAL ACRYLIC WINDBREAKER W/�g,.RWER BAR VERTICAL SECTIl*9"--f"- ENGINEER: MARK A. SMITH DRAWN BY: MAS DATE' 7/12/15 DISCIPLINE CIVIL SCALE: N.T.S. DWG 0. WAS004 FL. REG. NO.: REV. LETTER:SHE.LT 55511 N 2 PREPARED ,BY 'MARK SMITH, P.E. 3738 KJNGSWOOD DRIVE, SARASOTA, FL 34232 PH. 941-343-0008 y, J MAX. SHIM SPACE 125—(I WINDOW WIDTH BY OTHERS -._.._.. ALUM..040' MINTHICKNESS 1I o 0 WINDOW FRAME fi CAULK BEIWEEN JAMB \ 1 INDOW FRAME WINDOW FIANGE ,� JAMB & SCREEN EXTERIOR ENCLOSURE ! # 10 INSTALLATION _, /"MHORIZONTAL SECTION SCREW ANCHOR S 2 TRACK (OUTSIDE DIOUNT SHOWN! 9. INSIDE A10UNT SIDIILAR) MAX. SH SPACE .1 BY OTHERS ALUM..040" MIN THICKNESS CAULK BETWEEN WINDOW FLANGE ' 8 SCREEN MAX. SHIM SPACE ALTERNATE ANCHOR :125 LOCATION ,OTHERS ALUM..040' FAIN M.IltJCCC CAULK BETWEEN WINDOW FLANGE _ & SCREEN ENCLOSURE --_„_ # 10 INSTALLATION SCREW ANCHOR ALTERNATE ANCHOR LOCATION BY OTHERS ALUM..040" MIN THICKNESS CAULK BETWEEN � WINDOW FLANGE & SCREEN ENCLOSURE ENCLOSURE ' __ __ # 10 INSTALLATION 10 INSTALLATION 1 3TRACK(OUTSIDEINSIOIi MOUNT SHOWN/ SCREW ANCHOR SCREWANCHOR , htouNT SIM1ULAR) SCREW • —,___ WINDOW FRAME JAMB VVINUUW FRAME JAMB -- EXTERIOR [V'\IIORIZONTAL SECTION WIN00'N tlA0TF1 / L / VAX. RN SHU.125 .l25uAx S SPACE ALTERNATE ANCHOR i MIN THICKNESS 4 MIL THICKNESS WINDOW CRAFTSMEN., INC., . 6031 CLARK CENTER AVE. CAULK BETWEEN WINDOWFFLANGE � _ WINDOW FRAME / JAMB JAMB WFRAME CAULK BETWEEN SARASOTA, FLORIDA 34238 & SCREEN --� �_ WINDOW FLANGE & SCREEN TITLE: ENCLOSURES EXTERIOR ENCLOSURE =2•,-.3 & 4 TRACK I.S.M. & O.S.M. 10 INSTALLATION SCREW ANCHOR _ #10INSTALLATION- �.. HORIZONTAL ACRYLIC WINDBREAKER W/SPREADER BAR (SECTION SCREWANCHORHORIZONTAL • _ yORflNTAL•_.SEGTdONS _ 1 4TRACK (ORIUIDL•'MOI0ITSHOWN I _�„ INSIDEM01INTSWILAR) ENGINEER: MARK A SMITHDRAWN BY: DATE- MAS 7/12/15 DISCIPLINE: CML SCALE:_ _N:T.S. 'DWG N0. In R;rr N!1 • 0R I C'1-ICo. - LI LT 55511 N F. 3 PREPARED BY MARK SMITH, P.E. 3738 KINGSWOOD DRIVE, SARASOTA, FL 34232 PH. 941-343-0008