HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL MODIFIED BITUMEN ROOF SYSTEM20 BOS-Home I Log In '1• User Registration r i' 716e ib6 90 CglWtyyr0aW PriductApproval d, .U$ER: Riblic User •Ploduct Aooroval Menu S PrOiJuct or AoolicatignSeaich s $pollcation Cist > Apptirtlori get5il FC #. FL1654-R22. Application Type Revision Code Version - 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance ,Representative Address%Phone/Er0ll Category Subcategory 'Compliance Method 19 POLYGLASS USA 150 Lyon Drive Fernley; NV 89408 (570)384. 1230 :E4 242 je kins@polyglas5.corTf .Jameslkins jakins@polyglass.com Maury.'Alpert - - 4.>�I.lyr�l�•�••- �3tX ' tttto. rORL AucaroaP. -ras pit UI ki510H4 jrccu rALY bsp' ST. LZTCir, c^URTY P.mnn- jr pm.9j7N P MEWED FOR COWLIANCE RE ``WED BY DATE FLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEPT ON JOB OR NO INSPECTION WILL BE MARE. THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO COMPLY W1711 AU.APMABLi CODES, CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATTACHMENTS ARE THE R'EASSPgONS/I�BILUTYyOpF�THE MMITIWM I OR OF t15bUfRY 1111 W. Newport Center Drive peerfield' Beach, FL 33442 (912)429=8610 MAlpert@polyylass.com Mel Lender 1111 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 233-1230 . ALender@polygiass.com Roofing, Modified Bitumen:Roof System Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or" Architect Name who developed the Robert Nieminen Evalua..tion, Report. Florida License PE-50166 Quality -Assurance Entity UL Lut :Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 10/06/2018 Validated By 7.ohn W... Knezevich, PE Validation Checklist _ Hardcopy Received' Certificate of Independence• Referenced Standard and'Year-(of Standard) FILE COPY FL1654 R22 COI 2017 01 COI Nleminen.pdf Standard Year ASTM D6162 2008' ASTM D6163 2008, ASTM D6164 2011 ASTM D6222 2011 ASTM D6509 2009 ' FM 44.70 2012 FM 4474 201f r UL 1897 2012 Equivalence of Product:Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval; Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 09/14/2017 Date Validated 09/15/2017' Date Pending: FBC Approval 09/22/Z017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products FL;# Model; Number or Name Descrip;fort 1654J Ptiiyglass>SBS:and APP Modified SBStand APR modified bitumen roof.systems Bitumen. Roof Systems Limits of use Iristailation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No. FLIG54 R22 7I 2017 09 FINAL Al ER POLYGLASS MQDBIT FL1654-. , R22 f Approved. for use outside HVHZ. Yes- Impact Resistant- N/A. Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Design pressure:'+N/A/-622.5 Other. 1.) The design pressure In this application Created byIndependent Third'Party: Yes fevaivation Reports relates to one particular -assembly over concrete FL1654 R22 AE 2017 09 FINAL ER POLYGLASS MODBIT FL1.6s4-. deck. ,Refer to the ER:Appendix for othersystems and deck.types. 2.). Refer to ER; Section-5 forother Limits ,1122.odf of Use. Created by;Independent,Third Party: Yes Brack Next. Contact, :: t..2601 8la1r Stone Road. Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850=467-1614 The State:of Florida is an-AA/EEO -employercCopyright 2007-2013- State •of Florida: i Privacy Statementr.: Accessibility Statement.— Refund Statement Under,Florida.law, email addressesare public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to'a public -records request, do.not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead; contact the office by phone or by traditional mall. Ifyou;h'gve any questions, please contact 850AV.1395. *Pursuantto'Section 455.27s() 1 , Florida Statutes, effective October 1 2012, licensees,llcensed'under chapter 455 F:S: muskprovide the Department -with an email:address if;thLy have one: The emalls provided may 'be.used for official communication with the licensee However'emalfaddresses are public reco[d. If you do -no[ wish'to supplyra personal se address; pleapr*de the Department with an.email address wWh,canbe made avalfableifo-the public. 7o determine If:yourare a licensee under Chapter455, F:S., please d1ck bjML., Product Approval Accepts. M , At Credif Gard: 0 V: TRINITY 1A Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) _ A-1___ Bonded InsUlation,.Bonded Roof Cover 5 1B-1 Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-2 'Mech. Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover, . 5-9 16-2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear -Off): or Recover A-2 Mech-Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded' Insulation, -Bonded Roof Cover 10=11 IC;. _. _ . _ Wood . New; Reroof (Tear- ff ,or Recover B Mech..Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top.In5ul4tion, Bonded Roof Cover 11 1D. Wood New; Reroof (Tear=Off) or Recover C Mech'.Attached Insdlation,,eonded Roof Cover -12-13 1E Wood New, Reroof (Tear -'Off) or'Recoyer D •Prelim: Attached Insulation, Mech. Attached'Base Sheet,, Bonded'Roof Cover 1F-1• Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non -Insulated, Mech. Attached Base Sheet (nails); Bonded Roof. Cover 16-18 r IF-2 Wood New, Reroof (Tear-Off),or Recover E: Non=Insulated, Mech. Attached_ Base Sheet (screws:& plaies),.Bonded'Roof Cover 19 21 1G Wood New or Reroof (Tear -Off) F Non -Insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 21 2A Steel or Structural' concrete New, Reroof {Tear -Off); or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top.lnsulation, Bonded Roof Cover 22-24 26 Steel or Structural concrete New; Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 25-28 2C Steel or Structural, concrete New; Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover 0 Prelim. Attached Insulation, Mech. Attached Base Sheet, Bonded: RooP,Coyer -29-3.1 3A Structural concrete. New.or Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bondedln'sulation, Bonded Roof'Cover 32-40 36 Structural concrete: New:or Reroof (Tear -Off) F Non -insulated, Bonded Roof Cover 40 4A LWIC New or. Reroof (Tear -Off) A-1 Bondedinsulation, Bonded Roof Cover - . _ .- _ 41-42 4B LWIC New or Reragf (T,ear-Off) A-2 Mech, Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded insulation, Bonded• Roof Cover- _ 43 4C LWIC New or Reroof (Tear -Off) E Non=Insulated, Mech, Attached.BasetSheet, Bonded Roof Cover 44-46 SA CWF New or Reroof (Tear -Off) A4 Bonded insulation, Bonded Roof -Cover 47 5B CWF New Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover A-2 Mech, Attached Anchor Sheet, Bonded Insulation, Bonded, Roof Cover 48 5C: CWF _• New, Reroof (Tear -Off), or Recover B Mech. Attached Base Insulation, Bonded Top Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 49. 5D CWF New, Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover C Mech. Attached Insulation„ Bonded Roof Cover 49. 6A Gypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) A4 Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 50-52 6BGypsum Reroof,(Tear-Off);or Recover A-2. Mech. Attached AnchtirSheet;.Bonded Insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 52. 6C Gypsum Reroof'(Tear-off) or Recover C- _. Mech.Attached lnsulation,,Bonded'RoofCover 53 6b Cypsum Reroof (Tear -Off) or Recover E Non -Insulated, Me& Attached Base'Sheet; Bonded Roof Cover _. 53 7A Various Recover A-1 Bonded.insulation, Bonded Roof Cover 54 58 7B Various Recover' F Nonansulated, Bonded Base.Sheet; Bonded Roof Cover 58 The'followinA notes applVtothe systems outlined herein: 1. 'The roof s*drn evaluation.herein.pertains to above -,deck roof components: Roof decksand structural members shall be in accordance with-FBC requirements to the satisfaction of -the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be. documented through proper codified and/ -or FBC Approval documentation. Z Insulation./ base sheetfasteners shall bebf sufficient length forthe following deck engagement: ➢ Wood: Minimum 0.75-inch"0enetration. I>' Steel-. Minimum 0:75=inch penetration and engage the top flute of the steel deck. A Structural concrete: Minimum lAnch embedment into pilot.hole`in,accordance with fastener manufactur&s published.instaliation instructions. 3. Unless otherwise noted; insulation may be any one. layer,orr combination of .polyisocyanurate, polystyrene, wood fiberboard, perlite, gypsum=based roof board or mineral=wool ;roof board, that meets the CIA requirements of :F A.C.. Rule 61G20-3 and is•documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and; for foam:plastic, FBC'Chapter 26, when installed with the roof cover. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. d/b/a Trinity l ERO Evaluation Report P9299;o ' -R20 for'FL1654R22 Certificate of Authorization #9503 0' EDITION (2017) FBC NON=HVH&EVALUATION Revision 20: 00/12%2017 Prepared by: 'Robert Nieminen, PE-59166 Polygiass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (570) 384-1230- Appendix 1, Page 1 of 58 Minimum, 200 psi, minim urn 2-inch thick lightweight insulating concrete rnay' be substituted for rigid insulation board for System Type: D (mechanically attached base sheet; bonded. roof cover) whereby the base sheet fasteners are instatled;through the LWIC to engage the structural steel or'dbnerete deck: The. structural deck -shall be of equal, or;greater configuration to the steel and concrete`deck listings: Roof decksand; stwctura/.members shall bt in accordance with'FBC requireinents.to the;satisfacti6n-of:the Authority Having Jurisdiction; Load resistance -of the roof deck,tshail be documented through proper:codified and/or FAG Approval documentation. .5. Preliminary'insulation attachmentfor-4ysterrrType D: Unless otherwise noted, refer to Section 2.2,:10:13 of FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-29,(Janpary1o16). Unless otherwise noted; insulation adhesive:application rates are. as follows. Ribbon or bead width is atahe time of application; the ribbons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturer`s publishedinstructions. D Hof asphalt (HA): Full coverage .:at;25-30lbs/square:. Dow iNSTA STIK Quik Set Insulation Adhesive (D-15): Continuous0:75u 1-inch wide ribbons,12-inch p.c. Y Millennium; One Step Foamable Adhesive (M-OSFA): Continuous0r25 to 0.5-irich wide ribbons 1-2-inch p.c. > Millennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive (M-PG1): Continuous 0 25'io 0:5-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch p.c. P OMG Olypond 500 (413500)': Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons;12-inch o.c. (Pacecari or5pot5hot): Note: OlyBond Green.moy be used where OlyBond Sao is referenced. P• AlyBopd Classic (OB Classic): F611 coverage aV.1 gal/square. ➢. ICP Adhesive'$: Sealants CR<20; Continuous 25-3.5-inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. Note. When multlpfe'fayers(s) of insulation and/jor•coverboard ore•lnstoiled In ribbon -applied adhesive, board joints-shall;besfoggeCe4 3y Note' The-maximum°edge distance from the adhesive.ribbon to theedge of the insulation, board shalTbe riat,iess•than one-half [be speeifrgd ribbons spocing. Unless otherwise.noted,Fall insulations' are flat -stock or taper board of the minimum°thickness noted. Tapered potyis4cyanurate.at the`fd)lowi- thickness" limitations mayb'eaubsfituted Withthe following Maximum . Design.Pr..essure.(MDP) (imitations. In,no caseshail these yatuesbe-used to'increase' the MDR listings in'the tablet; rather'if'MDPdisting,balow meets or exceeds that listed for a particular system in the tables; then the thinner board listed below may used as'a drop -in for,the equivalent thicker material listed in the table: Millennium One Step Foamabie;Adhesive (M-OSFA): MOP -157.5 psf .(Min. D 5-inchthick) Y'Millenoium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive.(M-PG1); MOP -157.5 psf ( Min. 0.5-inch thick) P OMG OiyBond 506-(OB506): MDP -45.0 psi (Min. 0.94nch thick Muiti-Max FA-3) D OMG-Oly,Bond Soo (06S06): MDP -197.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick ISO 95+GL) ➢ O.MG OlyBond 560 (08500) MDP -315.0 psf' (Min. 0.5-inch thick ENRGY'3) OMG OlyBond 500 jOB500): MOP -487.5 psf (Min. O S-inch thick ACP am llJ Y ICP Adhesives & Sealants CR-20e MOP -117:5 psf`' (Min.1.0-rnch thick) 8. Bonded.polyisocyanurate irisulatiomboardsshail be maximum 4 x 4 ft, 9. For mechanically attached components or'partially bonded Insulation, the'maximum 'design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet, or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure; determined in accordance with F9C Chapter 16„and Zones 2 and 3 shall employ:an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods<are ANSI/SPRI' WD1,.FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet1.29, Roofing Application Standard RAS117 and Roofing Application Standard' RAS 137: Assemblies marked with an .asterisk' carry the: limitations: set forth. in Section 2I2.10c1 of fM Loss Prevention Data:Sheet 1=29 (January 2016.)'foi Zone 2/3 enhancements,- 10. For fully bonded assemblies; the maximum design pressure;forthe selectedlassembly shall`,meet or exceed critical design pressuredetermined in accordance with FBC;Chapter 16, and no rational analysis is;permitted. 11. For mechanically attached components over existing decks, fasteners shall.be tested in the existing deck for,withdrawal resistance. A quall fied design professional shall` review the'data for comparison to the minimum requirements.for the system: Testing and analysis shall be in accordance with ANSI/SPRI FX4 or Testing Application Standard'TA5105. 12. For existing substrates.in'a bonded recover or re-roofinstallation;;the eklsting roof surface orexisting roof deck shall'be examined for compatibility and bond' performance with the selected adhesive, and the; existing roof'system (for recover) shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the Authority HavingJurisdiction, as documented through field uplift testingan accordance with ANSI/SPRI IA-1, ASTM E9o7, FM loss Prevention bata`Sheet 1-52 or Testing Application Standard tAS 124. 13. For Recover Applications;using System Type D,: the insulation is optional; however, the existing roof systern;shati be suitable fora recover application. 14, Lightweight Insulating Concrete(LW.C) shall. be.tast:in atebrdance:wit h .FBC.Section 1917 to the satisfaction of the Authority Having,lurisdictiort. For;4ystems where specific-LWC:is referenced, refer to current WC ProductAppt6Val for specific deck:construction and limitations. forsystents-Wherespecific LWC is not:referenced, the'niinimum dAsign.mix shall be 300 psi: In all cases, the minimum -top -coat thiickness•is.1-inches. For, WCoverstructural concrete, refeeeoce:rs made to FlIC5ection<1917A.T, Point I. Exterior Researckand-Design, LLC. d/b/a Tri iltyi FAD' Evatuatiori_ e.port P9290.02.08-1120for FL1654-R2x Certificate of Authorization #9503 6�.EVIT10N (2017)-FBCNON-HVHZEVALt1ATiON; Revision 20: 09/12/2017 Prepared by: RobertNier 'ineni PE-59166 Poiyglass Modified Bitumen Roof systems;(570) 384-1230 Appendix 1, Page 2 of'58 25, Unless otherwise noted, refer to the following references for bonded base, ply or cap sheet applications. 16. Q':Twnl-nrf ERD ' AftF�iPQldiiltiDP' Reference, Layer Material Application BP -AA Base. Ply. One or more.plies Polyglass 62 Base, FBCApproved ASTM D4601, Type 11 Hot Asphalt atr20-40 (Base and'Ply'stieets;-Asphalt- Ply One or more plies Polyglass Ply IV, Polyglass Ply VI, FBC Approved ASTM D2178, Type IV or VI Applied) Note: Asphalt -applied sheets or insulation shall not applied to poly -film surfaced membranes; Ibs/square Base Ply One ply Elastobase (sand/sand); Elastoflex V, Elastoflex So, Elastoflex S6 Type 11; Polyglass'HT Base 650 8BS=GA1 CaP Ply Elastoflex VG, Elastoflex VG PR, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6 Type 11, Elastoflex S6 G;. Elastoflex S6'G FR, Elastoshield TS=G, Elastoshielt FG350 at1:5-2:0 gal/square TS-G FR, Polyfresko G SBS (sand-backed),_Polyfresko G SBS FR (sand -backed) Base Ply ,One Ply Elastobase-(sand/sand), Elastoflex V,.Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6•Type 11 Polyplus.35 at 15=2.0 Cap Ply Elastoflex-VG, Elastoflex VG.. FR, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex36 Type 11, Elastoflex S.6 G,,ElastoflexS6 G F& Elastoshield TS-,G; Elastoshield SBS=CA2 gal/square TS.-G FR; Polyfresko G SBS.(sand-backed);, Polyfresko G SBS FR (sand -backed). One or more plies Elastobase (sand/sand'or poly/sand), Elastobase P (sand/sand or poly/sand), ElastoflexV; Elastoflex 56, Elastoflex Base Ply or Ply S6Type 11, Polyglass HT Base 650 20-40 SBS AA (SBS, Asphalt -Applied) Cap Ply - � Ela"stiiflex V; Elastoflex VG, Elastoflex VG FR;.EIastoflex.S6, Elastoflex 56?ype II, Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex`56 G FR, Elastoshield TS=G, Hot Asphalt at ills/square ElastoshiefdTS-G.F.R,ftlyfresko,G SBS'(sand-backed), Polyfresko G:SBS,FR (sand:backed) Note: Asphalt -applied sheets or Insulation shall not be applied to poly film surfaced membranes. Base Ply or Ply One 'or more plies Elastobase (sand/poly),.Elastobase.(poly/poly), Elastoflex V, Elastoflex 56, Elastoflex S6 Type II, Polyglass HT Base SB5-TA 650 Torch -Applied Cap Ply Elastoflex V,:Elastoflex VG, Elastoflex VG FR, Elastoflex S6, Elastoflex S6 Type 11, Elastoflex S6 G, Elastoflex S6 G FR, Elastoshield TS-G, (SBS,,Tbrch-Appiiedj Elastoshield TS-G F,R, Polyfresko G SBS (posy-filimbacked), Polyfreskb,G SBS FRR(poly-film backed)' , Base Ply One or more plies Elastoflex SA V Base, Elastoflex SA V'fR Base; Elastoflex-SA V Plus, Elastoflex,SA V Plus FR 565-SA Cap Ply ElastoflekSA P, Elastoflex SAP, FR, Polyreflect: Self -Adhering (SBS,.Seif.-Adhering) Note: Unless otherwise noted,, permissible membrane substrates far38S-SA' are limited to theSSS-SA Base ply options herein,. Elastobase (poly/sand) or Elastobase (poly/poly).. APP-cAl Cap Ply Polyflex-G FR P18350at,1:5-2.0 gal/square APP TA: Base Ply or Ply One or more plies Polyglass,APP Base; Polyflex, potybond (APP, Torch -Applied) Cap Ply ;Pal ex, Polyflex G, Polyflex:G FR, Polybon'd, Polybond G, Po)yfreskgG, Polyfresko G FR Torch -Applied Cap Ply- :Po"ex SA P, Polyflex'SA P FR, Polyfresko G SA, Polykooi , APP-SA (APP, Self -Adhering) Note: Unlegsptherwise noted, permissible membrane substrates forAPP-SA are limited to the SBS-SA Base Plyaptions herein, Self -Adhering Elastobase(poly/sand) or Elastobase-(poly%poly). Any of the following FBC:Approrved coatings -may be applied to -the top roof membrane without -adverse effect on the system wind load performance_ associated with coating usage. A PG200 Nan fibered Roof Coating,• A PG300 Fibered'RBof Coatirig; D P6600Non4iberedAluminum Roof Coating; D PG650 fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; A P.G760 High Quality ElastomericRoaf Coating or KWAcryl25; A PG700C4 (Quick Set) High: Quality bastomeric Roof'Coating or:KM Acry125-6.S (for,granule-surfaced APP or Manly); Y PG800As0laltEmulsion.RoofCoating; A Polyplus 608remiumNon-Eibered Aluminum Roof Coating; A Polyplug 65 Premium Fibered Aluminum. Roof Coating; A Polybrite 70'Premlum Grade Elastomeric.Roof Coating or KM Acryl 15; A Polybrite 764 _IQuick:Sec) Premium Grade Elastomeric Roof Coating or,KM Acry115=LL5 lforgranule-surfaced APP or SBS only); A Polybrite 90 High Solids Silicone Roof Coating at Polybrite 95 Silicone Roof Coating. Refer to current Roofing. Materials. Directory for fire'ratings Exterior'Researah and Design, LM d/b/a Trinity,(fRD Evaluation Report P9290.02.68-R20 for FL1654-R22 Certificate of Authorization #9503 6TM EDITIOK(2017) FBC N0WHVHZ EVALUATION Revision 20: 09/12/2017 Prepared by: RobertNlelninen, PE-59166 Polyglass Madified Bitumen Roof Systems; (570) Mo1230 Appendix 1, Page 3 of 58 17.. Dens Deck shall be field -primed With PG100 priorto self -adhering Membrane application. Refer to tables herein for other priming requirements. 4 TRINI'j`Y �ERD 18. Vapor barrie-r- options for Use overstructural concrete deck followed by adhered,insulation carry the following Maximum Design Pressure (MOP) limitations. The lesser of the MOP listings below vs. those in Table BA applies: c aNwMwceJ�c.. Optionf! Primer ' Vapor Barrier Insulation Adhesive MDP-(p'sf) Type- Attach VB4.. PG100 Elastoflex SA V Plus Self=Adhering Inta-SUk or CR-20; 12-inch o.c. 60.0 VB-2 PGi00 PolyglassAPPBase Torch -applied Into-Stikorfia-20;`12-incho.c. 45.0 V13-1 PG100 Elastoflex SA P Self -Adhering lnsta-Stik,12-inch o.c. -75.0 VB-4,. PG100 Elastofl&SA P Self=Adhering• Millennium One Step Foamable•-Adhesive, 12-inch,o.c. =157.5 VB-S. PG100 Elastoflex SAP Self -Adhering C11'40,12-inch,o.c. -270,0 VB-lit PG300 Elastoflex:SA V Base,_Elastoflex SA'V FR. Base; Elastoflex,SA V Plus,'ElastoflexSA V Plus FR Self -Adhering 1._____ Millennium One Step.Foamable Adhesive, Millennium 06-1 Pump -Grade'. Adhesive; OlyBond;500.,orCR-20,12-inch o.c. -290.0 19, "MDP" =Maximum Design Pressureistt eresult of testing Wind -load resistance based on:allowable-wind.loads. Referto FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. Exterior Research and Oesign, LLC- d/b/a Tdnity) ERD Certificate of Authoriiation49503 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen; PE-59166 0 EDITION (Z017) FBC NON-HVHZ:EVALUATION Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems, (570) 384-1230 EvaluationReport P9290,02io8-1120 for FL1654-RZ2 Revision 20:09/12/2017 Appendix 1, Page 4 of 58' TINIiY�ERD "z E N a'cnvw R ',r„t System Deck Base Sheet _ ._ _.. _.. _... _ Roof Cover (Note 15) 'MDP No. (Noted) Type Fasten Attach Base Ply Cap (Pso - _ W-136 Mln.19/32- Elastobase;'Elastobase P. Dekfast Hex (aka,•6ekfast PLT-H-27/8) with Qekfast #14 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 12-inch o.t In two SBS SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS- <52:5• inch plywood (poly -film top) or Trufast 3" Metal insulation Plate with Trufast HD (?),,equally spaced,staggered center rows. TA ,-APP-TA W-137 Min.-19/32- Elastobase; Elastobase P Dekfast Hex (aka, Dekfast PLT: H-2-7/8) with,Dekfast #14 two 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 12-inch o.c. in t Polyflez SA Base APP TA 52:5• Inch plywood (poly-film'top) or, Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plate -with Trufast HD (Z),'equaliy spaced, staggered center rows W438 Wn.19/32- Elastobase; Elastobase P OMG Flat Bottom Plates (square) with Roofgrip #12 12-inch o.c jn 4-inch lapand 124hch o.c. in two SBS-SA SBS-SA, APP-SA, SB5- .60.0 w inch plywood (poly -film. top) (2); equally spaced; staggered center rows. _ _ TA, AP.P=TA W-139 Min.19/32- Elastobase; Elastobase P O(v1G FlatBottom Plates{square) with Roofgnp #iZ 12-inch o.c. in 4-inch lap and 12-incti'o.c. in two PolyflexSA Base APP-TA =60.0' inch plywood Py of -film to) (P y'. p (2},equally spaced, staggered center rows p_ g . WD -� Waft, Er system (Note l] Primer Roof Cover(Note 15) rWDP Joint TreaCrrrent BasePly Ply Cap Ply.15/32- No. None None SBS-SATA, (Optional)SBS-SA,3BS- SaS-SA,APP=SA;SBSW-140 inch plywood APP-TA TA; APP-TA W-141 Min 15J32= inch piywobp (Optional):PG100 None Poi ex SA Base VR (Optional) APR -TA APP-TA 90.0. W-142 Min. 15/32- PG100 None SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-SA, SBS-• SBS-SA, APP-SA, SBS- ... -97.5 inch plywood TA, APP-TA TA, APP-TA Min.15/32- (Optional) PG100 Flywood,jomts are covered with 4-inch wide strips of. ElastoflexSA V Plus; rolled into Elastoflex SA V: Base or (Optional) SBS-SA; sas- SBS-SA, APP-SA, sat- 97.5 inc inch plywood place to:create continuous bond. Elastoflex SA V ER Base TA, APP=TA TA APP-.TA W-144 Min. 15/32= WB-3000 None SBS-SA (Optional) SBS-sA, APP-SA, SBS- 405.0 i inch plywood TA, APP TA W-145 Min. 15/32- (Optional) PG100 Plywood joints are covered with 4-inch wide sfripss of Elastoflex SA V Plus, rolled,into 'Elastoflex SA V'Plus or (Optional)SBS-SA, SBS- SBS-SA, APP=SA, SBS= -135.0 inch plywood _ place to create continuous_bond, _ _ _ _ Elastoflex SAfV Plus FR TA, APP-TA TA, APP=TA Min. 15/32- Plywood joints are covered with 4-inch wide strips of Elastoflex"SA V Plus, rolled into W=146 inch,plywood (Optional) PG100 place.fo create continuous bond: POlyflez SA Base (Optional) APP-TA APP-TA 135.0 CONTRACTOR COPY Exterior Research and Design, lit d/b/a.7rinity I ERD Evaluation. Report P9290;02.08-RW for FL1654-R22 Certificate of Authorization #9503 6'H EDITION (2017) FBCNDN-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 20:'09/12/2017 Prepared by: Robert Nleminen, PE=59166 Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems; (570) 384-2730 Appendix 1, Page 21 of 58