HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0278 ~/O ..-.-.c-.- - -~ . ,... '!' -.... - -- - -~ -- - "~:=~ :~:= , . I ~~ I -~ I H3R~B~ CE~l'n'Y ~hat Oil this day rer:Jonall~: appeared bafon. l~, an ofrioer dult :iuthorhed to adlr.lni:Jter oaths end tal:e acimowledg;r.enta, Vi~torlne ~. 3raddook ~nd ri.O. Braddoo}: t) toe '.\811 l:no\nl ,md ~.no';\n to De to be the Individualo desoribed 1n uud .....ho exeouted the foregoing deed, uud they ao~:nowledged botore 1tG that the~; executed the sa:;~e freely and voll1ntarlly for t:-.9 ~ur:aes 41lD Fti~~lE:! ;::z:~n'Y 1'hut the sn1d Viotorine ::. 3raddook known to r.e to be tl:e .j 1 : -4.1 .~ ., ~ -. .. therein expressed. " ;u tD () o a ~ a, CD QJ k'ur!"~y E. Hall Notary lublio, 3tate of ~lorida ~~ cO~ission ex,lrea August l~t~, . H25. ~ i ',,1 I -. ( I J : 1 I j i .1 i . ., ;';ife of the said t.e. Druddook on a separate en" l"riv:.te examination taken und n.o.dE: b~. and before :;-.e, ::;ep&rb.tel~' and apart from her s~1d husbsn~, did ooi:nowledge that she made her:;elf a pGrty to d..;.ld deed 1'01' the purpose .)f re!DUl1clng-, relin~ulshing &r.1d oonyeying all r.er r1.~ht. title aud inter- est, ~hether of d~~or. ho~esteud Or of separate ~r~perty. statutory or equitable, in and to the lands de30ribed therein, ~!11 tLt she ex~cuted the said deed freel:, end vOluntarily aut) without a~' oorr.pulsi-'n constl'aint. aJ.prOhension or fear of or frot:. her oa.id husband. ~ '~his 20th dry of Decerr.ber .....D. 1924 ". l~' Sea - ,> ..-....... ,"ue en recorde:l this Jllll. 20, 1~25, ( ~t. Ct. seth. ~ 1.1TN333 ~' hand a:nd offiolal see.l at I.akeland ';;ount~. of :'olk: aud 3t~te of ?lori,ia ------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------- 1'. C. :Udred 3Y /)p<4 (/ . (Olerk) i 1 \ l J f I f ;?4~blA.P&</ j).~. . ::. L. :::>....':ID30:; iL.:D 1:.l-.Y L. :;)1.'1 IDSO~ ~o ROi3E.~l' :;A:.:?3ZU "DEED" ~H~3 r.;.:D~::'U~, 1:ade this~hirteerJth duy of .;uuuury A. D. 1925. bet"een C. L. Da'-idson end ray L. " ..J ." ,l t , \.. ,.; I i . -1 ,. I .~~! DavidsOll, hllsbewi and wife of 3e4gwick GOUlltT, in the State of A.tins!:3 of- the first part, arid. ::obert ::ampbell of 3edgi\'iok ~ounty. in tt.e State of }:alls~s of the second p&rt. :',IT:;Z3SETH, ?hat the 3e.id p'cl.rties of the first p,..rt, in consi:ieratio:l of ')ne Dollar ($1.00) and otJ;b:- valuable cOlisiders.tion the receirt .\'cere of is hereby ac;:no':;ledged, cio by these Freser.t~. gr",nt, bargain, sell and convey l~llto ~he 3::.14 par;y of the second J;urt, his t.eirs s.nd ossi[ns . ~ . I their interest in and to the follo'l.i:lg des~ribed res.l estate situoted in the ::ounty of st. Lucie . ~~d 3t~te of ~)Grtds., To-~it: Tne .-:louth 3ixty (60) acres of the East ~alf.of the 30nthi\'est ~l:e.rter (3isr.i) and the l;orth.ast ~1J,3rter (1'E.:i-) of 3edtion Three (3) and the nor~ ....eat quarter Writ) of Seotion Ten (Ie). all in TO'Anship Thirty-six (36) ..3)uth, Range Thirty-:i1ne (39) Zast. Doc. stamps. $.50. , ~ I I :0 H....'IE AlID TO HOLD T!ffi 3.U:R, Together with all and singular the tener:ents, hered1t!iIr.en~3 and a~- purtenanoes thereunto belonging or in uDj~ise apperta1ning.forever. And said grantors do hereby ooverumt, promise an.j agree to and ;<ith said party If- the seooud part. that at the delivery of these presents they are lawfully seized in their o~n right, of the interest. hereby conveyed in the above f:runted and desoribed pre~ises. with tte 6fpurtenanoes thereto belong- ing; and that they Bill Ws.rr"ht end defend said interedb unto said ~t7 of tho second rart, his he~rs and assigns, against said Tartiea o'f the first l,art, their he Irs and all and evel'Y person ; I . :1 ) or parsons who~soe\"er, la~fu:ly olaiming the same. lb WITHE3S ~REO?, the said pnrties or the first fcrt have hereunto set their hands the day and y'~r f1ret..uboy. ~r1 tten.' il c. L. Davidson - Kay L. :ilavidson .. 3~4TZ OF Y.AU3kS ) ) COUliTY 0' ~EDGr.rCK ) ,1 H.EP-XaY CER'lIn. ~ha t on this Thirteenth day of Je nus"'" A ~ 1926 b f ..,: · u. , e ore me personally appear~d e.l-. Dav1doon 81.1<1 1:.ay L. ~T~d80Jl. _hu~'Pnd and 'wite t~_ >khoMn to be the -. : ,:~;h " <- ~~~~}iWfi~i~}1!i] ,....-- ,j'l ,,~L::........f"".-_ ,-.;;of ~., ;,....-.. ~1't"'" _~'S~~. ~.. -;.~- ,...~ - ".>- .......':../__ _~..wr.~_ t ..",~- -.. ~ ..... .. -_ ......~