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of the Clerk of the ~irouit ~,)urt ot St. tuoie,-County, 1!'lorlda, in Plat JQok 2, at page 35: lote :
One (1). l~O (t), Pour (4). 311 (5). and Seven ('I), of('t3look ~No(2). of the s~l~e subdiviUon; lotS
Oue (1). Two (2). Five (6), 31x (6). Seven (7).und Eight (0), of Blook Pi~e (6), o~ the saac sub--
diVision; Lots Two un, Thre~ (3). Four (4). P1ve (5). Six (6). Seven ('7). Eight (iH. lane (9).
and tten (10), of Blook Eight (B) ,of the 3an:e subdivision; 011 those portions of Dloo~s lane (9).
7en(1Q.). and Twelve (12), of t;:e said subdivision which Viere not conveyed by George T. Gosling,
ana wife l~r,y Gosling, to Charles H. ~ers, by deed dated Uoveaber l~th, 1918, now of reoord in t~e
nffice of the Cler~ of the Cirouit C~urt~ st. Lucie Oounty. Plorida, in ~oed 300k 36, ~t rage
::":-; ::'93; lots One (1), Two(2). Three (3). of .Block li1ueteen (19), of the sarr.e subdivision; tot>> Nine (9)
i'en (10). Eleven Ill), T''''elve (12). 1hirteen (13), lIineteen (19)~ T'A-9nty (20), ?"lienty-:>ne.(H),
T'....ent~'-two (t2), ~1tent~y-three (23), T'Aenty-four (24), Twenty-five (26) . T.....enty-six (~G), ':.'wenty-
seven (2'7). and ~Renty-eight~~~ Block ~'lienty (20), of the sa~e subdivision; lots ~ and B, of the
S~ffie subdivision.
Aud also all that part of ~overn~ent.Lot Three (3), of 3ection Thirty-two (32), ~o~nship 7hlrt~-
sa.en (27). 3outh. 2a.llge }'orty-One (41) East, described as follo;ts: 3eginning at e. Joint ,:m the
W.8t line of Govern~~ni Lot Three(3), of said Section ?hirty-t~o (32), Seven Hundred Por~t~o ~nd
seven~enths (742.'1) feet, ~orth of the Southwest oorner of said Gover~ent Lot ~hree (3): th61ice
\- -
run Eaater~' paruliel with the South line of said Goverlrr.ent 1o~ Three (3), a distance of One
~hou3and ?en and Five-tenths (1010.5) feet; thenoe 30utherly ~ar611el rith the rest Jine of said
Governzent lot Three (3); To the South line of said t;~vernn::ent Lot 'rhree (3);, thence Zasterl:,'
following the ~outh line of said Gover~entlot Three (3). to the 30utheast corner-thereof; t~c=ce
Horth to the 1iortheust corllt:r of said Governr.:ent lot Three (3); thonoe r.est ,to the !iorth,;,est corner
of said Governrr.ent Lot Three (3); ttenoe 30uth to the point-of beginning.
Also all,ofthe land sho~ and ,indicated on the plat of the afors&id subdivision as streets or
road~ays and all ri~arien rigr.ts apperteinillg thereto,
It is understood !?ond agreed by und between the rarties hereto that the rarty \Jf the second Is.rt
f;.saumes and agrees to pa.y one half of all t!:.xes and assessments legell:l lev1ed or ir:.posed ,uF,on
said property subsequent to ~he year ... ,D., 1924.
i'his oonve~ellce is I!l1lde 3ubjeot to the terIU3 of a first mortgage for ?1fteen Thousand ($15,OOC.OC)
Dollars, one-third of ?:hicr. sai~ r;;ortg:::;ge, tl8@'itilu .raI, ..if P'hl1 .i 1l:.l8a 8&W lli9i!tJc~~, together
"Ki.th one-third of the i~ferest thereon, ra..t~. of the second J.ert by the aooeptar.ce of this deed,' :.
tereay.SS3urr~s hlld agrees to r~Y.
~Lis conveyance 1s made subject also to the ter~s of a second ~ort~age for ~our Th~us~nd 3ixty-five
and 21/100 ($4,0t:6.!&U Dollars, 'lihieh said ~ortgaf,e, to-gether ~1th the interest tr.ereon, party
of the second Tart ,\J the acceptanco of t~ls deed, hereby assu~es ani agrees to :pay.
?OGETS:Z~ wlth all the teneruents, herediturr.ents, and apJlurte1lEinces, ?;ith e,-ery priv-
elege, rigi.t, title, int-:rest al':id esute,d:>'lier end rlgi:t of dower, reversion, rewainder 8.ua_e&.s(-
!:'.ent ther{;to belonging or .in anY'lilae ap}:er:;ainlng;
\ :'0 H..;.V2 ~:D TO HJLD the seme in fee sibple forenr.
And the said ra.rty of the first part does covenunt with the said nart~ of ~he se-
aond part thnt he is lawfully seized of the said prarr.iaes. that they are free .from all incuabrauces
exoept aa above noted, ac~ that he has good right and laViful authority to sell the same; ~nd the
s~id party of the first part does hereby fully Viarrant _the title to aaid land end will defend the a~~e
ag~ili8t the lawful olaims of all persons whom8owve~.
IN Wl~~3SS WHER~OP, the said ~art1'ot the first part has hereunto set his hand ~nd
a~el, the day and year firat above written.
Signed, sealed and dellT&red in the presenoe of~
t! l'
E. U. Raltla
( S~.AL )
;:''u116 B. Colemtln
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