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bot'uTY O~ I'll:: BEAOH.
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I nZ3Z3Y C~~TIYY, That on this the ~Oth day of January, ~.D., 1926, before rea rcrsonal
;1y appeared E. 1:. 'Rawls, to me 'Ieli known and known to me to be the porson desoribed in flU:J '.tho
:e-xeouted the foregoing oon\'e~..anoe to H. l'owell. Seward, and ncknowlodged the exeoution thereof
r;to ~rge 0.\)10 and deed for'the uses and }ur!"osea therein n:entioned.
. ~I~:~SS ~~ signature-and offioial seal at West Palm Beach, 1~1m Beach ~~Wlty. State
; : ?10ridaJ the day and ~'e8.r _lust aforedeid. ~
.n.~. ~ G. W. Colerr.nn:
,~v notary lublio.
'FiJ.~ooorded J'tm. 20. 1925.' ,,~.) l~y o->r:.rds:lion ey.!lires ';une !':tr., 1~G5.
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Ct. Ct. Seal. - .....,'3 ~
" (1J"\)
" q.
l'. C. Eldred . (CLZ~K vitll
BY ~~ ~
V'... .. D.::.
;S~E;HB1: c. l'HU:rS
..~:D. }c"';!;.1::;Z3 :... i:~Il:}.~ ~O
Tl.~Jl" r.., .....". ~",."""::."'~,,.
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" :...~...~~ lD.a:.:'; l-r'
~3~_:::~:: O:? ~'10~rJ..:'.
':::)Pl:'2Y O~' Hl113BO:;OU~!I,
lerscns.lly before ~h6 undersigned :)fficer &~thorized b:,' the 1-&.'.':3 of said Sta.te to ad-
r:.lnister o!;.~hs c.)n.es 3te-hen :. P~ip;:a and Prances Z. l'h~I';:9 and
thc~' be iug eaoh :1'..11:' s~rn 1e-
1';)3e e.nd say seT~rally, end not each for the 0ther, th~t ?:illiam H. lhiFPS, lc..te of 3t. 1'....l.i.l
!~i~Ul. 13 dead, htn-bg d_orarted this life O:i ~he 12t~ dt..~' of :ulj . l~~ti; tr-3t de:;Qner:t+re the
sole :J.nd onl~' 3u1"TiTiug heire et 11:>..... of .3uid 'tilliam H. i'hi!:ps, j)e!',ol.eut, Stephen ~. In!.:,:'::,
:being the only ohild of BaU :- Eli!lrr. .~. l'hiF~S. end lr~nces Z. r:-.1pps, beir:g tl:e ~iH~ ')f 5:-.1d
ni1liam H. Fi:iP!-s; that tt'2re a.re no tltt.er y.ers"ns in life ut t~c. ti:ne ;)f ti'.e ~_.aLil:g of t;.U
, !
is.ffido.Yit, nor .\ere there_ 3UCr. r"rs~n3 ill life tot the tL,(l (If t1:o de::;.th of. the said ~.ll]iarr:
;H. l'1'.iPl:S. other t!'.s.n these def'onents, :.<>....ing <:!~. right :Jr interest in or to tte est!iLte ~f
s~id TIillla~ H. ~hirps.
Sterr.eu :. Phip;.6
?ranc~s ....... 1"hi'!\~~8
subscribed before me this r~nd d~y of Deceffioer.l~24.
"'-'-....!-/ .
thlS ~~n. EO. i92~~O
J..~. liel::s Jr.
ll~t~ry luo~io sta~e ~f ~lorida ~t larfe.
t~ comrr.ls5ion_exr-ires ~eFt. Zl,19Z5.
1'. .;. Eldred
BY .IJ n~
()' .
. ' ,
;~ry ~. ~rch and ?red karah, her Husb~n1,
r.illlaru L.ls.ne,
THI3 D::ED, !rtade the 17th da:fof JallUGry A. D. 1925, by }:ary C. ~rol:. and 7red !.:arch,
'her husband of the oom:.ty of cn:ford 3t~te of J:d.ine h~reln~fter called the gnu.tors. to ~;lll1aIL
1:. Lane of the County of ,St~ Luoie 3ta~e Qf llorida here inafter calle~ tt.e grantee.
WI~li"E3SETH, That ~he se.1dgr4utora, in oonsideration of Ten :Dollars and other v&luab1e
oonsidcrations--- . the reoeipt ~hereof is.sereby aaknowledged, do. give, grant. bargai~, sell,
alien, remise, relessee enfeoff, convey and oOnfirm unto the said gr~ntee and his heirs and as-
signs in fee si~ple. the lands situate ~ st. Luoie County, 3tate of ?lorida, dedoribed 6& fol-
lo'(s: Traot seven (7) in Little Farms- .tere lots, u sub-Uvis1:m of t~_of; fourteen, ~ection
TAO, To~nship thirty-three. 6o~th range thirt~-nine east, as the sa~e 1s designAted on the plat
of Indiau. ~inr Farms C->Ilipany filed in the offioe of the Clerk of the .:arouit COUk't -ot 'St. . -