HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0283 .>--'--...;;....c_.~~ ....-....--... ( .r..... t r' lJ . -~JV\'n . I ~he I I ~he i I -'- ot r,hite 01ty I Floridn, aocording to t.ho plat mude of oaid to~'n and filed in t.ho 0l1'10e of clerk of the Cirouit ~ourt, in and IoJr Saiht !.uoie Oounty. -:-0 H.~'I::: _~:D TO HOlD TH! SA1~ I'OI}~T!iER r:lr:'H THE ~::~:~nIT:.~!,::I:~$ ;.::n .;tl }"u:r~:-:!::~:~:e:3. t,::r,:,o .. sn1d ~raHteo, and his heirs awl assi.:ns in fee simple. ~m the gr"Htors, for therr,sel,-es and their r.ei't".3 a.:ld leg~l representath-es, covenant r:1th s~!d ~ruuteeJ r.!3 heirs, legal tepresentlo.tivei:J end 8dSigus: Ttu.t saH"rlmtors nre"-.in1e- feao1bli' :sUz&dlof. s&1d':lancl in. -fee:Uibple; ithat, BBi~ral,ltors ~ve~:n ~..cr.an. :la"4fbl Ught to -cont8Y!8a14el~naL1~'~f88~~impl., uS afor~6nld; that it shall ~e la~fu1 for said grantee his ~:eirs, legal ro,r.,sentatives e.r,d assign3, At all ti:,.:es p;,r..oe:.:.bly ~nd quietly to er.ter uron, , . and e~ljo:,' aaid land; tl:at s:;.11 lend is free i'ror..all encun:brt.l~oes; t1:at said ~01d, ocou:p~' ; grt:.utors their I 1 tl:e fee si!:1ple heirs sud leg....l reprasentl.- tives, will I$kf: :me!: further assurD.r~o€s to perfect title to sr-il lend in said ir~ntee his teire, lege:.l l"f:preceht_th'e.3 and s.ssigns ; ~s ::-.e:.-' reaSOll!:. bly be re1.J.ired; Ul.d t1:~ t Sa id greontorz do l~erl b:; f'.ll1~' ?:urr:int t::e title to sl1id . land aud '.vill defend tl-~e st:..u.e against tl:e l;.:.\'fu! cls.i::.s of ell rerso.is 'oVr.:)I:~sof;\"er. tilTHE~S tee tends und se~le of said grautors the d~y und ;e~r fir~t above Tritten. ~lgned. seal~d cud delivered 111 t::.e rresel~oe"of no> J. Ddl&e C. lit AstJ&e&d ( 3~T.) (SEAL) , , Ethel Shelton lrer!e R. A8hILe~d ; ST~TE O~ PL03IDA. ) ) CJ!n:?y O~' S'l'5 LU~IE} r Ir:':?.-::3Y ":;::~:'u'"'Y Th.s. t Oli tJ:is du:,' Fr6o~bll:.' anJeared be fore ;:e, al~ o::'f!.c€r dul;r b.:.itho. rized to e:.dI::illister oaths f:.Uj t;.ke b.C~:!1o'"l~dt::'H,t$, ::.H. Ashr.:ead ill.] his ",ife, Ire=-~e R. d3M_CJ.d to r,-~ "/lell }:n07:11 to be tr.e ~ers;ns desoripd in till) 1:ho cxe;;uted the fa regoing deed er.d. ~..h:l ~c::nowledged before r:-.e th!lt the~' exeouted the se.I::E: :freely. and "oluLt~tril~' fer t:-.e :p:.rroses t;;.erf;- in ex~res8~d. I FU3~HZ~ CZ.~~IFY, That tee naid Irene R. As;;.~ead , ~no~n t~ ~e t~ be ~te ~ife of t;;.e Said C. H. AShrr.ead, ;~.!l'::li- te Ii.. tag 1.8 ~:.c ;'olfe af ti:e .k_id J. Ii. Aa:l::'...'edd. on a se}":;.r _ te t..Ld prlvute ex~u:ina tion taken ar..d n:ade b~' &.nd before cr,e, .,e~r;;. tel;,' an-) a~:~rt fr):;, hE:r sw. d 1':".18- ~~d, did !lc~:no~ledge that. s::e r:.:sde her3elf' a }'arty to said deed for ";t.e rurpose :Jf renounci:-.g , .rellnquiching and c'::live~Ting ell her right, title .::.Ld :!Ltercat wi:~1:her of do'~er, hO:;:cstE.d or ?f separb-te proJ:erty, st;;:.tuetory or equitable. in and to ti.e lar..da described tterein und t::at ahe executed the said deed freely and volunturil:r and--7:ithout any OOll'..I,ulsion, constrair..t, an:.re- hension or fear 0 l' or froI:i her said hus;:tind. ~~.?~S , .. '\;) rlorida. this Zrd my h&n1 and offioia1 seal et Port P~erce, C0unty of 3aint luoie and Sta~e of day of .rIme A.J. 1~24. ,? () thia Jan. 20. 192# 'V r.. ~ ~ Q }-. C. Eldred BY .11 ~~ (/ (CLERK) <!,td ~ olAAfl___..-./ Ethel Shelton liota.ry lublic f;,r the Stute of norida at large. l~ CO~lis3ion expites l~roh l2,1~28. Ct. ! -f ~AviD-E:.;;E----------------------------------;o-------------~HO~-IT-:;y-~O;C;~::---------------- " A.FFID....VI~ " I hTATZ 01' PWRIDA, V~~.~. ~ersonally appeared before me this day David Hine~ho after being first duly 8~orn deposes a~d I ~aY8 t~t on the 26th day of April. 1924, ~hen he made deed tolxs kureli~Teal for l~ on;, ! ) . plock One, YbDawha ~8rk, ?t. ~1eroe, st. Luoie, County, Ylorida, aooordlug to plst reoorded In i the cffloe of the Clork Of the Cirouit C~urt, St. lyoi. County, Florida, that he was an WI- t~~l.jffl~ 283- . i. t i I I I . ! i I ! I j 1 D.\; .