HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0292 292 ~. -- .....-..-.. ,~ttAte of j:'lorlda. desorlb~d &9 followa: All of Traots Sevflntf,On (l'l). Eighteen l1.8). l:tnet6en fl.) and T~enty (fO) in the ~:orth Half (Bl-) ef Seotion Four (4); also all of T:occt Eight (8). ~nd the ; dctfS ::::ast T.....enty (20)i of Traot One (1) in Seot1ou .'he (6). all in 'l'on:ship 'i'hirty-two (3t) S.)uth. ~an.e Thirty nine (39) ::ast. a-s the same is designated On the last general plt.t of lands of the Indien River Farms ~o~~any. filed 1n the office of the Clerk of the ~irouit ~~t~t. S~int Luoie ~ounty. llorida.--------~ DO~ 5TA1~S C~:~. +...+t 5.00~------ Subjeot to all t~xes and ditch assesS~6nt~ if ~rij' be' l&vied for the year 1~&5. and ell subaequent t~seB ~nd assess~ents. This deed is subJeot to li mortgage- for $ 3~OO.OC. '10 HA'I:: Alm TO HOLD the sarr,e together 1.1th the her€dit;;'~Ets ahd tAppurtemmces. unto the srtid grar,tee, and hi9 heirs an') a S3 4,118 in fee sl:uple. ~m the ssid grantors for tter,selves eud their heirs aud legsl represeut~tiYes. ~ove- uant with seid gr_r.tee his hairs. legf.l reFresentativ&s and 8ssigns: That SI;11d ghilltors are 1:.de-. fe,,-sibly seized of said land in fee sir:,y,le; that said Frtmtors h~n-e ful:!. pOT.er and l&.\\f\:l right to couvey said l~nds In fee simple, ~s af~rea~id; that it ar.all be l~~ful for auid gruntee. tia u ;...... neira. leg 1 represent-:.tiYes aud ussigliS. at tOoll ti;::.es peaoe~bly und q::ietl~' to enter UPOll. hold JCCUpy and eujoy said le.nd; that said land is free from all l!1oun:branoea; that suid gr~ntor5. ti:eir teIra a!.d leg_l reprc:;entll.ti'"es. "'111 F..87.e such further assurances to Ierfsct the fee sirr..r,le title to SElid land iu said (<'runtee his heir~. leg;"l rerresentati....es an1 assIgl1s. as "-0__" ......~ reasonably be required; ar.1 ';hat said gr_nt'or3, do i:.ereb:: f~ll~' ~"&rrant the title t:> said land end will defe::d t!:e S:i!l_e ag inst the lawful clai:-,3 of all Ferson;; ~horrsot:"er. ~'-I'~~:E::;3 the hsnds and seals of sail f:T!.iht"Jrs. the dtoy a..."ld ye:::.r first abo\'e -...ritten. ;)i~ned r Sesled end IJelivcred in the l'resel.ce of) ) ,) ) ) ) otto H. Schrum. ( 32..;]. ) u :!elen J. Zeuch :!ertta Schrum. ( S~_:'l) Cs.rl ~~. Sorenstn STATE OP 10;:';'. ~O;'UTY C? S~OTT ,. 1 =~:E3Y :E~rU'Y. That on this du:.. ferson~ll:r appea.red before r.;.e r an offio€r dul~- !:.u- ti:.~rized' to administer oaths~nd t_%e aCf.uJwle4grrents. Otto H. Sohrum t1L,d r:erth!. Sor:run:, his ....ife. to n:e \'\ell }:no'l.n aud ~:nor.n to r:.e t~ 0(; the iudividuals de$cribed in t',nd_who eXt::outed t1:e fir e- going deed. aud they a.c~:no'ldedged before rr.e that they exeouted the salle freely aul \'oluntlirlly fx the purposes tl,erein expressed. A:~. r ~v:r:::'!E:\ :;E~~I?Y. 'l"nat the said Hertha Sohrum i::n:>in1 t;> lL€ to be the ?ife of the , s",id Otto H. 3chrurr. on a seraro.te and I,riv..te ellamiD.&tion ta;':;en and r..ade by an1 before ::e. serll.Tbtely j' tl-nd a.part from her s~id h1Asbar!d. did ao.kno'liledge that she made herself a party to ~i j deed for the f It }Curpose of renol:!lcfng, relinquishing and oom"eJing all her right. title and interest, whether of dOiter, horrestead or of separate r-roperty. stutu~~' or equitable. in and to the lands described ~herein ;ind that she executed the said deed freely and \"oluntarily. and ~-1thout any corr.p\:laion, ;)ollstrah.t ~p~rehension or fear or of from her said husband. at Dayenport, County of Joott and 3t~te of Io~a, this ~ITllE3S rr~ hand and official seal O' W Ii: cc w > this ':an. 20. 1926. 0 cr C o ll' rr l!a?P.Y B. ~~LA V"~~ . ~!01A~Y :t'tJBLI~ 11: Alrn FO:-i ~ 5::J~T :;O!.:~f:'Y, I()i'-"~t L~ oommisaion expires July 4th, 1927. 14th~ of January A.D. 1926. I .'li.1'. 1'. ::. ELD~D .L BY f~ ' (/ CA--. CA" COL:;:RK) ~~.AAg___A .-/ f1 :;).0. ----~----------------------------------------_.--------------------------------------------- .Q,lli~ .aiD 1'EA?L rezz KLlll~~ (his wife) -TO li. \~. IiE~~. " DEED " General tarrant1' . . :.; - ~ ~-;,:l~;~~i~l~ft~~