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I ~ being_ 111 the Oounty
~<1t 4
. ~
of st. Luoie Stut~ ot ~lor1da, to-wit;
Lot 16 of Bloat 8 ot Vera Gardens
~ subdlv1aioll aooo1"dillg to a l'ln t t.hereof reoorded in Hat Jook 4 at lnp:G 6'1 of the l'ubl1o ~ecJrd.
of 3~. Luoie Oounty, llorida.
And the said !arty of the first part dOGS hereby full~' 'f:arrtiHt tho title to s!lld lWld, and ....111
defend the sau.e against the lc.wful 01a1:=:8 of all J;ersous who;.soeyer.
li~ ~;lTll::SS W:t~J::O~', ~he said party of the f~rstt ptirt has herounto set hie nund and
de~l thl da~< o.l1d ~'ear first ab.,ve .....ritten.
5i~~ed, Sealed and delivered in presence of us: )
~. ~. Grentner )
J. H. Grentuer )
C. A. :D!E~'~S___(3EAl)
:J0U::~Y Of D.:..;)Z.
! EZ:'.E3Y ~:::2Tln, That on <;his j!i~' peraollu"!ly a Fpe6.red before C.E:; , ~ll ;)ff'ioer :iul;
~uthorizod to ad;;inister oaths una t:.o:.:e 'ao;.:no....loj~tents :;. A. ~oberts. silJ.gle, t.o ::.0 -,'.ell kno-t;n
:..c.:llo"otledged before Ire th"t r.e elleouted tee sIJr:e freely and \':>lunt~ri1~' for tte r,urr:>ses therein
"-lid t:llO"A'U to ri_(: to be the iudh'idual described in :;.nd '...ho e>-:ecuted tr.e foreg:>ing- deed, _(<D':) he
e}:rres~ed .
.'..:;:u I ~':.J:~1::~:: :;::~~UY, ?hat tr.e 3~!d ---::~)7T. <;0 n:e to be the ....::e of the suld-----
OD 1;1 se~!:.r:-.:te &nd :riv~te exar.:-iua;;i-?n ti:c" au:'! r.nde by iill:'!before r.e, se!ar",tel~' ~md 6!J!lrt fro:::
:-.er sa 11 hU3L~lld. did ac:-:nowledge too t she rnde herself r, :1:. r;:r to Slid -iee:1 for t;.e !,ur"ose 0:
rec;,uncing, relinqui",hing ani COh\'e:ii~ii! !ill her :r-ight, title and interest, ',,-hether of ':!o:r;er, ho:::e-
stead or of 3epar!lte prOFert;,. st;.tutor~' or e'l'.litable. il:" Wld
to t:le lend", desoribed therein. !:r:d
r,I?::E3S r;~' tuna and official ee""l u t 1:1..rr.1, :Uade
:)unty of D~de ani 3t,-,~e 0..' n')ri1Cf
(h.tiS U th, du.y
of J~nu~ry ~. D. 1925.
" ,
tt.is Jan.
:;. ~. GreI..tuer
liot!lry lilbli:l Sta:;e of :'l~rBa,
:.~; oOLJ..:iue i3'U exr.:ires ~:ov. 1:,8, 1~G5.
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:t. C....
1'. c. :;ldred . {!A-, (!k
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~~ . 3Y d..r " ~A/U~
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{ :;I2~}
A:;D Ll!.LlA:~ D*
., . .....}l';t"';&....,
....,A_._..._. t
his 'o\ife,
S. B. l;SlSOli.
ITA. 'nAli:'Y
TSI3 ~~~D; ~~do the 3rJ day of J~nuary
. ..
A. u.
1925 by Robert D.
Gurt~r s~1 Lillian
:). :urter. his .....ife of the :ounty of St. L:lcie Stute ofz'l:>rida hcreil1aft€r cblled t}~e grantors
to 3. .3. l;elsoll of the ~,)U."1ty of St. Lucie State of .l-lorida hereil.after called tte - grantee.
1'; r?I,ES 3::?ii , 'i'llat tLe 3tl.H gr ",Dtors In c.)nsldf:riiti:)n ::)f --';'en "011e.rs E.nli other ";~.l-
u:;.ble cOllsidcratiolls- the receipt whf:reof- is hereby aC?Do'''ledged. do give, gr.ut, bcirgld!., sell,
,:;.llen, re:::ise. re1e&.se, enfeoff, com'e~' f-ud confirm unto the suid grantee an,j his heirs and b8SifUd
~ fee siwple, the ~nds situate in St. Luoie County, 3tute of ~lorida, described as folloTos: lot
~'Jurtoen, Bloc~: fiye, ;;. D. Carter's 3ubdivision of part of the north-east ::ue.rter of the south-
eust quarter of section Z5.to.....n stip 32 south range 3~ east. Subject to all taxes or useess~
IT.euts if any be le\"ied for the yel.r 191:5 an:f-all subsequent yeal'S.--fD~O' i~ps. c~c-- iO{)~)'!
TO ILWZ AnD TO HOLD the same to._gether with the heredit&ment3 81ld a~purtf:n!;.uc(;s, '.mto
tne said grantee and his heirs aud assigns in fee simr-le.
;"riD the said grcmtors for themsc:lves and their heirs and -le~l rerreGcutli.tivell,
. covenant with said grantee his he Irs. lel!lil rer.ro<!enta tiTes lind ass igllS; ~ha. t said gr~ntors are in-
. ,
defeasibly aeised of said land in fee stwple; tha~ aald ~raDtors have ,full p~~er and lawful right
to OOJ1'Yey said '.ands in fee simple as uforesaid; that it ahall be lawful for said gr&ntee. hia
asalBhs, at all tir:,os pea.oeably and quietly to enter '1; Jl., :,): j
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