HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0302 .-- -~- ~~ ~ .~-p-'" - - ~ - --'~ , . ~~ a 302 r-;) v ~ - -~ - Exoept, howeve-r. ~ho -right of WbY of }:ublio Nude und drCl.iu~ge. oonnle or Htohea, 1.1 ;)1:0''''11 on the plat of said lauds mude by the party of nil first l'a.rt and rE'oorded in the offioe of. the Clerk of the Circuit ::~urtof St. lU<Jie COUllty, C'l~rBa. ~J HAVE ,am :'0 !lOlD ~liE SAtE, together witt. all tho heredltun:euts and 1-_:Prurtell&r.ceR thereunto belonging, lUlto the said party of t.he second. part I.md his hairs ~ud aa~lgus in feo sh.l'le f0rtl"er. -----------. --.iliD tte said party of the first part, for itself and its successors, does hereby c,ne- heut \~ith said party of tt.e ISoond J:ar~, :'bis heirs, leg-al representatil'es, e.ad aSSigI1S, that it is iudE'fe:-.sibly seized of said land in fee si~p18; that it has fnIl po.....er end lawful ri~ht to oOllny, S<i.id land in fee sic.rle, as aforesaid; t.hat it shall be lll?iful for 13sid Torty of the aoaontl 1'art his heirs, legel ~'qr.esents.tives, end aosign3, at all tirr.es rec.ceably s.nd .;uietly to enter upon hold or occu::':,,', and enj?y seid laud; that s!liti land is free fror., ell tnc'.lltr.r!lllC~S; n.s tit will ~eke such further assurances to peffect the fee-uiffiple title to seid luud es r.~y re~J)l~bly be re- quired, <lId tr.5t it does 1:ereby full:,' wurrant the title to ae!d land, end Jiill 1efend the 5a-;:-.e' S.~1~13t- tilO lc.',\'ful cle.i,.:s of nIl rersons ;thor::soever. ~: l7IT:::;S3 7;:IEREm', the party of the first part. on the day and ::ee.r first uv';rve ',\"ritte:l h~s oaused. tv w:u:e to be signed !md its cor:Forate ~e!J.fo be uffi~{cd t:) the~c pro3cl:ts b~' ...- ...~o Iresidellt, whioh o:ficer h~s been dul:: s.utr.Jrized t.:~ci empnered b:; L-ea~1'.lt1ou of t::e 3JE.rd of Jirector~ of tt.e Eust ~O!lst j)e.,,'el)~:i.ent ";o:q:tony. pert.; of the first part herein,' to cX'30'-lte alid ,ieliyer ..... ......... !'". --..... . ~J~3T ':'\~.....~'! ""~,~~"'~'--:1 --.--""'...-....... :Ol:la:~ BY Georg$ C. ?rlestly l-resideut. 11 lJ deliyered in presence of us: I I l t l i r ~'r~uois 1. 3ro1head ..... H. Danforth -- State of ~l~rija I lss. I CJU!lty of St.luoie I. an offioer d~l~ Juthoiized to ta~e ~oknowled~~ents to deedeQ do hereby ~ertify thlt :m this aa:r personally ar.~'eared bf;':fore rr..e Georre ~. Priestly. to rr..e -;,ell k!lo':n as tr.e !'reai:le:~'" of the East Coast Deyelo.:wellt ;;Orr.r,s,liY. the corporati;)h de:ooribed iu ';r.e foregoiug DeE-d, ;;.::1 he ~c- ,:..o.';'ledfed bcf;,re r.:e ';ha t he wa~ duly authorized by sa. ~d ~orpor:;. ti::m to exec'.lte the f:>rego ing j)'Jed on its betalf, o:ld to sign its Halr.e !i!:-:i affix its seal thel'eto: tr.e.t the 3e&1 ef:fi:l':ed theret\l ", 13 ti:.e corpor5te se~l 'If sa id ::ory.vrt.tion, and that suld Deed -/l~S executed b~- s",,11 ~;)r:por~ti:n~ for the purr:oses therein ey.pressed. / In fiitn€ss r:hereof, I r.e.\"e hereullto affixed ~ narr..e . 1925, at ~'ort l'ierce :::>uf~; und state ufi)re:::-~id. "%) .-2 ,-0 < '" -~ ~ III o a:~d offi~ia.l seCill this ~welJ.:';,--tr.ird G\\endolill. Hall llotary t'utll 10, Stu to of r'lorida, ~ cOI:ll.:lssioH explre::3 3e!ter,_@er 5, 1~28. this Jan. 23, In5. P. C. EldredCC1E?X 07 ~I~UIT COU}~1 BY tJ ~~ ~A-P~ ___ t7., u.::. 3:;li J iJ.: ill HOGG .~;D ~:1Ili x. Hogg. his wife, TO lI]" ......''!,...T;'~ A. \I. ;,) ~'-"".L . I] -----------------------------------------~------------------------------------~----~----- \';AR...~.TY DEED "1h is Indenture, J.:ade the 31st d'~y of karoh in the ~'e",-r of OUT. lord one thtu8&nd ulne hu..d red e.nd .. " foUl'. Bet7o'een 2enjall!in H;)Rg and Annie K. Hogg hill sire of the County of 3revurd und Stt'.te of Z'lor- . idu.~ parties 0:( tl',e first Jjart t.nd .1. C. Sweet ot the '~OWlty and sta.te uforesaid, r.arty of tt9 sebon1 part. T:11].1~~.35z:':r, that ..' ..,,::e s~i:j f~ ot the first port, for 8ud in 3011sideratlon o~ the "',,:.. of ::i:.e t:; ~t1,i;i{~ifll