HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0304 304 -:--.___...:J - - - ahd in the l'rE'iseuot A. C. Dittr;.ar, a llotary l'ubllo of the 3t",te of l'loridu, ackn.owledge and deolaie .t I tt..at I Did lOOke myself n party to, end oxeouted the foregoing Deed Of Conveyanoe, tor the purpose; I of Heliuquishill8 rn.,v dower a.nd interest ill bnd to the lc.uda in au 1d oonTe~"anoe there in desoribed t;.'ld ~unted, and trat I did the same treely find volunlwrll), and ....ithout any oonr~ulslon, oonatr~i!lt.- ;J. pprehens10n or 'fear of or from her said husba.nd. III ~I~r:E33 \':lfi:::!F.OF, I hereunto s\4bs.,ribe n:y nan:e and ll.ffix ~ 8e:.l t~i.: 3lpt ;;day.of: l.:droh A. D. one thousand uiue hundred and four 1.(1 IJ Annie K. Ho~g. ( S;;A.L) 3tate of Florida. ~o\mty of Brevard. To.all ?-hor.. it rray o.J1l0ern: 3e it ~mo70n thEft on this 31st dli;1' of i~roh .....D. 1904, personally appeared before r;.e, e. ~iotary l-:<blic ot the State of i.!'lorida. the~boved :12~ed Annie ~:. ':ogg to r.e'.\ell ;rllown us ~he wife of .genju!r.ln Hogg Eind us one of the ~:er$OHS desoribed in aId who executed the :ioregoing ~ee. Of Conveyenoe, ~ho b4ing at the tir;:e sep!.lr~te E.i.:1:l apart fl';)::; r.cr r.US- bUfid, tt.e ss.id .;..rmie K. Hogg did then and ttere r:ake and exe;}ute the for!going ac::no~"ledgrr.ent8, her 11::':,8 being-..dth her OW!l J~:..nd subscrited und hEr seal a.f:fiy.ed in rr:y rresel:ce. ;;I':;:~;ESd ~L:.>' haud and se!>l !;.t Pt. l-lerce ?la. the day eud year above '.\ritten. a. ~. Ditt~~r (S3AL) ~;ottl.ry lublic :;or;:niSi:li:m expire::! June l~~l:, 1~05. CJUllty of 3revard, On ttia d1i:: :-ersonall~' aJ'J'e~rt:d bef.Jr rr.e Jen:t;.n:ln ~ogg o.n:1 411l11e K. HO?6, ::i3 'I. i:::-e. to I] r:_fJ we].} kno.!:~~~.s the IElrson, described in, an-i who exe~l4~ed the foregoi::g: Deed ~ f~olive~;ance, ,n.d ~cl:nowledged '.ihat ~r.e;r e>:ecllted . the S.:lre for the rur:pose thereir.. e::q:ressed; ?thereupon it is :~T~;red tr~t the @ame may be recorded. 11} "iJl::')B23 ~_'J:;"::"?::.'[J:!'. 1 ::!:.re _':e~'elJl::.:J t;:f.f'ixed I"!.," -6..... :ll;.!d and seai. (;i.'~is 31st. do.;:- ox' :.t.'!."cn .. ~. Dltt~r (32.;L) notary ?ublic ~ommission expires :une 1Sth 1965. C 3Ulity of 3r'evard. De it rec:embered, That on this 1st day of ";'prll n.~D. 1~G4, r, :-".1... 3-tel.'c,xt :;lerk of tIe Circuit (:ourt in Lila for said :::JUllty, have duly recorded the foregoi!lg .Deed 1:. the public records iil 3~ld OOUllt;l, ill ,... 17~::::33 r.~--!:-:?~O}' t ,.uYUt . T</fA-' (~A- i have r.erettilto set ~: ]land and t}-~ seel of 3!iid c:rurt, the ;1c:.~ ~1:d a !AI ii: cr !AI > '0 J . ~ 1'. C. Zldred(CURK OF ;~I~~UIT .::O:';fr) ~ BY1AA'"L ,~;-;;AA-,?A' ~C. ----------------------------------------------------~------------------------------,.-. VI. ST:~0!:G. ~ TO ;Oml 1'. .3A.'.'iYE~. .. A. ;)te7l'art (SZAL) (:lErk of aircuit cou.l't. this Jan. 23, 1925. '>.. .'01 G. A. 3tewart D.C. . " VoAR.~fi DEED " I .'~ ~l 1:::~3Z2T :i I ~ r I r ,. I. i n I' I' ,\ This Indenture ~ade the 7th d~y of ~an ;..t. 1926. by Herbert "\ t. Strong. of Oleve1and ChiO, r'~ll.ty of tho first Iart, to John l'. Sa\\}'er , o~ Clevelan4Heighte, Ohio,party of the arcond lurt. WIT1~SJZ'l'H, that the 8a11 party of the first part for and in oonsideruti)n at the sum~ pf Ten l>ol1\ireCtlO.OO) lawful mouey of the United St!.. tea and other valuable-_ oohsideret1ona to him j , tn ~nd paid by the &8i4 party of the 8eOO~1 rart, tee reoel~twhereof is hereby aOknowledged, do,l ~;~~~4~1~~Ji~ll~t ...."~... ~ ~#.'l~~~ -,~,).l1j...~~... ." :v..~....~..~--r#.~~.~....~,;.;~~;t 1:t~~_:~~~~~~~~~I~;21~?;~~1;~~~ti~~~-:f~~~ , ~<'o' ,:-~~.:--o:;<-\~~l~~~rE?~~1K~f! " -.. ".. - .." ~..\:.. ~ if~til-,"":.~'~=--"~~,-"'i:'t~.y....-: : _' - :. . -:' _ .-o7,~::~~.~~J1q2~~~~l~{~~~~t'