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j ~epartlt(jly uud u!->urt fro:,; her a~ir] hU8bulid, did r:.OkMv;l od~e th!.:.t she ::,Ud6 herself a l:arty to
I s~id d~ed for, the purpose of renounoing, relinqulshill8 b.wi c~n'Veylug ull hor right, title ~hd
1 intere~t, whethor of dower, h.n'.(HJteud or of aepur",te l'roI.ert;}. sta.tutor~' or equituble, in cud to
, .
i tl~o lwuliJ de scribed there in, nnd th~ t she exocuted tL€: aatd deed freely an~ 'Voluntnrll::,', ..ud
; wi thout t.:uy oOr:1pulsion, ooustruiut, V.plll'ohel,:31on or fe!:J.r or of from her suLd husc",ud.
c~ l. O. Eldred{CLE3K O? OI~~UI~ ~OU~r}
. 3 3Y tf ~~ 2~/JcAAg---. ~
, '- ~ W
: !~~~------------------------------------~-------~--------------------------------------------
i p.o:u.~:; ,JO;;:;3 A::n E'l_~ ;~;;E3. olld' :'.1\. F~i.$ n. ~;D ODDE~':O .':'REJ.:D, ::0 1:.;.x ~.c. 3~mJ3A;:{Bil
hand v.d ofiioial seal at L:ollne ~')uut:l of ~oc:; Hllhlld Eoud state of I11iu')is, lihia'
A. D. 19f:5.
L. lie DOhrn
::otsry l'Ublio 111 and for ~ook: 131s.n1 ';:)Uhty :
Ill. ~' o~~isslon expires ---------------___~
~ed this Jan.
r.-b.RRA1i?Y j)~j)
THIS l::D:::::TtmE, l:8.de tt.is 20th de~' o:f ~<;.nus.r;." A. D. 1:125 3et'l.'een !!orc-.ce Jones ~:~.} Z".... J~nes
his wife} cnd ~'. '1"9 2rn:.d :r. tl.r.d :lddetto ~~remd (t.is rife) o~ the :;')UIlty of Ie1:-.: 13e_.o::. in the
~ttl.te 'of ?lorid!.o., rarties of the first r&rt, Gud :.~X H. :. 3ro::_c,!.>.cr.er. :'rustee of tte ~:na,t~. of
ltillL 3es.ch, in the .3t:;.te of ~'lor~d<:, r~rt:.' 0:: ';1:& second p.rt.
~'.I?::EJ3E7H. ~t.at -the suid :c:..rties of ti:e firs~ ;,.':;;rt, f':n' llad in co~,sideratUn of t::e ::-..u:: of
reli. ~()lltl.rs L.:ld ot~:er v~lUL.ble e~lls1deruti'llS Dollars to tr.e::::. in ::c;.ni :r~id 0;." t::e p~rt~' of t::e
~ec;)nd !Curt, the recei:.t ~hE:reof is hereby ::>c'i:l1o',':ledged l:~\'e frUt.ted, Oarg",iliei ...::13 SolId to ':he
sa~d Jarty of the 3ecoud rart, his heirs und:::.s8i~11S, forever, tr-_e fo11o'1iing descl-ibed l:;.1"d,
tituhte, lying r..ud being iu tt.e ~5Ul.ty
of St. Iucie and St~te Of ?lor1da, to-~it:
Lot. 1
A. ,
of ]01[[e8 3ubd hisioll of
lots 2 Eo::d :3 of 3ecti:m 22 and fre~tiohl:l :3ecti)u 23 of
1'0'I:}1 Ship 37 3::lUth of &nge .-a E;t:.st. cJ!ltainir..g one l.1nd olle-r.~lf aorcs, more or lees, together
with v.11 ant) sever.....1 ti:e :Uparit;.:l ~it:h7.3.'.3:':.id ::;eacri!..tiou is in';ettded to c:)I.vey ell t:-.e lund.
f"rr.:erly a.med b;;.' sa-id nolLes in s5.id 3ec-~i.:>ns 2E; &1:1 23, c:.:.1 ~'" bounded o!~ the :7orth, S)uti:.
and ~eBt by 1anis sold by said ~olces to J~!. ~. ?r.o~pz~~ ~::d
~- ....""'-'..."'! ~Y"_...I'Io.'
_.. .... ............."..1....&..4._..1\.1&-&,
::~~d ~::~~e:.id::; t~
the ban~of the Indian ~i.....er ou the :::s.st, exoert1ug 60 r::uch of said land e.s is occupied bJ pub-
lie road.
rhis Deed r.ude L.ud ecoe~ted subject to b ::ortgege of $6330, $~G65 .0C due ~ec. ~~, 1S'2E, und
$H.65.00 doo Doc. G2, 1926. (DOC. star::ps-------$8.CO.)
tnd th1said rarties of the fir;;;.y _art do hereby f'ull~' warrant the title to sa1:1 land,sd ',~ill
defend tr:.e Sf.r:-.e a~lns t :he lc.".\ful clalr::s of ;:.11 reraons ?;::.on-.so€\'e r.
II; r.I~:;E33 i;Ii:;~O.?, the s!.:.i,j :p!>r';ies of the fi!'st ::81'-;' ha....e tereunto set their l:1.:!:~ ~nd
$eal the day and year ~Ve ~ritt~n.
~igue~, seEi.led and dellTered in presence of us:}
U:>n.ce .;ol',es
A.. E.
:::Vu J Jiles
~. H:)loorr.be
F. n. Fre:::~ Jr.
ZiUltf: rt'"bn
Oddetta Fremd
: ;
1. ~. Holootr.be
;~~J~~Y OF ~lL~ BEA~H
1 HEBZBY CERTIFY That on this day personally Appeared before me, &n officer duly authorized
ito adtJiulstcr oaths and te.ice aoknowledgments, Horaoe Jones and E'.h Jonea his ,',ife and F. n ~
(9ren:4 Jr. b.nd OdtlettQ 1?remd,
;exeouted the foregoing deed,
they executed the Gans freely and
, .
;Voluntarily for the purposes
hIe wife to me well known to
aud acknowledged before that
therein expreas&d.
be the ::-01'80116 desoribed in and who'
... r~ 1fl.- '="J;. ~.-~,.... _' ,,.~.,...... _; ....r'" ...;r.., .....,:
...~.. ...1-'l........-t: ......... ~~ ,,~...~.?i\:. .6.,"~_~ .~...-.....--.1i~.~r{