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~ID I ~'URTHB;l CERnn. That the said i:va Jones and Oadetto Fl"et:d l:nown to mo to be t,e
. ,tlfe of the ash Horaoe Joues ~nd ~'. W. ~'l'emd Jr. on a eel'arate an~ private exar:;lnatioll tc..ken and i
!tt.de by and before ~e, soparately end apart from her said huab~nd, did- aoknowledge that s1le mado tel"
self a party to said deed for the purpose of renounoing, rolinquishing and conveying all her rigto,
title and iuteroot, whether dower, llomoatead or of ae~arate property, .atlltut~ry or equitabl~, in'
and to the lands desoribed therein, end. tmt she executed tho said deed frOelY~ vCJlunta.rlli' and
~'ithout Ilny oOtlpulaion, oonstralnt, apprehension or fear of or from her 6aid h',.sband.
\7ITtiESS q{ hand and official seul a.t ~.cst l'a1::, Beaoh:::ount~. of l'i~lr:; 3e~_oh' and 3tate
Jmlusry u. D. 1925.
;33 IDA 1:. l:E1LY. ro ';';ll?SR S. 1."EIIY.
this Jan. 23. 1925.
A. ~. Zi:::r:er!IlE.;n
Itotary iublic St.te, of Florida,
1~ oou~:ssi()u exrires Jul~ 31, '1925.
-- -1'. C. Zld red (CLZ?.K OF THE
3~ ,1 ~_~.L
~I!~:;tf:~~ C~::3T)
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l'07;ER 07 ";".nO~;EY
i:1::n-: .;'.L:' :~1: SY
-'rH..T I, !.:r.; Ida 1:. 1:elly have ITade, COllstituted aud a:p:-ointed, mid b~T these rresents
do zr.a.ke, constitute bud &?point r.ulter S. Aell~' ~ true .and IE..7."ful at";;Orlley for r;:e aHd in r::;i m:.rre,
'l~oe m.d stead,
To nsnage or superintend all the est~tes of '.tI:ich I 3.~ or shell becor.:e possessed 1:1 tte
:=ounty of 3t. lucie, und 3t:.c~e of 11o:rHe, 1..11d gerier~ll~' ~o act as ~. att..;rney Or agent in 3tc.te
of Florida"in r"L;.ti:on to tte rrer::ises, uni! &11 ,:>ti:er ITtlt::r in n!'.ich I cr.y be in~erebted or C:Jll.
cerned, and Cil ~. be::slf to exec-ute all sue:-:- instru:._€ !its , crld to do.all 8uoh acts ~nd thirlfS, ::3
f:.lly l.;lld effeotu~ll~' in ",II resrecta a3 1 ~-self could do_if :p(;rsoli!-,.ll~- ~r(sent.
giving ani ~ruu.ting Ull~~ i"i'alter 3. ~:e1.1~ 8..1\.d uttorney full -: o,..,er ~:;i\ s~l"'hori t.:: 1;0 ~ i::"d ::cr~:Jr..:
- ,
to.:il and ever;,' act and thing wr.titsoe.....(.r re~.i.uisite u:-.,j neo€:ssi..<ry ~o -be dOlle in und about t:,e !ireuis8s
&3 fully, to ::.11 intents ~Ed purp~ses, ~3 :;: :;ight or cO".lld db if ~ers~n!:.ll~,. y,reaeut, ";itr. full
:pJ'lier of aubstituti~n and reyocat,iQu, hcrcb;; rutif:;~:J.g&ld. oou.fir::ing !All that the sc:. i:l <;.;...):'r.6:,- or
tis 9~be~itute~fUll~ do or cause to be dcne b~ .irt~e r.ereof.
J, r-' ...:-""_.~.' -'-:'--"'--.".' · :...vc ~,<>.... U'l"" "'e't .-. h",.,.1 0'1'1' oe"l ~'"_e ?-"elfth d~'y OI~ -~a'."u' "'.C'Y ,
...... i''''':' ..........:.l_ .t.... _.. ~.... ~ ..~ "" ....t;.. .t. "'';"I' ~ ~ .."",'r .......1U. .. ~ '\oio wI; _" _ _ _ l~i
tl~e ~ienr one thousand n1r.8 h'lil.dr{;d bolid :'-,'-ellt~~.fi.o.
3e:o.led l:.lld deiin red in the j,ri:: <.:enCe of
.3. ;.. l'etty
~_~3. Id!i }'. ::el~J'
~,---a. _Dro->>krd
..i:;.~te of t:1ctigan )
~<)uut~. of l'iayne I )
3::: 12 t::;Oitli, T~t 011 the l~th du:.-,.1~nuer.i one thot..aand nine hundred a~d"1~.i:;5, be fora
"_0 n :iotary :iubllo ~ ill and for the st1;te ::J-f i:ioh1?Uli duly co::.misz 10Hed ..;.Jld aT.,~rn. d'.\elli~ in 1;[.&;
'~ity Of Detroit, ;"ichigan. persor~lly caLC :.Hid c.I'r~~r' d 1:1''''' Ida 1[. Kelly to me rers:>nally }:nOil1l
iAit.d knO'Nll to .::e to be t1:6 3!i...:e -;era:n\ dtH!Cribed in <-ud ','}:,> executed the ;;ithin po'<\'er of :;.ttorue:!
\(hd ahe aCi~''''ledged t::6 withi:. I01;er of f.ottvrne~! *to be her free !lot fwd de€.d.
\ Iii 'l'E.)~l~O~;Y fmzdo:l, l~(;ubtO' subsoribed ~. ll~;-..e and affixed m:-- sC:J.l of office tht3 il:.:.~'
<-ad ye,ar JG.st ",bo.& -'.HittE:L~
. ,
~~~,!. ~,ea;;i. ..'
:ct. Ot. Sef'l.
J j.
this Jun. 2? 1925. ....0"
'. Saniue: A,' ~ett.~ . '0' C dEAL)
11otu17 l'ubli.., ;.a:Jl&e ~)tUlty, ....ice..
~ oorr~lssiJn e~~ire8 Aug. El, 1925
P. C. Eldred(CLE!~ OH TnE ~I~~UrT ~~~RT)
~A,.,q""A-~ i
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